Hey, they meet a need,,,
Granted the Heritage guns are low end,,,
But if that's all one can afford it's a good enough gun.
I have a friend whose girlfriend took to sport shooting,,,
He (they) have no money at all to speak of,,,
So they were looking at cheap semi's,,,
Phoenix and such like guns.
Then they found some Heritage revolvers for $145.00 each,,,
So now they both have handguns they can shoot with.
Again they are not Rugers, Colts, or S&W's,,,
But these two have an absolute ball with their guns.
I whomped up a couple of rough holsters for them out of scrap leather,,,
I do guarantee that no one out there with a pair of $1,000 pistols,,,
Has more fun than these two with their Heritage El-Cheapo's.
Sure they'll probably wear them out before their first kid arrives,,,
But they will have had a ton-of-fun while doing so.
They both talk about getting better guns,,,
I keep asking them why would they need to do that.
I advise maybe getting a better gun as a home/self defense weapon,,,
But for just going to their pasture and killing tin cans,,,
They have all the guns they really need.
They go through at least two 550 round bulk packs a month,,,
Their cheap six-shooters are still tight and reliable.
One doesn't need a Colt-Ruger-S&W to have fun.