Hey everyone, I want to introduce you all to a friend

Miss Demeanors

New member
My friend LoriAnn is going to be posting here for the first time, some time today. She is a friend from the Rosie boards. She was on that other side of the fence with me awhile back, now she has opened her mind, has heard the facts, and is leaning more towards this side of the fence. :) She wants to learn more and I knew this would be the perfect friendly place to do just that. She will stop in here sometime today, I'm just posting this kind of early .......well ok I am just too excited and couldnt wait. :)

Lori, Welcome to The Firing Line, I am really glad you decided to come here and hope you will stick around. Everyone here is very nice and can answer any questions you might have. Don't forget, I am not all that far from you, should you ever decide you would like to shoot, let me know.(I only went once so I would get more of an 'expert' to come along, but would be happy be there for you) 'Till then soak up as much information as you can get, you will find that we have been fed a lot of lies. I, myself, have learned alot here and you will too! :)
Welcome Lori
You'll enjoy it here. Have fun

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Welcome to you LoriAnn. The Firing Line is simply the best gun-related site on the 'net. Most folks here are friendly and helpful, we don't consider any questions stupid or any opinion invalid. Share your concerns and the good people here will share their expertise. I have been the recipient of some great information here, and have learned a lot. I hope you do too, and I'm glad you came here with an open mind. :)



The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security -Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4

Ohio does not allow concealed carry.
Let me also extend a hearty welcome to you Lori. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Remember, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask :). With the knowledge base here, chances are you will get the information you're looking for.

We look forward to hearing your views also. Miss D has been most enlightening in her views. Many of us grew up around weapons and just haven't heard much from "the other side of the fence" except the name-bashing (which unfortunately goes on, on both sides of the fence). It is truly inspiring when one can open one's mind about something and truly see it as it is. I've gone through the process in a non-related area and "saw the light" when I finally had the choice to make up my own mind instead of having all my thinking forced upon me.
Lori, welcome to TFL. Please, ask all of the questions you want, and you'll receive polite, informed responses - TFL members have a wealth of information, and they are very helpful. If you disagree with some of our answers, tell us why and we'll have an honest, open discussion. I think you will find we depend upon logic, not simply emotion in this debate - we feel that is our responsibility as adults. All of us want this to be a better world for our children and grandchildren.

Many of the people on TFL have been shooters and gun owners since they were very young. Others are much newer to the concepts of gun ownership and responsible self defense. Either way, I think you will find that people who believe in the RKBA ('right to keep and bear arms') have followed a path of logic to arrive at this philosophy.

Also, let us know when you're ready to read some pertinent books, and we'll make some recommendations for some that will give you more logic, facts and history which underlie these discussions.

Lori, happy holidays to you and your family. And, thanks for taking time to consider this important topic. Welcome.

Regards from AZ
Welcome, welcome...

I'm trying to get my wife to come aboard and post - but all she would do is brag about her being a better shot than me with the Shotgun.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
welcome to TFL Loriann..

Nice to see all kinds of new faces from all walks of life coming to have a look at our hobby. Don't be afraid to ask questions or add your comments to any thread, we'd love to hear from you. ;)

Miss D., you are a real gem to bring another here to learn. LoriAnn, we welcome you to our "family", lurk or eavesdrop for a while if you want and then post. We are a diverse group from many walks of life and views. What ties us togeather is a the desire for our Rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

Welcome again.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Welcome to The Firing Line LoriAnn :)

As fun as this place is it is more fun to actually go out and shoot. I hope you and Miss Demeanors get together and go shooting :)

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

[This message has been edited by DavidW (edited December 07, 1999).]
LoriAnn, we appreciate your willingness to look into matters a little more closely for yourself. You've found a great collection of guys & gals who, altogether, can answer just about any question related to firearms and firearm-related issues. Have fun posting and exploring!


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Welcome, LoriAnn,

After having met some real extremists on the anti-gun side, it will be a pleasure to find someone who is even willing to talk with us.

Welcome Lori Ann (won't we look silly if Lori Ann get's busy and doesn't show up today?) :)

I'm the same Gwinnydapooh from Sleepy/Miss D's board. Have you been at the board lately?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Well my goodness! Talk about a welcome!! :D Thank you all so much!! Thank you Sandy for introducing me. This sure looks like a friendly place! :D

Well, as Sandy mentioned I used to be anti-gun. I am a mother of a wonderful 3 year old little girl. She is my life. So, when Columbine happened and Rosie made her "ban all guns" stance, I was with her. My thinking was if guns are not there, people won't be killing each other. However, after many pro-gun people came to the Rosie board, I started to listen. I listened to them (the polite, rational ones that is) and to their side. It was then that I finally realized that it is not the guns, it is the people. If a person is out to do violence, they will do it. If not a gun, then a knife, or a car, or their bare hands. The gun can not stand up and shoot itself.

I will admit that I do still have a fear of guns. Of course, the fear is due to not being familiar with them. The only time I have ever been close to a gun was when I went with a friend to someone's house. I did not know this guy, but him and 2 others were playing with a gun, waving it around. That scared me to death! So, I do have a fear. I guess my mothering instinct comes out too, because I do worry about my daughter.

I am not eduated about guns. I am sure I will be clueless quite abit as I read what some of you discuss. However, that is why I am here. I want to learn. I want to educate myself. I want to replace my lingering fear with knowledge.

I look forward to making this board a regular stop. You all seem very friendly and very helpful. So, just remember that I am here to learn and please forgive me in advance for anything silly I might say!! :) :D
Lori, don't worry - the 'silly' bar is pretty high around here, put there by a lot of inexperienced folks, including me. ;) TFLer's work hard to help new folks learn - I've been the beneficiary of a great education here.

And, you were right to be afraid of some bozo's waving a gun around. You will learn of 4 firearms safety rules, and they are mandatory:

1. All guns are always loaded.
2. Don't point the muzzle at anything you don't intend to destroy.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
4. Know your target and what's beyond it.

See? Now you already know more than Rosie. ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited December 07, 1999).]