Here we go again... School Shooting in Cleveland.



CLEVELAND - The mayor of Cleveland says three children were taken to a hospital after a gunman opened fire Wednesday at an alternative city school.


"We have no reason to believe there's more than one suspect," Mayor Frank Jackson told reporters gathered outside the SuccessTech Academy. He also said the school had been secured, but he offered no other details.

Ronnell Jackson, 15, said he saw a shooter running down a hall at SuccessTech Academy.

"He was about to shoot me but I got out just in time," he said. "He was aiming at me I got out just in time."

Another student, Doneisha LeVert, said she heard the principal say "Code Blue" over the public address system, and the students started running. She said she hid in a closet with some of her friends.

Tammy Mundy, 38, who has a son and daughter at the school, told The Plain Dealer of Cleveland that her daughter called when the shooting started.

"She said, 'Mom they're shooting in here, kids are running out, I'm hiding in the closet,'" Mundy told the newspaper.

Then she called her 18-year-old son, Darnell Rodgers, on his cell phone, and he told her he had been shot in the arm.

"He said, 'Mom I got shot,'" Mundy told the newspaper.

The small, alternative high school is in the center of downtown across from the FBI's offices and three blocks from where the Cleveland Browns play football. The school enrolls students grades nine through 12 and emphasizes technology education.,2933,300839,00.html

CLEVELAND — A student gunman opened fire at a high school in Cleveland Wednesday, and one witness said he saw three people taken out in stretchers.

One local report indicates the teenage gunman is dead.

One student at SuccessTech Academy said she heard the principal say "Code Blue" over the public address system, and the students started running. Doneisha LeVert said she hid in a closet with some of her friends.

Ronnell Jackson, 15, said he saw three people come out on stretchers.

He said he saw a shooter running down the hall and ducked out the door.

"He was about to shoot me but I got out just in time," he said. "He was aiming at me I got out just in time."
I'm trying to think of ways of how this could have been prevented. Hmmm...train teachers in the use of firearms and arm them? After all, when you send your children to school the school acts in loco parentis, and as such have a responsibility to protect them. Schools do not due an adequate job of protecting children. The popular cry of "we keep kids safe by keeping guns out of our schools" doesn't work because the people who would use them to commit crimes bring them into schools anyway. So why not have a trained and armed group of people in schools responsible for children's safety?
And why the heck not, "Gun Free" zones are one of the safest places for someone to kill people. You know you won't get shot at by anyone. Seems like the more the government trys to make things safe the worse it gets.
Two threads both started at about the same time. One in General, one in L&P. Threads merged and moved into L&P.
Oh great. The anti's have so much ammunition now (pun half-intended) what with this, the recent cop shooting, the few before VT. The outlook is bleak from where i sit, guys.
The shooting occurred across the street from the FBI office in downtown Cleveland, and students were being sent to the FBI site.

Right across the street from armed Federal Agents.

Right across the street from armed Federal Agents.

Right across the street from armed Federal Agents.

How much closer can "official" gun users be, before we have cops in every classroom?

This right here is proof that the only deterrant to school shootings is eliminating victim-disarmament zones.
The school enrolls students grades nine through 12 and emphasizes technology education.

Why don’t they use some of that technology to build some metal detectors?

...train teachers in the use of firearms and arm them?

Nice thought, but not practical. There is no way in h*** that you’re going to arm teachers. First of all, can you imagine the liability involved with that? They can’t even spank a kid. How are they gonna get away with shooting one? Besides, teachers tend to be liberal thinking, non-violent types (in general). Even if they were armed, they’d probably never pull the trigger even if their life was in danger. They aren’t trained to do that kind of decision making.
Ernest T Bass said:
Why don’t they use some of that technology to build some metal detectors?

They had them at Red Lake, MN so the student started by shooting the gaurd at the metal detector. Criminal's problem solved.

There are already teachers who want to be armed. One is right there with you in OR, check the news.
There are already teachers who want to be armed. One is right there with you in OR, check the news.

