Hi-Power clones

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New member
how does the FEG PJK-9HP hungarian made
Hi-Power clone compare to a used Browning
Hi-Power? the price is so low on the PJK I
have to buy one, I've heard that all parts are interchangable with new HPs, true or not?
any info good or bad would be appreciated:}
I just bought a slightly used FEG and like it very much despite a gritty trigger. As a result I am considering disarming the magazine safety. After indexing the rear sight @ the range I literally "tore up" the target in that there was one ragged hole @ 12-15 yds! It ate Federal 9BP HPs & Cor-Bon both with aplomb. The only complaint after approx. 250 rds. is that my trigger finger was totally numb from the crappy trigger pull. However, no failures & superb accuracy.
Buy one. By the way, mine came w/ 2 Hi-Caps.
I bought a new FEG ,my first 9mm, and love it. The second thing I did was to remove the mag disconnect which clears up the trigger pull.I have put about 2000 rounds thru it and love it. In fact I gave it to my wife because she loved it.
The quality is excellent and the price is great,so buy a few!!

Better days to be,

I don't like the clones, get the real thing. You won't regret it.

I also don't believe in disconnecting any saftey devices. You might be opening the door to legal/liability problems.
gun sounds good thanks, is the mag safety
easy to remove? that seems to be the number
one complaint about these pistols, I did
order 2 of the PJKs, SOG is out, so I ordered
from Davidsons, these guns come with 13 rd
mags, I figured this will be the last of them
and I'm not missing out.
I strongly advise those of you who have removed the Magazine safety on your pistols, that it is not a good idea. If you ever have to use the gun in a defensive move, IE shoot a home intruder, etc. the D.A. will use the fact that you removed a safety device against you. That is, "You made a deadly weapon even more deadly by removing a safety?" This was stated by a County Attorney where I live where the defendant pinned the safety on a 1911A1. He got 20 years. I believe Massad Ayoob has also brought up this subject.
There are ways a good gunsmith can smooth up a Hi-power, or clone, without the removal of this safety.
To quote an old saw, "A word to the wise is sufficient."
Paul B.
I strongly advise those of you who have removed the Magazine safety on your pistols, that it is not a good idea. If you ever have to use the gun in a defensive move, IE shoot a home intruder, etc. the D.A. will use the fact that you removed a safety device against you. That is, "You made a deadly weapon even more deadly by removing a safety?" This was stated by a County Attorney where I live where the defendant pinned the safety on a 1911A1. He got 20 years. I believe Massad Ayoob has also brought up this subject.
There are ways a good gunsmith can smooth up a Hi-power, or clone, without the removal of this safety.
To quote an old saw, "A word to the wise is sufficient."
Paul B.
How is it that a legal shoot is made illegal by the type of legal or even illegal weapon used? Technically, by defintion of the law, your shot is right or wrong (ie., self defence or not). Not that laws or the Constitution have anything to do with the criminal justice system (or laws with the Constitution) :( .
I believe most on this forum would agree that if a self defense shooting is justified, something such as a mag disconnect safety shouldn't matter. We have all read reports involving multiple shots where people decry the multiple shots. Comments such as "I can understand 1 shot, but 3?" If shooting is justified, 1 or 3 or 10 is justified if that's what it takes.
However, a prosecuter can use these types of things to portray you as evil. Be careful of removing "safety devises."
The replacement triggers from Cylinder and Slide don't have a provision for the mag safety, so it's not as if you just unilaterally removed it! ( I work with attorneys quite often, so some of the weaselly thinking has rubbed off.)

My FEG has been very reliable, except with Speer 125 +P's, which sometimes don't allow the slide to fully return to battery. The overall grittiness of the action ( not just the trigger) is getting better and better as the pistol enters it's second 1000 rounds.

Accuracy is comparable to most Hi Power's.

The only non-interchangeable part i've found was a Wolff extra power recoil spring. The plug on the FEG is a little different, and the extra power spring didn't allow for reasonably easy disassembly.
I'll give you a few more Hyperconcerns.
1. What? You mean you practiced shooting?
2. Do you deny that you used hollow points?
3. Why didnt you fire a warning shot?
4. Why didnt you just offer to kiss his butt?

See where Im going? The important thing is to be alive when its over. I never have been an Ayoob fan.

