Hey Peta, Beat this!

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Which is better? Knowing where your meat came from, respecting that, or just paying a hit-man to kill the animal for you, so that you can get your meat, or a leather garmet, or jello (the gellatin is made from ground up horse hooves)? Personally, I would rather know the pain of the animal, so that I can understand what went into getting the meat that I am eating, not eating an anonomyous cow (now, I eat steak, etc). If you want to belong to an animal rights organization, more power to you. However, before you can go around and preach to me about what I do, you should really fix yourself, and make sure that you do not do anything, consume anything, etc that was made, tested, sniffed, or walked near by an animal. Kinda hard to listen to an anti-something, when they do the something that they are against.
You can't argue with the whackos from PETA. They know they are right and any suggestion to the contrary must be from some uninformed backwoods redneck who suffers from too much inbreeding.
Saving Private Toby

Do I correctly understand from the "Save Toby" website that people have kicked in better than SIXTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to keep the rabbit from being eaten?? If so, I guess we have one more demonstration of the truth of P. T. Barnum's observation that there's a sucker born every minute. What a scam!!


Spotted owl breasts basted with garlic butter are delicious.

Golden Eagle breasts basted with anything are as horrible fare as Turkey Buzzard.

The little minnows they are making such a fuss over are pretty good in Teriyaki or Soy sauce.

Has anyone tried Spotted Owl burritos?
No I've never tried spotted owl burritos, however- I find that if you slow roast whooping crane on a spit over either coals or medium gas heat, baste frequenly, you will have some tasty morsels that rival Attwater's prarie chickens or even their close cousin the sage grouse.

For us down here in Texas, we don't have the luxury of eating spotted owl, I guess grampa ate a few too many so we must expand our tastes for other things.

I like to eat bass caught on a San Marcos Salamander also.
I am laughing my fool head from the save toby link - omg that is too much. Funniest thing I've seen in several months. He has gotten $16K but alas he is still $34K short of saving toby and only 4 months left to go! LMAO that some people have actually contributed when this guy will probably eat the bunny anyway, even if he does get the 50K (assuming the bunny actually exists).

This dude has an extra $16k, has made vegans look like enormous asses all over the internet, and has a nice peice of stew meat waiting to boot :D

The only thing that upsets me is that I didn't think of it first :D
toby is up to 18k!

Its kind of funny, but there are two petas- People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, and People for Eating Tasty Animals- both real organizations.

A few weeks back, someone caught a world record size lobster and it was on display at some zoo. (details fuzzy) People for ethical treatment of animals petitioned for his release back into his natural habitat. People for eating tasty animals simply responded to this petition with an offer to buy the lobster at the going rate for lobster steaks.

That link is like a good ethnic joke. I hate myself for laughing at it. The thing is, we need to make sure that PETA stays marginalized - rather than ourselves getting that way. We need to try to consider what activities might make us out to be waccos with the voting public who have no axes to grind (if there are any). The more outrageous the actions, the more vitiated the credibility
- so lets make sure we're not the outrageous ones in the public's view.
I'm a member of my own PETA Group....


As a matter of fact I called to order another meeting of my group
last night at the OUTBACK Steakhouse, the subject of the meeting
was a tasty 18oz prime rib. ;)
Remember that the reason PETA exists is because of our ability to express our beliefs and opinions freely in this great country we live in. These whacko groups are an offspring of our own independence. The PETA people have no chance to stop hunting in America. Martha Burke has a better chance of stopping the Masters. Hard to imagine but its a good thing that Americans are free to be ignorant. Just my 2 cents.
I know a few vegans that "walk the walk", and are in PETA, but hey, you gotta realize that these PETA folks are the same folks that condemn March of Dimes (A group that works to lower infant mortality rates) on the grounds that they are "unkind to our simian ape brothers". I wonder if they will have the same stances upon the issue when they get a staph infection and need some antibiotics.
good write kelsey.

the only thing i don't like about savetoby.com is that i didn't think of it first. and it reinforces my frustration with paypal. at least i can still just keep sending payments for "generic gunbroker.com auction, of course it's not guns or hicaps..." talk about a company with no cajones whatsoever.
meat is murder, and thats the truth

"So now, what might make sense, is a boycott of *commercially-grown* meat, in favor of an "all-hunting-source" meats in the diet plan. That would have some basis in logic at least."

now this i agree with. i'm not going to eat somethat that was treated that badly for the whole of its life. you all can go ahead. i'm not saying murder is a bad thing, it happens everyday and will continue to happen. meat is just not something i need (atleast not meat that i havent harvested) and i cant say that i personally agree with mistreatment of animals. but thats your call guys. i live my own life and only ask that ya'll do the same.
"Ethical" Defined

After more than 100 dead dogs were dumped in a trash dumpster over four weeks, police in Ahoskie, N.C., kept an eye on the trash receptacle behind a supermarket. Sure enough, a van drove up and officers watched the occupants throw in heavy plastic bags. They detained the two people in the van and found 18 dead dogs in plastic bags in the dumpster, including puppies; 13 more dead dogs were still in the van. Police say the van is registered to the headquarters of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and the two occupants, Andrew B. Cook, 24, and Adria Joy Hinkle, 27, identified themselves as PETA employees. An autopsy performed on one of the dogs found it was healthy before it was killed. Police say PETA has been picking up the animals -- alive -- from North Carolina animal shelters, promising to find them good homes. Cook and Hinkle have been charged with 62 felony counts of animal cruelty. In response to the arrests PETA President Ingrid Newkirk said it's against the group's policy for employees to dump animals in the trash, but "that for some animals in North Carolina, there is no kinder option than euthanasia." (Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald) ...Oops, my mistake: that's "Playing God" Defined.

The more I learn about PETA, the less I think of them. The story of them killing animals isn't even unusual. According to PETA's own filings, in 2004 PETA killed 86.3 percent of the animals entrusted to its care -- a number that's rising, not falling. Meanwhile, the SPCA in PETA's home town (Norfolk, Va.) was able to find loving homes for 73 percent of the animals put in its care. A shortage of funds? Nope: last year PETA took in $29 million in tax-exempt donations. It simply has other priorities for the funds, like funding terrorism (yes, really). But don't take my word for it: I got my figures from http://www.PETAkillsAnimals.com -- and they have copies of PETA's state and federal filings to back it up. The bottom line: if you donate money to PETA because you think they care for and about animals, you need to think some more. PETA literally yells and screams about how others "kill animals" but this is how they operate? Pathetic.

And you know what I wonder? PETA's official count of animals they kill is 86.3 percent. But if they're going around picking up animals, killing them while they drive around and not even giving them a chance to be adopted, and then destroying the evidence by dumping the bodies in the trash, are those deaths being reported? My guess: no. While 86.3 percent is awful, the actual number is probably much, much higher. How dare they lecture anyone about the "ethical" treatment of animals!

Unable to find the original article, this is quoted for Randy Cunningham's weekly newsletter, "This is True". http://www.thisistrue.com/peta.html Emphasis mine.
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