here's a mean one: BG in the backseat


This is just my opinion and I have no scientific data to support it. However, IF the baby is securely fastened in a modern car seat that is properly stapped into the car, and IF you were in a modern car with airbags that has a good crash rating, and IF the BG was hanging over the back seat such that SDS (sudden deacceleration syndrom) would put him in the front of the car (or hopefully out through the windshield), THEN I would believe that a crash at 40 mph would pose less risk to the child than a gun fight in the car.

Obviously, each situation is different and one would have to make the best judgement they could at the time. Just as obvious is the fact that this senerio is totally avoidable by just checking the car before you get in.

That is my $.02 and YMMV greatly!

Don't even THINK of crashing the car with a kid in the back. What did your mother always tell you when you picked up your baby brother? SUPPORT HIS HEAD!!! Unless you have your kid in some kind of HANS device, he's running a pretty close to zero percent chance of surviving a hit hard enough to toss BG anywhere. Strap yourself into your car and plant it in something nice and solid. Hurts the ol' neck pretty dang bad. Now imagine that your neck is about 1/4 it's present diameter. This only worked for foghornl because his buddy wasn't too far from the windshield as it was. In a minivan, you'd have to stomp the brakes (or hit something), wait for the car to come to a complete stop, unstrap yourself, get out of the driver's seat, and go back to deal with the BG. Try this sometime in a parking lot, it takes quite awhile, and this is assuming that you are not injured by the stop.

I'm going with George's advice. First chance I get, the claws and teeth come out and I'm not stopping until BG is a frothy pink paste in the backseat, or somebody with a badge pulls me off him.
Based on field tests, anyone standing on a bus can be put on the floor without using full braking power from even 15-20 mph.

First choice, I would lock the brakes at something over 45 MPH.
Second choice would be to put pedal on firewall and tell goblin to disarm itself or we would front in the next immoviable object I saw.
Prevention is worth 10 rounds, or 40mph, of cure. :D

Fill up the empty unused spaces of your van with lightweight objects so there's nowhere a person CAN hide.

Garbage bags of styrofoam peanuts, milk crates, plastic totes, empty 2 liter soda bottles, etc. You want it light so it's not weighing down your car and using up extra gas, so it's easy to move in and out, and not a hazard during a wreck.

You want it free and disposable so you can leave it behind when you need the space. Bags of styrofoam peanuts are free for the taking and easily tossed, quite safe during a wreck, and bulky.

Milk crates locked in place with a steel cable or small chain would be an excellent filler and would be difficult, if not impossible, for a criminal to remove. Again, free and disposable. Also good for storage and packing groceries.

If the kiddie seat is facing rearward, then junior isn't going to get a faceful of hot powder. Or cover it up with a towel like I've seen some people do. Shades the kid and keeps 'em quite, like a bird. Probably be deafened for life, but alive and unblinded.
Heres a possibility...agree to what ever he says. Get to your weapon if you can without him noticing. Tell him "youll comply, just let me pull over and get my kid, the van is yours" When he gets over the seats or gets out and walks around the van with his gun on you.....he has to be sidetracked for a some point....shoot his *ss dead!
Or just comply.....the odds are he just wants your car...if you can give it to him with minimal risk to you and yours...the best choice.
Shoot well