Better days to be,

thanks all for info, I carry a SP-101 .357,
targets and cans will be my bad guys with
the PJK, and for the price of a Browning I
could buy 3 PJKs plus extra mags, I've looked
at Argentine Hi-Powers and some are past
retirement, ya don't know how many rounds
been thru some of those old HPs, not one
bad word against PJKs, the mag safety doesn't
make sense to me, it just ruins the single
action pull, ya can't fire the gun with the mag out, I doubt anyone but myself would notice if the mag safety was deleted,thanks again:]
Who would know if you took out something? Most legal types don't even know which end the bullet comes out. JMHO

Yankee Doodle
The question regarding saftey removal will not be a problem as far as criminal charges go. A good shoot is a good shoot.
Where it will come back to haunt you is in the CIVIL lawsuit which will almost surely follow any shooting. You will be painted as a dangerous individual looking to shoot someone with a specially modified killing machine. Never underestamate the stupidity of a jury.
I agree with Greyfox. I have been involved with LEO and lawyers at several levels, never on the wrong side of them. Another thing that should be mentioned is use factory made ammo. A geasy lawyer could and will try to paint your home made lead ball as a special killing bullets. If you use factory ammo they can not try to claim that you. So put up you home made stuff and load up with Hydrashocks or Silvertips.

Joe POrtale
Tucson, Arizona Territory
The best BHP clones IMO are the Bulgarian Arcus models. Only part that does not interchange with the newest BHP Mk IIIS is the trigger bar/lever, whatever you call it; it is more like the original.

CDNN had em for $180, and they are waaaaay better than the Hungarian and Argentine pistols; better steel, heat treatment, finish, and the triggers are fine as is out of the box.

Sorry to burst the bubble, but people who remove safety devices from defensive firearms could find themselves in a whole lot of trouble if they use the guns. Defense shootings by civilians are always a crap shoot on what happens, and you could lose.

I don't care what you may think of as a "good shoot" or what you may call "justice". No trial is concered with justice or truth. It is an adversary procedure with both sides out to win at any cost.

Yes, a D.A. will tell a jury that by deactivating a safety, you showed yourself to be a casual, reckless, killer, out to murder innocent people. The handloads you are proud of were concocted in the dark of night, in the secrecy of your basement, with no purpose other than to rip and tear at human flesh. In a civil suit, you can probably expect worse.

Even a cop who had his Colt service revolver "smoothed up" was convicted of murder; the D.A., faced with a shooting of a minority and wanting to calm things down, claimed that the officer, without authority, modified his weapon into a murder gun. The cop went to jail, the D.A. went to the State Senate.

You babes in the woods better get real. You think "justice will prevail" and you get to decide what is a "good shoot."

Naive fools carrying guns can damn well end up in a prison cell with a 400 pound guy who hasn't had a woman for years and figures you will do nicely as a substitute. And you won't have your gun for protection, either.

If you are a cop and think the badge will protect you, you may be right. If you aren't, you might find out that the 400 pounder was a guy you sent to prison. Have fun!

Hi Pritchard,

If you mean can I now cite specific cases (state, county, date, case), no, although each situation I described has been reported as fact. The case of the Philadelphia cop with the slicked up revolver was in the papers; the D.A. needed a scapegoat and the "rogue cop" was it.

The point is, why give people who will be out to get you any opening you don't have to? I don't say not to carry a gun if you can do so legally, but I do say that tampering with it and using reloads can be big trouble if someone wants to make it that.

If you think this is not true, let's say you are of race x. You shoot someone who is of race y. The arresting officers, the D.A., the judge, and the jury are all of race y.

Think the D.A. won't take every advantage he or she can get? Think there are no police experts who will go over your gun and ammo and know what to look for? Think you'll be judged on the basis of your version of events? Think they will all appreciate your referring to a "good shoot"? Think they will acquit you?

Judges/juries don't know what the facts are (sometimes, they don't really know what the law is either <G>). They know what both sides are telling them, and what the evidence suggests/backs up (which can be both). Handloads, custom work might not hurt you, but it will almost always be an issue.
The only thing I change on working tools is sights, finish, grips, and even that can be used against you. If it really needs more than that, buy a better gun! <G>

It might be ignored, it might tip things the wrong way. Is the risk worth the benefit? Roll the dice?

IMO, the risk in court after you have shot is worse than any benefit you might get in making the shot that gets you there.

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