High stress shotgun reloading tips anyone?

Find something that works for you and safely practice, practice ..... practice and more practice.

It should become second nature. Do not try for speed just accomplish the reload without dropping the rounds or shotgun. Train your muscles and when a serious social occasion arises you will not screw up.
another option used by this disabled old man is to dump the now empty shotgun and draw the handgun. I find this makes for a much quicker reload.
Ahoy Pops,

"...if something goes bump in the night ..." [Pops1085]

Once I have shot my 5 or 6, and there are still BGs attacking (very unlikely) I would not bother trying a reload (just too risky in the dark, too many things can go wrong), would just toss the shotgun at the perp(s) and blast away with 45ACP and 44spl S&W (both revolvers, slow bullets, lower risk penetrators) till the attack is stopped.

Best of luck to you, and.... check your 6.
If, by the time the shotgun is empty, they're still coming, it's not a break in, but an invasion.
About all one can hope for then, is not to die alone.
Not every situation is survivable.