High Powered Rifle

NRA match rules are NRA match rules and only apply to NRA matches.

Maybe it should. Then again, as far a defining what constitutes 'high power,' the NRA has done it. Yes, it was done for their matches, but they did it and it is very public, known, and accepted. It IS the only realm in which there is an official definition and .223 qualifies. As there really is no other official definition, it is a de facto working definition.

We may not agree with it as individuals. We may not like it. However, the NRA has no problem with it.

My point here is that it is hard to find fault with the media or the police for calling .223 high power when our largest, best known representative gun organization includes it in competition for high power rifles.

We have to change how we (the NRA) does things before we can expect the opposition to ever come to recognize the .223 an an intermediate powered caliber or something other than high powered.

Otherwise, how do you logically defend the argument that it qualifies for high power matches but doesn't qualify as a high powered rifle? It comes across as rather hypocritical.
44 AMP said:
I consider "Assault Rifle" to be a valid term, It has had a definition used by firearms people (both in and out of the military) since the Germans produced them, and uses three of the Sturmgewehr's features to define the class.
"Assault rifle" is, indeed, a valid term. Personally, I do not think it was an accident or a coincidence that the anti-gun forces started called black rifles "assault weapons." I believe they were very aware of what they were doing, and that it was a conscious attempt to convince the uninitiated that semi-automatic firearms were the same thing as select-fire military firearms.
"Assault rifle" is, indeed, a valid term. Personally, I do not think it was an accident or a coincidence that the anti-gun forces started called black rifles "assault weapons." I believe they were very aware of what they were doing, and that it was a conscious attempt to convince the uninitiated that semi-automatic firearms were the same thing as select-fire military firearms.

Yep. We have to stop assuming the anti’s are dumb. They are playing the long game and doing well at it. If we dont capitalize on the current SCOTUS decision's and solidify our position…we are in trouble in the next few years.
Have you heard the firing of the
semi-auto Modern Sporting Rifle
in Highland Park, IL, or Ulvalde,
TX. ?

Select fire to define an "assault
rifle" is a nuance that is lost on
the people of those towns and
many other places in recent
years. Semi-auto seems to
pile up the bodies of the young
just the same.
Have you heard the firing of the
semi-auto Modern Sporting Rifle
in Highland Park, IL

Yes. I also have A LOT of time with full-auto weapons. The Highland park shooting was unmistakably SEMI-auto.

We need to put an unemotional lens to this problem. How many people are killed in this country texting while driving? How many from DUI/DUID? No call to install blowers in all cars. Why not. We would save lives.

Add in the fact that evil WILL find a way. Heck, a homemade gun was just used to kill a former head of state in a country with STRICT gun control. Maybe the strictest in the WORLD.

Cant get a gun? Rent a truck (Nice, France). Use a Knife (London,England). The list goes on. Even if somehow we could eliminate EVERY gun in the WORLD…Evil will find a way.

How does adding another law to the books help anything? Murder is already illegal. That doesnt seem to dissuade these monsters.
Personally, I do not think it was an accident or a coincidence that the anti-gun forces started called black rifles "assault weapons."

Oh, it was no accident, and we, unwittingly helped "educate them" We tried being reasonable, believing they would respond in kind. They did not,, and in the end all we really did was teach the raptors where the food came from...:rolleyes:

Patrick Purdey's mass murder in a Stockton Ca schoolyard began the mess. He used a Semi auto AK 47 to kill his victims, and a pistol to kill himself, leaving the press with nothing to focus on but the victims, and THE GUN.....

At first they called it an assault rifle.
We countered with the truth, that it wasn't an assault rifle it was just a semi auto.

They sort of listened, and began calling rifles of that style "semi automatic assault rifles".

This proved to cumbersome a sound bite to poll well, and they cast about for a better term. Some bright bulb came up with "assault weapon". Which in the 94 law covered ONLY certain semiautomatic firearms.

and as you know people would, they saw a rifle, were told it was an assault weapon, so naturally they contracted it to "assault rifle"....

So now, here we are, the terms are firmly entrenched in our culture, despite the technical inaccuracy. In hindsight, we might have been better off had we not bothered to try and teach them the truth in the beginning. Oh well...
IF we had responsible journalists, they could come to know the finer points, like what is a casing, bullet, etc. I have a good friend who was amazed that I shot over 400 rounds/mo. He thought it excessive-when reasonable people react like that, it is one hell of a slog to get the weenies to even listen.
IF we had responsible journalists, they could come to know the finer points, like what is a casing, bullet, etc. I have a good friend who was amazed that I shot over 400 rounds/mo. He thought it excessive-when reasonable people react like that, it is one hell of a slog to get the weenies to even listen.
Modern people in general, my kids included, don't do that. They believe they can always look up the internet when they need information. Anybody can be expert on anything without learning to be one. Taking away internet from them, they will reduce to nincompoops.

David Kahn was an journalist in New York, probably with time magazine. He researched into cryptology and became a real expert of it. The famous book on the topic, the code breakers, was authored by him. People of his caliber have become extinct with the greatest generation America has produced. They are gone forever I'm afraid.


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Taking away internet from them, they will reduce to nincompoops.

Or the cash register....

want to boggle their minds? buy something, pay in cash, and give them more money than the sale amount so you get your change back in full bills. They tend to suffer glazed looks and lock up....
Most of them can follow you, if you explain it to them, but only most of them...:rolleyes:
44 AMP said:
want to boggle their minds? buy something, pay in cash, and give them more money than the sale amount so you get your change back in full bills. They tend to suffer glazed looks and lock up....
Most of them can follow you, if you explain it to them, but only most of them...
Maybe one out of a hundred can actually follow you. Some have an epiphany when they punch in the amount tendered and see the change ring up as full dollars, but even at that stage many just look at the register display and you can see that their brain is telling them, "It's magic! How did he do that?"
semi-auto Modern Sporting Rifle and Black Rifle are just as much terms of art as Assault Rifle.

When is a term of art not a term of art? I've read here and on other forums that any rifle used in an assault is an assault rifle. Considering that all of these mass shootings are by definition assaults, and the rile used is then an assault rifle.

The "semi-auto Modern Sporting Rifle". is a popular choice for many (not all) mass shooting. It holds the record for most people killed and wounded in a single incident.
When it is used that way it is an assault weapon and the label is appropriate.

44 AMP:
Patrick Purdey's mass murder in a Stockton Ca schoolyard began the mess. He used a Semi auto AK 47 to kill his victims, and a pistol to kill himself, leaving the press with nothing to focus on but the victims, and THE GUN.....

At first they called it an assault rifle.
We countered with the truth, that it wasn't an assault rifle it was just a semi auto.

The AK-47 is the Soviet version of the StG-44, if any rifle can be called an assault rifle it would be the AK-47
Considering that all of these mass shootings are by definition assaults, and the rile used is then an assault rifle.

The nuances of English cause all kinds of convoluted arguments. If I accept that the rifle used in an assault is an assault rifle, because it was used in an assault, then you must accept the corollary, that every rifle NOT used in an assault (even if physically identical to one that is used in an assault) is NOT an assault rifle.

Personally, I'd be ok with that, but existing law doesn't define things that way. Want to ban assault weapons? Ok, ban every individual weapon that has been used in an assault. And leave every other one that has NOT been used in an assault alone. Don't ban them by any definition of type, but by USE.

Seems fair to me. But, for better or worse, it's not the way our world works.