Hey, Hogdogs!

twins, not only do I hog dog just because I can but it is an effective tool in feral hog eradication, control, management.

Not only can I challenge many with actual numbers of potential hogs removed with my dogs but I have other issues.

One is that a "strayed" hog dog is less risky than a stray bullet...;)
Often times, where you find the hogs to shoot them, they are not in a place where you will easily stalk in un noticed and if you do, they scatter at the shot/s and you won't likely get back on them during that hunt.

Traps are notoriously ineffective in overall population reduction.

Dogs serve many issues.
We can take out many from one herd with dogs that "relay" which is to leave this hog as soon as we have human control of it.

Also shooting hogs and removing them with traps encourages more breeding. Less competition for food sources increases not only feeding but optimizes fertile periods too.

Dogs, however, can increase not only immediate stress on the herd but they burn off needed energy running from my dogs. They immediately cese feeding to hide or relocate. Their feeding in the near future will be interrupted every time a yard dog barks for a bone. When pressure is high and feeding stress is present, you get reduced breeding practices.

And for higher volume hog sales, you need to deal with live hogs unless you are a USDA inspected and licensed meat dealer.

Want to buy a pig? I can't sell you a dead one but I will sell them live for $40+ unless I have some sucklers and a kid wants to raise it, than it is free.:)

""And for higher volume hog sales, you need to deal with live hogs unless you are a USDA inspected and licensed meat dealer.""

Can you expound on the state/federal rules?

What is your liability if selling live?

Obviously we sell "wild" gators......but dead so tell us how the hog selling works?
Gripes about dog hunting remind me of those who denigrate ALL stand hunting

...or those that denigrate long range shooting of wild game.

I guess a good rule of thumb before you knock a style of hunting is actually try that style of hunting or learn more about the style of hunting your fixin to bash BEFORE you bash it. Differences in terrain and population(humans) of areas are big consideration that DNR's usually use when deeming whether a certain style of hunting should be legal or not.

As I posted on a prior thread that led into much bashing of stand hunting by a few, come on down and I'll dare you to 'stalk hunt' many areas on my property and much of the surrounding property.
You'll be naked by the end of the day.;)

You won't hunt rabbits(or anything else) without dogs. Thats for sure.

Course, if the 'Hog Ladies' would like to come and try, I'll let you guys know the price of admission to watch.:D

Also, in many places, there are resort areas with hog problems. Dogs are the way to go to eradicate the hogs as its just better for business.

Again, we all have our opinions of what hunting is, but is it really fair to knock anothers style of hunting without knowing the reasons why that style of hunting is legal in the first place. Too, you may want to get a Webster's and look up the definition of the word 'hunting'.
700 pound boar hogs with 6" tusks. i'm scared already. Very sadly disappointed too: Why do most of my wild hogs look like these?

bswiv, In fla, the live hog is considered to be feral only when wild... Once caught it is legally considered a "pig". Thus I am a pig farmer when I possess live pigs.

I am under the same restrictions as a farmer. I have to sell live swine that has had a visit from the vet... My "herd" has to be in general good health. I am not sure of immediate regs. this year but in the past, there were times inoculations were up to the vet and some times required for the typical 3 or so pig cooties.

With the true ol' fashion country vets we have up here, it really isn't too high. If my smoker has a hog on it when he comes out saturday while his office is closed, and the keg ain't no light beer, I have paid under $10 bucks a head for my "sign off".

It ain't something you will find much talk of... Keeping these transactions low key keeps some busy bodies from taking yet more away from us.

Unless rules recently changed, in texas, feral hogs can and were run thru ag auctions legally. Once thru the first auction, they are considered domestic pigs with a real bad attitude...

Kinda cruel to unsuspecting buyers who have no idea the pigs they buy in ohio and michigan could be some texas terror. And these swine can easily escape the average operation fencing and other barriers... Spreading feral swine far and wide legally.

The folks who contact me, know exactly what they are getting.

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Shortwave has it pretty much well put.

I do gun hunt... But I could argue that any one that kills from a distance is a lazy slob hunter...

Only those of us who physically restrain and hogtie live animals is a real hunter?

We should just respect each others pursuit of hunting satisfaction so long as it is legal.


But this is the first design in my new entrepreneurial enterprise. Keep an eye out... in no time at all, I will be loading up with all sorts of outdoor, huntin. fishin' and shooting related stuff...

Some of yall are taking this reality (not reality) show too serious....They catch hogs and such:D....Thats why folks are watchin (note what others have said)....Lighten up....Many of the deer huntin shows are huntin high fence and small property.....They won't say and won't show the fence tho.....
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This isn't a locker room, fellas.

It's a HUNTING forum on a FIREARMS board.

If you have thoughts and/or comments of another nature pertaining to members of the show's cast, or their attributes, keep them to yourselves.
what dog breeds do best at hog hunting?

Christie's dog looks a little like a Rhodesian Ridgeback.

I've seen all sorts of different breeds used for hog hunting.

There are all sorts of specialized breeds, fox hounds for fox hunting, Bluetick Coonhound for racoons, Rhodesian Ridgeback for hunting lions, etc..

I've never heard of a specialized breed of hog hound, but have seen a lot of YouTubers employ the big muscular bull type dogs... like the American Staffordshire Terrier

Is there one breed that does the best, or are there different breeds within a hunting pack that perform different functions? Like a blood hound type dog to track them and the bull terrier type dog to engage them?




