Hi-Point pistol and carbine review

Hi point

If I smirk a little it is not at the idea of your choices being bad far from it.I have one of the older carbines in 9 mm and love it.I am so impressed with it I plan on getting another in 45 acp as soon as finances allow.Alot of other people must like them to because the prices have gone up.I am thinking that it would make a good hog gun where I hunt in dense woods where ranges are very short and a fast follow up shot would be ideal.Not to mention that it doesn't recoil that hard and it is accurate as well as light weight and has a very ergonomic feel to it.
Absolute Kudos to the OP. I read the review verbatim and it does a great job of conveying the fetures, perfomance and general nuances of the carbine/sidearm tandem.

I have both in .45ACP as I already had a 9mm carbine/sidearm tandem in my Kel-Tec Sub2K/Glock 26.

I remember the countless posts throughout the online forums mocking the Hi Point "junk" guns. You don't see it on nearly the same levels today anymore as reviews like yours and even "torture tests" seemed to fly-in-the-face of the 'critics.'
Excellent review Hunter.

A friend of mine has the C9 which he conceal carries. Its basically the size of a Glock 19 or Springfield XD. He let me shoot it and its not bad at all.

I think for the price of Hipoints and the warranty, it is a great option for someone who is on a budget. I've thought about buying one as a backup/car gun.

So, I will address the elephant in the room. The C9 is not a very attractive pistol to some, but as we all know, ugly folks get married everyday and are happy.

Good point here. I happen to think Glocks are ugly too :p. The C9 isn't really that bad either. It works and thats all that matters.
I had a C-9 for a few years and I never saw where it was any bigger or heavier than a lot of other guns I've owned. It's not ideal for concealed carry, but it's not out of the question.

I tought it looked kinda cool too.
Never tried the pistol but have the old style carbine,my wife bought it a few years ago and its her favorite gun.Sits next to the patio door and serves a
a varmint/pest control gun.I've shot it out to 125 yards with the irons off hand
At an IDPA target wearing a sweat shirt and stocking cap all shots were center mass.for an inexpensive gun it shoot pretty well.to date its never had a failure of any kind.
For the trigger time I have on these guns I'll say that they're good for the money but the Hi-point c9 is the most inaccurate centerfire handgun I've ever fired. when I can wring acceptable accuracy out of the pistol, it is very hard due to the terrible trigger.
but the Hi-point c9 is the most inaccurate centerfire handgun I've ever fired.
Oddly, of the 9MM handguns I have from Beretta, FEG, KAHR, Star, Walther, and Hi-Point the lowly Hi-Point has proven to be the most accurate. Not by any great measure, but it is more accurate. It has also been 100% reliable which is something I can not say about the Star, and Beretta.
it is very hard due to the terrible trigger.

Their trigger is terrible compared to others, but it can be fixed and it is not a competition handgun, it is basic a selfdefense hand gun. Don't try to make something it is not.

it is very hard due to the terrible trigger.
Their trigger is terrible compared to others, but it can be fixed and it is not a competition handgun, it is basic a selfdefense hand gun. Don't try to make something it is not.

Yup--It's SOLE purpose is to provide for a reliable self-defense gun, nothing more-nothing less. Not a gun you're going to run in a 3Gun event, but certainly one that goes "BANG" when needed.

On the other hand, their carbines are just as acurate as some of their more expensive alternatives like the Kel-Tec Sub-2000, Just-Right or even Beretta Storm.

A few months back a guy at the range summed it up I think when he made the analogy of when KIA Motors (now under Hyundai but still somewhat autonomous) automobiles entered into the U.S. market to subsequent negative reviews of which over time turned into almost entirely favorable feedback (of cars in their class which is a key variable for any product review when often we see apples compared to oranges or Hi Points compared to SIGS or the like :confused:...).
the only problem I have ever had with it, is when it got really, I mean REALLY dirty, the trigger wouldn't reset. that's my biggest complaint, is the breakdown is pretty awful, which means I don't clean it like I should. But since its not one of our defense guns, we don't really care.
They recommend you not disassemble, but rather send it back to factory for cleaning every 5000 rounds. They replace all springs and repair anything broken and will return with extra mag. You pay shipping there and they pay return.

The size and loaded weight are comparable to many popular carry guns. The problem is they are double stacks and it is a sibgle stack.
Thank you all for the solid feedback.
I had not heard about sending the gun back every 5000 rounds but I appreciate the heads up on that.
No laughing here either, I have one of the first Hi Point C9`s made, I bought it over 20 years ago for little to nothing, although it does not get shot often anymore it has always went bang.
I know several folks that have had Hi-Points for years and have not had trouble with them.
i will admit many years ago I was a bit of a gun snob and would not even consider a Glock as a nice pistol.
Through a lot of experimenting and trying to keep an open mind I realized the error of my thinking.
It now upsets me a bit for folks to Hi-Points for no reason than the cost and looks.