I am just going to state the obvious, and I am sorry I do not have something more in depth and articulate to say: Limiting guns magazines to 10 rounds will do absolutely nothing. If a criminal is using a gun to kill someone, do you think he cares how many rounds his magazine carries? No, because 10 rounds or 100, it does not matter how many rounds their gun has, its still going to kill someone.
And trying to ban standard capacity magazines is just a transparent attempt to make it look like they are trying to do something about the so called "gun problem" in the US. They only do what they do to gain popularity, disarm us law abiding citizens, and to hide it behind "doing something for the children".
Many of you may have known that Los Angeles county banned gun shows last year. And murder is actually up something like 8%. Now how could this happen? I thought banning gun shows would stop people from getting killed. Yet another thing they did to gain popularity, and make it look like they cared, and were trying to do anything.
And, in in average in the US less then 2% of guns used in crime are purchased at gun shows. And Los Angeles knew this, yet they went ahead with the ban anyways. Because they do not care where the guns come from, they just need a someone to blame, to make it look like they have solved something.
But, in the end, the truth comes through, they have not solved anything by any of these meaningless gun laws. Every gun law out there was obviously not thought through properly, and does not do anything to stop criminals from owning guns. And hopefully, we will win it, and everyone will realize that in all those years of watching politicians "solving problems" they were watching a curtain being pulled over their eyes.