I know, that's why I added the "(in general)". I'm just saying that even if there are a few rouge teachers who are willing to be armed, there's no way a superintendent of a school district is gonna take on that level of liability. There’s no way that they’re going to put their teachers in a position where they have to make a decision to shoot a student. Unfortunately, the legal/political doodoo that the school district finds itself in is deeper if a teacher shoots a student, as opposed to having a student with a firearm enter the building and start firing. I can't imagine a teacher firing at a student. If it was a non-student coming into the school with a gun, that may be a different story. But I can’t see any superintendent of a school district allowing their teachers to use deadly force towards students on school grounds. The parents would be in an uproar.

I’m not saying that I agree with that, I’m just saying that’s how the legal/political game is played, unfortunately.
Perhaps we need to ask teachers if they want to take part in an "Innocent Child Protection" program. Therefore, people like Dave Sanders and the WWII Vet at Virginia Tech can take part and the libbies who don't want to aren't required to.

Training would, of course, need to take place. Thorough psychological tests would need to be conducted and they would need to pass tests outlining when the use of their firearm is acceptable with a high percentage.

Perhaps deputize them as peace officers and put them through the basic peace officer training such as P.O.S.T. certification or something similar more suited to their environment.

I know some wouldn't want to do this, but I am sure there are MANY MANY MANY who would.
First of all, can you imagine the liability involved with that? They can’t even spank a kid. How are they gonna get away with shooting one? Besides, teachers tend to be liberal thinking
Fix those problems too, while we're at it. Removing liberalism from schools is just as important as removing criminals...think maybe this might be motivation to get started? We've been asleep at the wheel for this for too long.
Nice thought, but not practical. There is no way in h*** that you’re going to arm teachers. First of all, can you imagine the liability involved with that? They can’t even spank a kid. How are they gonna get away with shooting one? Besides, teachers tend to be liberal thinking, non-violent types (in general). Even if they were armed, they’d probably never pull the trigger even if their life was in danger. They aren’t trained to do that kind of decision making.

Liability of shooting an armed person who is committing a violent crime, regardless of age, is zero to none in my state. They spank kids here, believe me.

DON'T hire 'liberal thinking, non-violent' types because they obviously are not willing to take responsibility for the safety of the children under their care.

And, I do believe I said TRAIN them.
I have a neice who is a teacher and is as liberal as you can get. A card carrying PETA member, vegetarian that believes every bit of puke that comes from the liberal camps and all the liberal propaganda movies made. She's the type that thinks everything a criminal does is the fault of society. Thank God she didn't teach at the schools my kids went to though there are a lot of them out there teaching our kids just the opposite of everything you know to be true and right. The high school my kids attended is very rural so it is not quite as politically correct. I felt a lot better about their safety at school knowing there are several teachers there that are former Marines and Army. I can't help but think that if a situation arose while persons like my neice would be hiding in a closet blaming the situation on the fact that guns even exist, one of the Marines or Army might be stopping the situation. Especially if they were allowed to be armed.
I know quite a few teachers and I have to admire them for what they have to put up with in todays schools. If I had tried it as a career, forget it. First of all I would have to quit if they put in metal detectors because I would be packing. If someone came in the building shooting -- hell with the job--hell with career-- prison here I come because that shooter is going down. It would be him or me. I know, it's impossible to say exactly what you would do in a situation like that but I do know nobody is going to hurt a kid in front of me.
Just yet another example of some people just are not right! Are they going to take my car away just because some people drive them into crowds? Drunk drivers? More people die every day because of these then Fire arms!

The little puuck got his hands on some fire aims and made a show of him self.

Just for S.A.G. I would like to see where he obtained them! On the streets I bet! Stolen from some poor fool that followed the rules.
homefires: Just for S.A.G. I would like to see where he obtained them!
Me too!!! Notice that this has yet to be mentioned on the news? They aren't interested if the real problem.

According to Fox he was threatening to "blow up the school" and "cut peoples throats" last Friday. Where were the "no tolerance rules"???!!!
Earnest T. Bass said:
Why don’t they use some of that technology to build some metal detectors?
They have metal detectors in that school - didn't do any good.

This kid broke the law to get a gun. Nothing will keep bad people from getting guns unless they are all confiscated. The only thing that can stop a person with a gun is a person with a gun. It comes down to two possibilities to end school shootings forever...


Confiscate every firearm in the United States -or- arm teachers and school staff.

Let the politicians pick one and get on with it. I really don't care which one they choose, but these school shootings must stop. :(

Come and take them or let the teachers carry.
