Hidden rifle/shotgun in your vehicle?


New member
It's not hard to hide a pistol in a car/truck. Glove box, compartments, under seats, etc. How about a rifle/shotgun? Do you have a compartment under your back seat that can fit a long gun? Do you use a truck box or behind the back seat? Did you do any modifications to your truck to be able to hide your long guns?
I ask because I'm looking for ideas for where to hide one of my rifles in my truck. When I lived out in the country, I just had a rack for ease of grabbing it when needed. Now, I'm in city limits and putting it on a rack like I used to will either have my truck broken into to steal it or scare the crap out of less educated people and get the cops called on me. I have an extended cab (not crew cab, so not as roomy in the back) pickup.
I keep a SxS 12 gauge external hammer shotgun in an old locked Samsonite briefcase in my truck. I have a dark blanket that I cover it with that matches the seat and floor so it can't be seen.


I like the idea of using an inconspicuous case, then tossing a blanket over it. I've seen gun cases that look like tennis racket cases or guitar cases.
Another idea I have is I have a black dog "hammock" in the back seat for my lab to keep the seats dry/clean when she jumps in. I can easily put a gun case under it and nobody can see it. But IF somebody did break into my truck, it wouldn't take much to find it just by lifting up the hammock.
The reason I'm so concerned about theft is because I live in Albuquerque, NM now...which is #1 in the country for car break ins. To my understanding though, if they don't see anything worth stealing through the window, they'll keep looking for another target.
I use a tennis racquet bag to store my AK in my vehicles. Its a cheap bag from Walmart. The gun and a few spare mags all fit nicely.
There are seat covers that hold up to 3 long guns, also head liners that hold 1 or 2 that fits above the visors, and many other ways.
+1 to the SXS.
They break down very well into three small sections.
I carried mine in a gym bag.
Nothing fancy.

I still do pack it along when I travel - depending on where I'm headed.
The other benefit to the SxS is that it only cost $300 so if anything were to happen to it, it wouldn't be a big loss.
True dat! (price)

A single shot 12 or 20 ga can be even cheaper, but, the barrel is usually too long to pack.
Plus, the SXS (mine anyhow) requires no tools to take down or put together.
A single shot 12 or 20 ga can be even cheaper, but, the barrel is usually too long to pack.
There are at least two single-shots out there, currently available, that sort of fold in half at the hinge. Baikal and .... Hatfield, maybe?

I've always wanted a shorty Marlin 336 or 444 take-down that's actually quick to assemble. (Most versions are very tedious and slow.) The whole thing could be packed into a violin case (or similar). One of these days, I'll figure it out and have the necessary parts machined to my specs. One of these days....
I don't hide a gun there but . . .

I have a 2010 Rav 4. In the luggage compartment, just behind the rear seat, under the carpet there is a shallow compartment that stretches the width of the car and I didn't know it as there for several years. Discovered it when giving the car a thorough cleaning and removed the carpet from the luggage compartment. I think a thin rifle, like say a lever action, would fit in there nicely. Just a thought . . .

Life is good
Prof Young
would't a broke down shotgun defeat the purpose of a quickly needed weapon? terry
Sort of depends on how you define quick.
I never timed putting the SXS together, but, it's not all that difficult to do.

Mine is mainly for emergencies like deer or moose that need to be put down humanely. We have a lot of remote roads in northern Canada. I have seen a deer that had been hit by a truck dispatched with a tire iron and that is something I plan to spare myself from.
My dad carries a folding stock AK with several magazines velcro'd into a beat up Tennis Racket case. Works well and looks cheap and unworthy of stealing.

When I lived in town at our old house, that was a.... a little sketchy neighborhood behind us with lots of foot traffic... I used to tote my guns in and out inside a soft guitar case. Kind of awkward, but I don't want anyone knowing what I got until I'm using it.

Tuffy has some nice options, including Conceal Carry drawers to go under your drivers seat.
would't a broke down shotgun defeat the purpose of a quickly needed weapon? terry

It is still better to have it within reach than be left without a weapon at all. Imagine if you may be confronted by a carjacking scenario or a pending wild animal attack. You may still be able to lock yourself in your vehicle, open the case and assemble the shotgun ready for use. Much better than locking yourself in and then waiting precious moments for help to arrive while gangbangers bash each window in with bats or that big wild bear starts to tip your car back and forth with you inside.

Me personally, I have used a extra-length Nike outdoors duffel as well as one of those cases made for the storage of wind instruments to house the Remington Model 1866 Revolving Carbine that I sometimes carry in my truck on certain trips. Mainly for defense against on-road threats like carjackers, but sometimes I may go by a nice range on the trip and want to take a break and do some good ol' plinking.

including Conceal Carry drawers to go under your drivers seat.

Oh God I was thinking about something else entirely until I read the "under your drivers seat" part LOL!:D

Did anybody else notice that the tubes on that SXS in the pic are about 12"! NOte too that the pic is from Canada, which apparently has a different stance on SBR's and SBS's than we do here in the US.

Canada's barrel length restrictions are definitely interesting. However, most of the "fun" stuff seems to be restricted, which means it can really only go from the safe to the range, and back. (My understanding...)
As far as how I do. Have a CCP and a cased 30 US carbine paratrooper model stuffed under my seat. Loaded Clips for are long term stored in the glove compartment. Quick easy to get too Firepower that can definitely wreak havoc in a bad situation.