Hey, Hogdogs!

That does it!

Time to import some feral hogs and call the 'Hog Ladies' in for removal.

Don't know if I can get the Mrs. to go along with the program. :o
Women in tight clothing with plenty of cleavage chasing after hogs with dogs.....only in America.

At least the women in "American Hoggers" carry guns.

I don't see how chasing down wild animal with dogs is called "hunting".
Okay, got a chance to watch it. What a disappointment. What I learned from Lady Hoggers would be that the Lady Hoggers are inept and that the men do all the real work. Let's see, the women first lost their dogs, couldn't make the dog tracker work, and didn't get the boar that is supposedly (incorrectly so) the problem for this giant ranch. So they let their male counterpart try, complain that he doesn't know what he is doing, doesn't know where his dogs are when he does, and complains when he catches the hog without their help and claim that he endangered them by doing so. Afterwards, they castrate the boar and apparently proclaim the hog problem rectified and take a day off because they worked so hard.

The other male and his buddy caught hogs on another property just fine and without so much complaining. They also didn't release hogs back into the wild to cause more problems.

What a disappointment.
twins, folks have been hunting with dogs for thousands of years.

Before the American Kennel Club got into the act, dachshunds and poodles were hunting dogs. The Russian Wolfhound has that label for a reason. And aside from the various breeds of bird dogs, there are such as the Weimaraner and the Rhodesian Ridgeback.

But there's nothing to it, if you can run for some number of miles in, say, the Rocky Mountains or in jungle swamps without stopping.

Roy McBride of Alpine, Texas, was an international authority on hunting the big cats with dogs. Up into his eighties, he'd run 12 to 15 miles every day to keep his dogs in shape.
I have seen the previews but not a show yet.

This'n may be better than the other 3 attempts at portraying hog doggin... It won't take much work at all as the 3 others were absolutely sorry renditions of serious hoggers using their skills and minds to put feral hogs in the pen.

As for makin' a barr hog and releasing him, if it is in a place where land owner agrees I may barr a few young little boars.

Not every landowner asks for 100% eradication. Some want population reduction with a maintainable number. If they allow or ask, barrs can be made as they produce the best quality (better than a sow even) meat and more of it.

But short sleeves in the woods on a hog hunt is askin' for boo-boos!

I rather pull cat claw/ wait-a-minute/dammit thorn vines from my shirt sleeves than my arms...:D

I will watch it at least once when I can catch it.

I take these shows with a grain of salt and on face value of just entertainment.

The hogger shows are more entertaining than " Watch me Wisper in the Tree then Stick an Arrow in a Bears Kidney While Using Brand X's Scent Killer and Camoflage" shows.
Well, in spite of sound reasoning not to, I took a look at the link. I must say that the brunette is, how to put this delicately, well padded, and the blonde is no slouch in that department either. So, whine and complain, drive around for 20 minutes of the show, chase a pig, cut him, and everybody is all smiles? I guess PT Barnum was right, no one ever lost money by underestimating the intellegence of the American public.
But dont they ride horsiys too? :) saw the show, want to see the real deal which they wont show. A couple guys go out, set up, kill some hogs, lay em out for the yotes and shoot them too.

Or the helo with a full auto ripping them up in flight.

Or a couple dune buggys with M60s kinda like that old tv show had jeeps and machine guns they always beat the germans no matter how many tanks they had :) then go after the hogs...

Or turn the dogs loose, listen for the baying to change to a tree then go walk up and shoot the hog like we used to do on coons.

OK give me a camera, a feww mil and some good shooters and I will put on a show everyone here would love to watch. :) call it bloody hogs or something...
I have seen the previews but not a show yet.

This'n may be better than the other 3 attempts at portraying hog doggin... It won't take much work at all as the 3 others were absolutely sorry renditions of serious hoggers using their skills and minds to put feral hogs in the pen.

As for makin' a barr hog and releasing him, if it is in a place where land owner agrees I may barr a few young little boars.

Not every landowner asks for 100% eradication. Some want population reduction with a maintainable number. If they allow or ask, barrs can be made as they produce the best quality (better than a sow even) meat and more of it.

You are right. Even if you didn't see the show, you are correct in that it is pretty sorry at least from the perspective of depicting the females. You may think so with the males, too.

As for barring the hog, the 80s+ client was being threatened with being put out of business by the hogs' destruction of her lands. The gals come in and proclaim some rooting near the house to be done by young hogs and so they prescribe the answer to the octagenerian's hog issue is to get the boar making all the sows pregnant that produce the little hogs. So they set out to find a boar. They manage to find a single boar with virtually no tusks...well their male partner does and they complain about it. The cutting supposed occurs, and the problem is solved! Amazing!

So the gals did nothing to reduce the current number of hogs depredating the woman's land and so they will continue to damage her lands just as they have been doing and the singular hog that was castrated won't impregnate any sows, but other males will come in very quickly or some of the small males will take over.

Scorch's channeling of PTB is on the money.
They didn't show the procedure, they cut to a different scene for the actual act. I was fairly amused at the night footage of cows, racoons and whatever getting their grub on in the circle trap.
Fully understood the history behind using dogs in the past. I don't see the need for it these days. In these shows, they use a pit as the last attacking dog to take down the hogs. Nothing against a pit bull but a bit drastic IMO. If a hunter uses a dog to bay a wild animal so he doesn't have to do the dirty work, not my idea of hunting. More like shooting a caged animal.
It's not a matter of need. And any form of hunting can be abused; we gripe about stuff here on a regular basis.

IOW, it's not something that I worry about, since I figure that not all dog hunting is like all other dog hunting. I know many who hunt deer or coons with dogs are in it as much for the sound of the chase as anything else; it's a form of music.

MacKinley Kantor caught much of it in his "The Voice of Bugle Ann".

Gripes about dog hunting remind me of those who denigrate ALL stand hunting. I know of millions of acres where no other style BUT hunting from a stand of some sort can be successful at all.
Fully understood the history behind using dogs in the past. I don't see the need for it these days.

I don't know how I'd hunt rabbits without a pack of beagles. There are lots of things I don't see a need for, but that doesn't make those things any less valid if someone does have a need for them.