Hey man, is that a Mosin?

The SKS might be faster buy you wont find a more accurate military surplus rifle then the M1903A3.

That's why it gets its own class in the CMP Vintage Rifle Matches.
Got one of those too. I bought it back in the days when the CMP still had plenty of Carbines, 03s and Garands. Foolishly, I thought the Garands would run out first, so I bought one of them, thinking I'd have time later to get the others. Dumb move on my part.

I do love taking it to the range and plopping down beside some unsuspecting AR shooters and cranking off 8 rounds of '06. It definitely gets everybody's attention.

I'm excited to get it slung up and do some real shooting. At best I generally hold two minutes out to middle distances, so the rifle isn't going to handicap me much, if any. Very occasionally they'll have a Springfield or Garand match either in Abilene or Midland, and I'd love to shoot it in those one of these days.
I'll try to track down which GCA magazine issue it was (so as to cite the volume and page numbers), but within the last year I thought I recalled reading about a GCA re-print of a copy of a Korean War-era study by the U.S. Army that was based on interviews of recent GI combat vets. Most of these interviews for the study took okave, I believe, in Japan, and it was a classified document for many years.

Those conducting the study asked the GIs all sorts of interesting questions regarding use of weapons in combat and other related issues.

I recall there was one question asked on use of the M1 Garand sling - whether the GI had used it in firefights as an accuracy aid, and most said they'd never used it while shooting at the enemy. Something like only 1% of the interviewees said they had used it.
My dad, a WWII vet, taught me how to use the 1907 sling on my grandfathers 03A3 as a hasty sling, and said he used it often with his Garand.
Hasty sling in combat? Maybe. Full sling up with loop around the arm? Highly doubtful.

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dwwhite, the younger generation isn't all like that. I'm in my early 20's, and while I do find interest in some modern "tacticool" guns, my M1 Garand remains my favorite gun in my collection. I've always had a thing for old milsurp guns, particularly those from the ww2 era.