Hickok45 and ads


New member
Of late when calling up Hickok45's YouTube offerings, the preceding ads seem to be not only frequent but getting longer and longer.

Just tried to call up one of his reviews and the movie ad was more than two and a half minutes. I hated the ad and quit before getting to Hickok's video.

And I've encountered even longer lead-in ads. I can handle a minute or minute and a half.

I know it helps finance his enterprise but....but....

....maybe it's goodbye time to Hickok45.
I'm all for both of you being free to make choices.

Old Hickock puts a lot more time and trouble into making those vids than we do watching ads.

I don't know much about how it all works,but seems like I saw a news article that youtube was going to get away from the ads you can't skip.

I confess I don't subscribe or send money. Do you?

I don't expect free lunch.I don't get excited about the ads. And I am free to close the window.
I have an extension on my Google Chrome called "AdBlock". It is an option that you can contribute any amount of money you want and they will block 98% of all ads. I sent them $5. Best 5 bucks I ever spent. I just checked out Hickock45 on about 7 vids and not one single ad. It also eliminated all the ads on my email page.

You may have something like that offered on your server. Here ya go.

Other than choosing what types of ads and where they are placed in the videos, I don't believe individual content creators have choice in the content or length of the ads that play before their videos. They can choose if there are ads and what types will show up, but this directly affects their revenue share
I use an adblocker because there are so many websites I go to that are inundated with so many ads I can barely read anything.

Look up adblockers for your internet browser. Firefox is great, so many add ons that make my web browsing experience great, including translating what my favorite Korean pop groups are tweeting they're having for lunch.

Hint: It's usually Kimchi.
Your browser can have more than one window or tab open at a time. Silence the commercial and watch something else in another window till the commercial is over.
I skip the ads....and the videos. Nothing against Hickok45 as he seems like a really nice guy, but I find the videos to be about three times longer than they need to be. I sure would love to have his range setup though.
He doesn't have any control over how YouTube chooses to advertise......They place ads somewhere in most of the videos.
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A minor correction, content creators do have control over whether or not ads appear on/before their videos. You can control whether you have videos before the ads, pop up ads, etc. Without some form of ads, you can not receive any revenue from your videos. Content creators receive 55% of the ad revenue from videos they monetize, so it's in their interests to allow as many ads as possible. To my knowledge, though, they have no control over the length of the preceding ads or whether they're skippable.
Two and a half minutes is too long, IMO. But I'm not against a reasonable length or number of ads. It encourages people to make entertaining videos.
Just got done watching another Hickok video. It's not his fault if Youtube throws a long ad before his contact. It's a free service. I know when you get more followers or clicks they contact you about making money but if you or I want to post videos right now on Youtube we will also have ads.

I wish Full 30 had a Roku app.
Interesting, I did not know they did that with ads. I can certainly see both sides of the argument. The ads are really annoying but I can see someone like hickock 45 putting a lot of effort and money into his videos. I went to some site, I think it was part of NBC, to look at some NASCAR video. It told me I had to turn off my Adblock in order to watch their video. Adblock said it was currently blocking 64 ads. Sorry NBC, I don't want to your video that much. I'll pass.
+ 1 to what ratshooter said. I've never seen an add on Hickok45's vids. Then again I block them using the same free app on both google chrome and firefox.
As others have mentioned above, YouTube uploaders don't have control over the ads or how long they are. That's purely YouTube.
The only control an uploader really has is:
1. Whether or not ads can play before a video.
2. Whether or not ads are skippable. (But YouTube still makes some ads unskippable.)
3. Whether or not ads can play during a video.
4. Whether or not static ads can be displayed next to the video.

A. Provisional - If viewers/subscribers find a particular ad offensive or inappropriate for the video, the owner/uploader can file a complaint and try to get that ad blocked from playing before/during their video(s).

When you see a video that's an hour long and only has two ads that play, yet another 10-minute video has 17 ads over the duration... It's not greedy uploaders; it's YouTube selecting and placing the ads.
I installed AdBlocker on two computers. So far, in about 6 weeks, almost 160,000 ads have been blocked. It's like 25,000 on one machine, and 127,000 plus on the other.

With this installed, I haven't seen an ad on a video in that time. And it blocks ads on say, MSN for example. And MSN was really bad for ads.

I wish something like that existed for cable TV. :D
Don't blame Hickok. He's providing a service to millions and millions of people and deserves to be paid for that service.

Now, regarding a 2:30 length? That's way too long, but that's Youtube's fault.
It really isn't Youtube's fault. Remember Hickock45 is allowing it to happen in exchange for $. So he is definitely a part of the problem as is anyone who monetizes their channel.