Hilary Would Love Us!

The point of what I am saying though is that the Pandora's Box of foreign entanglements is open, and there is no going back at this point, no matter how bad Ron Paul wants to.
But wouldn't it be a good idea to at least attempt to slow that down a bit? I mean we could start by not giving Saudi Arabia a 20 billion dollar weapons deal while also arming the Israelis.

Yknow, little things.
I see no difference between Republicans and Democrats anymore. They all work to cater to corporate America. Jobs, wages, interest rates, import/export, illegal immigration, taxes...It is all made to get more money to and from big corporations. The average American matters not any longer.

We say we have the best country ever because of our system. I am beginning to think that is not true. We lack honor amongst thieves. We lack honor amongst our government, our people, and our families. Common sense has been all but forgotten. Friends, family and meaningfull relationships have been abandoned for a "right here, right now" type of mentality. Corporations have catered to this idea, again, to make money. They flash flesh in front of us every moment they get. They flash new gadgets and toys in front of us like carrots to a mule. They brainwash us into thinking there are all these things we "need" when in fact that is not true. I believe the Empire of the United States is quickly declining. Our reign is VERY short lived when standing next to some of the other great Empires of history.

Look at ancient Greece. They stood for 1200 years. They attained democracy, while still catering to the average citizen. There were, of course, many in power who wanted to do wrong...but the people stood against these individuals and took their country back. After the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, we will never do that again in America. Taking the law into the hands of citizens is thought to be wrong now. I looked back at some historical data. When cops were killed, when citizens were killed, when children were raped...mobs went out, caught the offender and hung them in the streets. Since when did it become wrong to stand up for justice? Since when did it become wrong for the citizens of a nation to uphold the laws of those nations? Since when did the citizens of the USA become pansies who whimper and cry in the face of danger rather than stand against it honorably and fearlessly? There are facets of these good qualities in our country here and there, but NOWHERE near the level it has been in centuries past. Our country is being filled with carebears and like the fake, stuffed animals...we will soon be forgotten and put into the history books, remembered as a fun plaything for the world.

I love this country and what it has stood for in the past. I can not say the same for what I am affraid it may become in the future.
But wouldn't it be a good idea to at least attempt to slow that down a bit?

Yes absolutely. But the question is where to start? The Mid East might not be the best place to start, considering we have Iran on the brink of nuclear weapons.
Jackson was an SOB for taking florida for Monroe, but Monroe didn't give it back did he? Jefferson thought the louisiana purchase was unconsitutional, but he bought the damn place anyway, which in a funny way makes the civil war jefferson's fault for not sticking to his constitutional principles but I digress.

Pragmatism has been the watchword for american foreign policy from the beginning. Anyone for Realpolitik(in honor of Wildalaska who is apparantly sitting in detention).
I see no difference between Republicans and Democrats anymore. They all work to cater to corporate America. Jobs, wages, interest rates, import/export, illegal immigration, taxes...It is all made to get more money to and from big corporations. The average American matters not any longer.
I didn't want to quote the whole post, but I agree with Ivan on this one %100 and it makes me sick. :barf:
Marko Kloos: Truth be told, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she were to win the election in 2008. Maybe it would galvanize the so-called Conservatives to get off their asses, stop rubber-stamping Big Government legislation, and actually re-discover conservative principles.
Sounds good in theory. However, considering the low popularity of Bush and the fact that the GOP lost both houses of Congress, what the hell is it going to take for the politicians to wake up????!!!!
What is to come after 8 years of Hillary's reign? Maybe one of the Bush sisters??? :barf:

It seems we are in a Dynasty more and more as time goes on, right?
Maybe the republicans don't have the greatest field to chose from. But any of them will be better then the alternative.

Sorry...fell for that one seven years ago. The result is a super-sized federal government, a Bill of Rights in tatters, and a three quarter trillion dollars run up on the national credit card that my kids and grandkids will have to pay off.

Sad thing is that after a few years of President Hillary, we can look back at 2007 as the "good old days":(
I think to much is being made over this, while there is the possibility that she would create more gun control, we have a war going on that is totally diverting public attention. so the chance that gun control becomes a stronger issue then Iraq seems pretty slim.

and yes it is seeming like a dynasty
Hillary doesn't need to come to our humble gathering place. The Republicans have totally forgotten what issues the party is strongest on: Spending, taxes, the size/intrusiveness of government, and guns. The confluence of these issues is a big stick to smack "a billion here, a billion there, pretty soon that's real money!", tax-hiking, gungrabbing Democrats down with, and the Republicans threw it away.

Bush got my vote in 00 based on taxes, cutting spending, and not pushing for an AWB renewal. He got it again in '04 based on the AWB ban lapsing without him saying a thing about it and the tax cuts. At least he put some good judges on the Supreme Court because the rest of his administration has been a boondoggle. Plus, the alternative was Scary Kerry so the choices were obvious that year.

For '08, well, the leading Republicans have thrown it all away: spending like money is going out of fashion, no pushing to make tax cuts permanent, gungrabber policies, no plans to rein in bloated bureaucracies (especially DHS), etc. There really isn't anything either Romney or Giuliani has to offer that's different from HRC. Bush squeaked by in '04 with a 2 legged table; these guys are trying to tell me the floor is where dinner is served. Yeah right.
At least he put some good judges on the Supreme Court

Actually, that is just speculation. We assume they are good judges because we have been told so by Republican leaders and some conservative commentators like Sean Hannity. But they have yet to be tested.
If you can't tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats, should you really be fooling around with guns? You're likely to hurt yourself.
If you can't tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats, should you really be fooling around with guns? You're likely to hurt yourself.

The difference: Democrats tax and spend, Republicans borrow and spend.
When they want to borrow money, you don't have to lend it. If you choose to do so, you get paid. When the tax you, you pay or they take your stuff.