Hillary and Guns

In addition to not liking guns (except those worn by her free for life Secret Service protection), she doesn't like mornings either. :)

Hillary and Janet Reno= The Gorgon sisters of Greek myth fame.Anyone sees them and turns to stone.Just ask the brass monkey.I,m quite sreious you know.RIGHTTT.NEXT.:D
I don't think she'll be stupid enough to run. The dem's wont' allow it. She's too controversial and they'd probably have to bide their time for at least 2 more elections if she ran. I lean in the middle (I too favor some aspects of socialism, not the whole thing mind you, but it brings up good points) but I would vote for Satan himself (after all, he's the fun one) instead of her. If she does run, I'm going to be a dork and start helping the republican party. Ironic isn't it? A religious party being supported by me. That's how desperate I am to secure my constituitional freedom. I wonder what the Found Fathers would think of this crap....I'm sure if corpses could roll over, they'd be doing a 1080 in their grave.