Hey Peta, Beat this!

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Just about everybody has heard about PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Quite simply, they are an avowed enemy of hunting. PETA is a well-funded group which acts upon emotions, not common sense or the reality of nature. Their articles brim with hatred and anger and are absolutely filled with bias and misinformation. Unfortunately, their steadfast arrogance towards anyone who disagrees with them is completely blinding. In particular, I am talking about wildlife conservation groups; whether created by hunters or not, PETA hates them.

I recently logged on to the PETA website and found an article entitled “Why Sport Hunting is Cruel and Unnecessary”. After fighting back laughter at the absurdity of the conclusions, I decided to vent by writing. There was so much worthless fodder to work with that I could fill a library in response, so I had to focus my effort: This article will focus on PETA’s blatant disregard for the benefits of hunting conservation groups.

PETA's writers state, “Before you support a wildlife or conservation group, ask about its position on hunting.” My response is “What the heck does their position on hunting have to do with benefitting the environment and conserving wildlife? Before you support a wildlife conservation group find out what they do for wildlife.”

I am amazed PETA condemns such groups as Ducks Unlimited, The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, The Mule Deer Foundation, Pheasants Forever, and other conservation groups just because the groups support hunting. The fact of the matter is, no matter how much PETA boasts about their commitment to the advancement of animal rights, they haven’t done a thing except make loud noise. Hunting conservation groups quit talking and starting working, some have been quietly and efficiently saving wildlife for as much as 70 years.

To further my point, let’s do a little compare and contrast. In 2002, The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation successfully conserved over 427,000 acres of elk habitat across Oregon, Washington, and Montana; 169,000 acres of those are permanently protected. In 2003, the RMEF launched 16 conservation easements permanently protecting another 56,000 acres and completing 236 habitat stewardship projects enhancing over 240,000 acres for elk habitat. RMEF's activities list is as long as it is distinguished and includes educational programs, legislative action, and habitat conservation to protecting elk for future generations.

How many acres of elk habitat was PETA responsible for saving since 2002? NONE. They were probably too busy getting ready for the “Holocaust on Your Plate” tour to worry about saving elk herds and habitat.

Let’s take another organization that PETA condemns because of its hunting traditions. Pheasants Forever is a grassroots organization which seeks to conserve wild pheasant habitat. Through their activism, over three million acres of habitat has been developed and preserved. Standing strong with over 100,000 members and 600 chapters nationwide, they actively demonstrate the commitment the hunting community has for the wild. PETA reports nothing in their “distinguished” list of victories about their efforts to save habitat for pheasants. Perhaps the PETA writers just misplaced the information at the time of publication.

The final patty on PETA's grill is the granddaddy of them all, Ducks Unlimited. Founded in the 1930’s out of concern for dwindling duck populations, DU has developed into one of the largest conservation organizations of all. DU has become the leader in wetland development and works alongside government agencies to design, develop, and promote natural wetlands. Every year, DU members raise millions of dollars for the advancement of habitat protection and every year, more land is conserved as a continuous effort to help ensure ducks for future hunters. Ducks Unlimited Canada currently owns 300,000 acres of the prime nesting grounds for the plains region.

What has PETA done in term of ensuring the future of waterfowl and wetlands? According to the PETA victory list, 300 Canadian geese were protected against being removed from a golf course. Way to think big guys.

PETA is a ridiculous group who claims to care about animal life, but their actions only serve to advance their own political agenda. In short, PETA is about promoting PETA. The problem is that people listen to them and if we fail to address their assertions about hunting, we are in danger of losing what we hold so dear. PETA would paint the picture that hunters are out to rape the land and murder anything that moves for the simple joy of destroying it.

They could not be farther from the truth. As hunters, we love the wild. The thrill of the hunt isn’t in the kill, but the experience. The essence of hunting fills the spirit and mends the soul. Hearing becomes keener, sight becomes sharper, and smells become richer as the wild pours through our very being, revealing instincts and insights into the ways of nature we never realized dwelled within us. We hunt for the love of nature and as a means to interact with it on the deepest of levels.