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For finding/baying dogs, several breeds are good for specific traits...
Variations in terrain, land parcel size, hog behavior as well as hunting styles cause us to seek certain breeds/crosses for different uses...

Catahoula curr
Black mouth curr
Yellow black mouth curr
Mountain Curr
Plott Hound

All of these come to mind right off the top...
Some folks even use Jack Russel and feist type dogs...

One thing that is a sure bet... The dog has to be what we call "gritty"... Many dogs with a superior nose are out there but when the hog bumps them, they head for the safety of the dog box.

There are some specialized crosses of late as well...
Bird dog X Pitbull= a "Running catch dog with a good bit of nose" will catch most hogs solo but may bay a big or mean fighter. May try to catch the hog on command...

Any of the above "currs" crossed to a dog from catch dog lines= A curr that may lose a little "nose" (debatable) but will try most any hog if the breeding went as planned.

For catch dogs, we have some flexibility too but most of us have very strict standards they must attain consistently to be a catch dog...

For me I will not accept the following...
Sizing up the hog... Just get in there and catch.

Re-biting... A dog that lets go to get another bite is gonna get someone hurt and it won't be me...

Unabated dog aggression... No explanation required.

"curring out"... this is when a dog decides that catching is too risky and stops the catch to any degree.

The bull dogs a real hogger seeks out will not be from any show lines. Most of us have a line on replacements from "working lines".

I prefer a pit crossed to an american bulldog as they catch well and are easier to train to "handle"...

An amped up bulldog on the lead in the woods can be a stressful exercise in futility...

Thanks Brent

I didn't know that the Catahoula Cur is also called the Catahoula Hog Dog.


Plott Hounds are boar hunters used in Germany in the 1700s, named after Johannes Plott who brought them here from Germany in 1750.


The Plott article seems to reference a failed attempt to cross breed the Catahoula (Leopard Dog) with the Plott Hound.

The Mountain Cur seems to be the burliest of the the breeds - maybe the closest to a bull dog in build. But the accounts of the Plott Hounds being ferocious fighters are pretty incredible.


It doesn't seem like the women on the show have very good dogs.

I've seen those YouTube videos of 5 or 6 guys who take hogs with the thermal optics and all that.

Are you saying dogs can take more hogs than those types of hunts?



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You really don't need fancy optics, hogs are easily recognized by gait alone. Once you've picked one out a quick bump with a red spotlight, typically one pig per gun. The most effective means is with dogs, that's how all of the pros do it.

Gun hunting and traps are an effective ways to deter pigs for a few weeks, but if you have assets that interest them. They will return.

BTW Brent, do you have any shirts for us gunners? LOL "one dies, the rest fly!" That's a good slogan....
I've seen those YouTube videos of 5 or 6 guys who take hogs with the thermal optics and all that.

Are you saying dogs can take more hogs than those types of hunts?

It is somewhat situational. People with dogs certainly seem to get more hogs more regularly than typical rifle hunters (thermal, NV, or regular optics). This is because the dogs can sense and track hogs that are not in the immediate vicinty and lead the hunter to the hogs. In the wide open, thermal and night vision works great, and many of the vids you see are where folks are hunting in open fields. That is where they do have a real advantage. Problem is that hogs tend to spend a lot of time in grown over areas such as woods, swamps, or scrub areas where the thermal and NV scopes are of a much more limited use.

Folks with various thermal, NV, or regular optics are much more apt to lose a wounded hog in the woods than doggers would lose. ;)
Night huntin' with NVG and guns has potential to take incredible numbers but it fails to pressure the survivors.

That is one huge factor with utilizing dogs. Keeping the hogs running leaves less time for feeding and breeding.

With less stressful methods, you just remove food competition which promotes maximized breeding efforts.

And NO these TV shows all have had nothin' but junk dogs. My first dog was better than any of these culls... They couldn't find a fart in a closet if they made it them self...:D

And not a one of their catch dogs has shown what a good bulldog does...
Mine head in full speed, slam into the bugger with and audible thud while getting a solid ear or jaw clamp and hang on for the ride until we physically remove them.

Maybe they consider serious dogs too graphic or something...

My shop is literally days away from being able to take off... I will use that slogan or something similar. One will be "BLACK HOG DOWN" with cross hairs on the pig.

I will be lookin' for both phrase ideas as well as graphics ideas and pics to convert to art...

I hope to avoid all types of clip art... For instance, I can convert a pic of a deer head mount to a silhouette or painting etc and someone will know that their pic was the basis...

MJR., Most of these I wouldn't feel I invented so nothing to copywrite/right 'cept the actual art design which is already CR by rules...

If I do one with what I feel I created... you can bet yer bottom dollar and a cat poo outa the litter box that I will secure it as well as possible... and let me see a "Hollywood Hogger" wearing a bootleg copy...

come to my place and bring yer dogs or anyone else that wants to exterminate some pigs...ill even drag off the dead ones...ill be outta the cattle biz by spring cuz i wont have any pasture left. trapping aint catchin em..to many coons i guess...

kill em all!
Diesel, Assuming you were serious, I started a thread on a hog dogger forum...

If you want a sho-nuff real hog dogger to help, I reckon it can begin by the end of the week...

Get me a PM with email/phone etc...
I've been hunting hogs with dogs for 20 years, believe me the guy from Texas (and his wife) on that hog hunting reality show are the laughing stock among hog hunters here in Texas. Not one single 'hog dogger' I know (and I know A LOT) thinks they are anything but silly. It is pretty funny, actually, but a little embarrassing since they are representing Texas, and are basically hog hunting idiots.