Hey everyone, I want to introduce you all to a friend

Welcome to the gang Loriann, Never met a finer bunch of people then what congregates here and I'm kinda new myself

gun control is people control

Rather a belated welcome on my part! Sorry, but from time to time I must earn my Shiner Bock! ;)

Thank you very much for wanting to learn about the very people who are so scorned by so many - gun owners. You will get an earful over here, I promise!

Have a look at the other forums. Some are rather specialized and may not interest you at this point; but look at the people asking and answering questions, debating, and sometimes downright fighting! (That's when the Administrators step in like the High School Principal! :) )

There are many good people here on TFL. We have backgrounds as varied as the various countries we hail from: Australia, Canada, England, Germany, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and many other foreign places outside Texas!!! (I'll catch it for THAT one! :o)

You might find the information under "faq" helpful to you. It's at the top of the page on the right hand side.

If you have a problem, a question, or just a plain ole gripe, feel free to e-mail the Moderator of the forum or one of the the Administrators. We'll try to make your new TFL experience as fun and interesting as possible.

Welcome aboard!
Welcome LoriAnn,
As usual I got here late. Just remember that the only dumb question is the one not asked.
Dumb answers however, come by the truckload! ;) Relax and have fun.
Fox, atleast you beat me to reply.

Dennis have there been any arguments here that a administer had to step in on?

Lori are you saying that I am very friendly? because we've never met have we? Just kidding.

Welcome to the forums Lori.
I'll second what loknload (and a bunch of others) said; this is a fine bunch of people. They remind me of a Sherlock Holmes line: "Well, there are always some lunatics about. It would be a dull world without them." ;)

TFL's collective and average IQs are higher than anywhere else I've found, online or IRL. We have our disagreements, but there isn't a member that I wouldn't be honored to shake his/her hand and buy him/her a Shiner Bock.

Welcome to TFL.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Me? Polite and rational? Not me guys, I am a mean crusty polecat. Good to see you here Lori, I am so glad to know that you have an open mind. Many of Rosie's followers do not question what she says and, although she is involved with great programs to help children, she is badly misinformed on all aspects of the gun issue. I fear that she may not be smart enough to have it explained either and that shows a serious lack of intelligence.
Lori, WELCOME!! I think you will enjoy the forum and there are some very members here who are very kind in sharing their knowledge and experience with the rest of us. I was glad to hear of your "conversion".

Gun control is a steady hand and hitting with the first shot.

I guess from time to time some disagreements resulted in, um, "inappropriate" language. Then a Moderator or Administrator advises folks to go to e-mail.

What I like watching is how TFLers react to bad moves by trolls and flamers. The "regulars" simply explain, "That's not acceptable on TFL. Take it to e-mail."

I think (and hope) you will like it here. Look at all the responses you received in less than five hours!! (Hope you like reading!!! ;)

I am so glad you came here! I couldnt get online last night, and all I could think was "I sure hope she stopped in or I am going to look really bad" ;). LOL So I was very happy when I came here this morning and saw the posts and all the responses. :)

I'm not sure if you already know this, but I was very afraid of guns also. I saw an old boyfriend shoot himself in the head then years after that I had some jerks pointing a gun at me too. So I do know that awful feeling. I'm not afraid anymore though, and I am sure , in time, you will not be afraid either. Its takes a little time and a lot of learning. Questions are always best, I had plenty and still have questions, nothing wrong with asking them. You have already taken the first step (to recovery ;)) by allowing your mind to be open and willing to listen. Guns aren't as scary as some people make them out to believe, provided you know all the safety rules. Look at me, I couldn't even look at a gun without getting chills running down my spine, now I get chills down my spine when I am not able to go shooting. :) Shooting worked for me but it may not be for you, that's something you need to decide for yourself in time. I'm sure you will find all the answers to any questions you may have here. Once again, welcome aboard! :)
Welcome, Loriann.
I am also a recent member of this forum and I can tell you that these are some very good and intelligent people. They will answer every question that you have and show you some things about the gun owners that you never would expect from watching the stories in the media. I hope that you enjoy your time spent here,I know I do!

Sorry I'm late with my post, but "late" is my middle name.

Welcome LoriAnn. Thanks for the intro MissD.

We'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Be safe.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Well, as Sandy mentioned I used to be anti-gun.[/quote]
Has such a nice ring to it doesn't it? ;)

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

Welcome Lori! I am WAY behind and, true to form, am always one of the last ones to know... ;)

I myself just got into the gun/self-defense issue about 2 years ago, and found this board in June. I have learned a great deal here, and am sure you will too!

I understand your fear of guns, esp. w/ a child around. I have 2 children myself. My view is that if guns are commonplace objects around the house, children won't be so tempted to "experiment." My 6 yo daughter helps me clean my guns and is used to seeing them. I have a Concealed Handgun License, and carry 2 handguns w/ me whenever I go somewhere. To my daughter, they aren't anything special. We are planning on teaching her how to shoot soon, starting with an air rifle aka bee-bee gun. I didn't grow up around guns, and was at one time afraid of them too. All you need to do to overcome that fear is to start educating yourself, and allow yourself to be around guns. Most importantly: Remember the 4 safety rules someone else posted earlier.

As I keep tellin' Miss D, if you're ever down in The Promised Land (for you foreigners, TX! ;) ) feel free to look me up and we'll go shooting. Has Miss D told you about her recent experience in Tulsa?

Again: Welcome! :) :)

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!

So glad to have you. You're right, it is all about personal freedom and individual responsibility. It's a big step, but a heady one.

I was actually talking to a young lady a few days ago about this. She related that "Guns and knives scare me. If they weren't around, no one would get hurt"(!) I assured her that mean people scare me!

We must all do our part to make our world a better place, and assuming responsibility for our actions is a good place to start. Welcome again!

John :D
Hi, Lori. I will extend my hand to you in welcome. So nice to see someone with an open mind these days! I, myself find it difficult sometimes to be open to other ideas and thoughts. Trust me, most gun owners are responsible, law abiding folks. A lot of knowledge is here, and in many other gun topic forums. Watch and learn. I didn't own a gun until I was 34 years old, when I found a great new sport and a healthy, traditional way of life. I really like the shooting sports and hunting. I now carry a handgun daily and have become quite comfortable doing so. I believe I should have the right to protect my family and myself in any manner necessary, and in my case, a handgun fills the bill. Sorry, I just meant to say "hi and welcome" and instead, stepped up on my soapbox. Great to have you here.

Have a Twinkie, snappahead---Ford Fairlane
Welcome to The Firing Line, LoriAnn. Your task is not only to learn here, but to teach. A fresh perspective from a firearm non-owner is a welcome opportunity for many of us.
Rich Lucibella
LoriAnn - I have been lurking and posting here for almost a year and have to say that Bulletin Boards like this are the best resources for opinions, techical information, etc.. I have ever found (of course some are better than others).

I usually do most of my posting at Glock Talk (GT). I originally posted there for research on buying a Glock handgun and found that the people there are just as friendly as the ones here, and don't just talk about Glocks.

I have only been buying handguns for a couple of years now and these two sites have been the best resources of all.

It's very refreshing to see another open minded person on the site (such as Miss Demeanors). Hopefully your experience here will be as good as mine.