Hunters have such a profound love for the wild, they have acted in phenomenal ways to preserve it. The numbers simply do not lie. Hunting Conservation groups have saved millions of acres of habitat, rebuilt struggling wildlife populations, developed educational programs, pursued legislative actions, and above all continued to secure the future of our hunting traditions by securing the future of wildlife. I have illustrated just three of the numerous organizations available to all those who support wildlife conservation. I strongly recommend that all hunters join one or several of these organizations to help ensure the future of our sport. Please see our resources page for links to conservation groups that may pertain to your specific interests.

And to the members of PETA I ask, “What have you done to compare to this?”. Never mind, I am sure that you are too busy planning your next protest at the local KFC.

Editor's Note: PETA recently staged a protest in a downtown metro area in which a young man and woman had simulated sex in a bed placed on a public sidewalk. Their point? Eating meat damages your sex life, so if you really want to get it on, become a vegan.

Although the protesters themselves probably had a good time, the only animals affected were the pigeons who wanted their sidewalk back.

Copyright (c) 2004 High Mountain Hunting Supplies, LLC All Rights Reserved
I don't have a problem with law-abiding PETA members who "walk the walk", i.e. that are vegetarian/vegan (which one is no animal products, period, even milk & eggs, etc.?), because they're consistent in their beliefs (i.e. "just don't screw with animals, period, in any way shape or form"). I can disagree with that opinion quite respectfully, being an animal lover myself.

I DO however, have a problem with any PETA member that eats any kind of meat or animal product, particularly actual meat, while at the same time bad-mouths hunting, because truth be told, the lives of animals held for slaughter commercially is far worse than those harvested in the wild with guns and bows. In captivity, they're kept in horrible conditions (usually), often genetically engineered with meaty parts to the point that they are in pain and can't walk; all this before they're slaughtered, whereas in the wild, they get to live and run free until a hunter takes them (hopefully ethically with a clean shot with enough gun) - much more humane really.

So now, what might make sense, is a boycott of *commercially-grown* meat, in favor of an "all-hunting-source" meats in the diet plan. That would have some basis in logic at least.

The PETA types also ignore or gloss over the fact that for certain species, hunting is a desirable method of herd/population control and management, and the fact that the supposed substitutes (like sterilization and whatnot) are not really practical substitutes, because of the typically enormous costs involved in such things, making them cost-prohibitive to wildlife depts' budgets.
I can sorta see where your coming from FirstFreedom, but that just covers hypocrisy. It don't make mad to see hypocrites...it makes me laugh! :D
Anytime a so called animal loving "vegetarian" starts there babble with me the first think I do is look at their shoes and their belt (for women a purse)...after awhile they start looking too cause they realize your not paying attention to their ramblings. At which point I say "so you don't eat meat??? Well I guess it's a good thing I do cause that poor cow would have been killed for nothing more than your fashion other wise!!" :p That usualy gets 'em! (now granted they are not all hypocrites, but most can be had in that manner)
What makes me mad, and what I feel the real issue is (cause 99% of all of them fall in this category) and IMHO what I think kelsey is trying to convey, is that they don't "DO" anything. I can sit and cry about what I think is right and wrong, but what does it solve? The PETA orginization wastes all it's time and energies throwing paint, point fingers, carrying signs, and now it appears simulating sex! :eek: Meanwhile the exact people they are so against are the only ones who are actualy doing anything to preserve the nature we care so much about...
If they wanna impress me, they can start with closing their mouths and rolling up their shirt sleeves.
At which point I say "so you don't eat meat??? Well I guess it's a good thing I do cause that poor cow would have been killed for nothing more than your fashion otherwise!!"

