Here we go again... School Shooting in Cleveland.

Crazy people are unpredictable and do not choose to commit crazy actions based on fear of reprisals. There just isn't any way to prevent suicidal people from performing acts of violence on the way to suicide. The whole US military can't stop suicide bombers let alone a handful of armed teachers.

We need to continue to work on identifying these people before they do something horrific. Does that mean that once in a while schools are going to be seen as overreacting to jests? yes, but this is a smaller price to pay than not reacting to real threats.
Schools are in a Catch-22 situation.

If they don't do something to prevent these "foreseeable incidents" they're gonna start getting their pants sued off by parents. I'm sure some of it has already happened with varying degrees of success.

If we allow teachers or staff to be armed, school district lawyers will wet their pants at the idea of so much liability and insurance companies won't even go there. Not to mention the uproar if one of the school faculty actually does stop a shooter, student or not. There will always be some nitwit who thinks little Bobby could have been "talked out of it" (fine, Mr or Mrs Citizen, next time you stand there at gunpoint and talk him out of it).

Which teachers are armed should be a choice of the individual teacher, not mandated. Taking CCW classes and demonstrating basic shooting skills should be mandatory. Retention holsters... probably a good idea. But I fear some administration fool would get his panties in a knot and require teachers to store their guns in locked boxes in the main office where they would be useless when the time came.
Another kid pumped full of medication goes berserk.

Wow - who'd ever figure that would happen again - - /heavy sarcasm
TheBluesMan: Nothing will keep bad people from getting guns unless they are all confiscated.
Technically he is coorect. If ALL of the guns were confiscated, every last one, then no gun could be used for a school shooting and they would stop.

I think though that the original poster was being slightly sarcastic since he knows that there is no way all guns could be confiscated.
CrazyIvan007 said:
Something about helpless, unarmed victims scattering like roaches from light that I just do not find all that appealing.
Unappealing or not, that may well be the only short-term solution to school shootings given the institutional prejudice against self and child defense in schools. Right now the collectivist mentality of administrations is to put everyone into nice, neat, tight groups all tee'd up execution. At the very least the system could do something to inconvenience a shooter. I submit spilling the BB's is a perfectly acceptable and reasonable tactic to counter a school shooting. This approach is particularly relevant since it is evident certain religiously motivate extremists are openly discussing making their points using children.
I guess some of ya'll have never read the CIA Improvised Munitions Handbook, have ya'? They could throw every gun in the planet into the Ocean today and by tomorrow you'd have more guns to deal with. All you need is some seamless pipe, a bit of wood for a stock and a little metal and a spring or rubber band and you can cobble together a working pistol or shotgun. Granted, it's not a "high tech semi-auto" but hey, in a world without ANY guns a single shot could make a person King.
Ah but it would then be confiscateds as soon as it was made.

The poster was simply stating that if ALL guns were removed their would be no shootings. We all KNOW that is impossible and know it is never going to happen. Sarcasm.
Nothing will keep bad people from getting guns unless they are all confiscated.

Sure go ahead. Enact a worldwide prohibition on all small arms and ammunition for all civilians and count the days, weeks, months for a multinational gun syndicate to open its illegal doors to manufacture and distribute to any potential buyers. Maybe QC will be better than what you find coming out of Smith and Wesson nowadays (no flame intended). As long as there is a demand...there will be supply.

As for any action that could have prevented this tragedy...well I`m am reminded of the relationship between the lion and the gazelle: The lion is the predator, the gazelle is the prey. The lion observes the gazelle carefully. It chooses the gazelle that appears to be the weakest among a group of gazelle. Once the choice is made, the lion takes the initiative.

Curiosity yields evolution...satiety yields extinction.
So I take it that no one was ever "shot" prior to 1350 or so(advent of gunpowder in Europe), yah, right. Ever heard of a Longbow or a Crossbow. People will find a way to kill each other even if it's just using a rock upside the other guys head. The point is that you can't disarm everyone so the only other solution is to even the playing field by arming as many law biding people as you can.
The kid used a pair of revolvers.

He was a goth kid, white, in a school that was predominantly black.

The principal had been made aware of threats by the student a week earlier and "didn't have time" to look into it.

From these facts, I suspect that:

1. There is no threat to semiauto handguns or rifles in the near future that will be logically augmented by this situation.
2. There will be some mild race-baiting of "white, gun-toting NRA gun culture".
3. The principal will have her life ruined. Fired, sued, and possibly found negligent in her duties in some minor criminal manner.
4. There will be a legislative push for more secure storage of firearms. It has yet to be revealed if there were trigger locks, safes or any other storage in the home where these guns were, or if they were stolen (stolen because they weren't in a safe?).
Here is an update today from CNN.

The end of the story really pizzes me off.

An armed security guard was at the front desk, McGrath said.
Parents have been concerned about security at the school for some time, said Charles Blackwell, a leader of the school's parent-teacher organization. "We've been fighting to get security back for the last two, three years. They keep denying it," Blackwell said. "The parents have written petitions, everything. We have no metal detectors in the building. It's just ridiculous."

Metal Detectors? LOL, so with metal detectors, you will know you are about to get shot? How would metal detectors alleviate the problem? When someone comes intent on shooting someone, they don't give a crap about metal detectors.

The guy at the front desk...well what about the rear entrances?

Only way to really add substantial protection is to have volunteer teachers/administrators trained and be armed.
again, in the Red Brach school shootign last year the first person shot was the guy workign the metal detector.

Suddenly the guns were in the school.