Oooh, great zinger - gotta remember that one! :) OK, you're right, but they'd still be "walking the walk" if they were/are vegan AND refuse to wear leather in any form. Then I'd respect their argument at least.
oh boy

these "conservationists" or "activists" as they would like to be called are truly whack jobs. i cant believe them. they sit and preach and preach about the cruelties of hunting and how guns kill people and all manner of dumb things while the real conservationists (Ducks Unlimited, Rock Mountain Elk Foundation) are out the making a difference and protecting nature for our children and grandchildren. i have yet to see an anti-hunter/anti-gunner who could come up with a valid argument, or have the ability to support even their whacko claims. it makes me so mad that they can waste time and actually brainwash others to think that they are helping things. i'd like to know PETAs position on the legalisation of marijuana it would be interesting to know just how many of their members grow the stuff (at least that would explain some of their arguments).
Good read Kelsey! Thanks. I know some peta people. The are filled with hate for people. One told me that if he had a choice and had to kill a animal or a human. It would be hands down be a human. These people are sick! From what I can tell they get these ideas from college and universities. The ones I know went to universities ok in the head and come back nuts.
every thing that I have read here is true from what I have read

BUt if you want the simple truth about PETA, to understand what kind of group they are and you might find this hard to believe of a group that is PRO animal.
But you pet owners (I am included 1 dog, 5 cats) are prime targest. They also dont believe in keeping pets, there not free to be as they were born.
This is the kind of nuts that run the group. How many veggy eating, gun hating people would send them money if they found out they were targets of the same group, just becouse they hate pet owners.
I was told by a friend that gives them money that PETA last week had a demmonstration north of Fort Wayne Indiana.
Seem there was a man that had a farm that rased deer. Fenced in deer about 300 ackers. And people could go there and hunt animals. They made it sound on the local news that they were tied down and people went up and shot them to peices.
This friend told me to watch, which I refused and when I told her that what was the difference with some one shooting a deer in a 300 acher farm and a cow that has its head bashed in or 2000 volts passed through it head for the hambugger she was eating.
Told her to give up the cow thing and I would watch the PETA thing.
Its groups like this that are destroying our country, and its time as Americans that we stand up and knock them off there feet and put them where they deserve, insane asylum.
PETA People Entering Traning for A--holes

Thanks for the link, Annie. I used it to find this link, and from it I learned that the Glaser Progress Foundation, owned by the people who make RealPlayer is the second biggest contributor.

I find it fascinating that the deeper you get into civil rights organizations like GOA and NRA the more grassroots they are but the deeper you get into anti-rights organizations like PETA the more elitist they are.
You know, I find it interesting that gun owners are often portrayed as slobbering, murderous barbarians and yet has anyone ever heard of a pro-gun/pro-hunting terrorist group blowing up restaurants with vegetarian menus or destroying vegan products on grocery store shelves? Or how about firebombing soybean fields so the soybeans can't be processed into tofu? Sometimes I wonder who the "barbarians" are.
Save Toby.

That "Save Toby" link is awesome! What an idea :D This has made my day, and the two vegans in my unit will definitely be introduced :eek:
PETA's latest....

Just heard on talk radio today that PETA and her counterparts are up in arms with the latest findings about lobsters. Scientist have stated, they don't feel lobsters feel pain when put into boiling water to cook them. Being that the lobster has such a small brain and no backbone that the thrashing when the lobster enters the boiling water has nothing to do with pain.... (no pain no brain?)

This sent PETA folks into a foaming mouth dog like rage........ I guess they feel the scientists whom did the research were paid off by the fishing industry. One European nation, whom was in this type of fishing industry has and continues to feel animal have rights and shouldn't feel pain even if made into table fare. Well, this same nation did the study and felt no pain was inflicted to the lobsters. I think the nation was Denmark but I maybe mistaking. Please feel free to correct me if it in deed was one of Denmark's neighboring countries.

NOW - Isn't that special? or we could say THAT'S RICH...........or just plain funny that any nation would spend one dime to research and take scientists away from important studies to confirm what most of us common folks knew...... Lobsters are ugly rascals but taste darn good with butter..... :D
and to know they felt know pain makes me want to go back for seconds..... ;)
I think I have met one PETA member that I have actually agreed with.

That person was mostly vegitarian (did eat milk & eggs & fish though), but would eat meat if it was "hunted" meat. She always loved it when I brough her some venison or rabbit.

Her point was that the commercial meat industry is what she had issues with. That it was destroying habitat and has inhumane conditions. (I didn't feel inclined to point out that Egg laying houses aren't particularly humane either.)

I don't agree with her entirely, but she at least is closer to the right idea, IMO.

Personally if I have a choice I'll eat the venison I hunt over the steak or pork at the grocery store.
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