Here comes the gun control push

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oneounceload quoted...
PROMISES, PROMISES: No action from Obama on guns
apparently has now changed to...
PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama yet to act on gun safety

881 days down, 580 days to go.


Will the Republic survive ?

Of course. It did under W and it did under Carter. It will under Obama.

However, the current President does not have Congress behind him. The current President has more important political priorities. The current President has to conform with two Supreme Court decisions affirming the right of individuals to keep and bear arms.

True, but while we often blame the President for everything and often give them undue credit as well (Carter could not even get helicopters to flew long enough to make a rescue and Reagan caused the fall of Communism), in this case it is Congress that is the key factor. What is the Congressional agenda that is at hand? The President will sign bills agreeable to his position/views if they cross his desk, but they have to go through Congress first. So it really isn't what the President is busy with, but what Congress is busy with. Often they have all the same interests and immediate goals, but not always.

Obama may get re-elected, I hope not, but he might. If he doesn't get both houses of Congress, he will be a very lame duck President. He will be lame if he just gets one. If he gets both (which seems hugely unlikely), we are screwed. He would be a very powerful duck.
2nd Term

If this bozo gets re-elected, he can accomplish much of what he wants for further gun-control (and if you doubt his record as a rabid anti-gunner, do some research) through executive order, gov't agency fiat, and regulations/policies.

So he doesn't need to carry the house or win back the senate, although that would be a disaster.

The contempt being shown for the senators trying to investigate Gunrunner is nothing compared to the contempt he'll show if re-elected. He'll have his "4 more years", with no re-relection worries. His health care administration will give him the perfect platfform to utilize for "de facto" outlawing guns.

First, declare guns to be dangerous houshold devices and raise gun-owner's insurance premiums. Then determine them to be incompatible with long-term good health, and drop health care coverage for gun owners. The only way to get it back is to surrender your guns. Then detemine guns to be a public menace and begin the confiscation. All those health care questionnaires that have since been uploaded into the big healthnet database will tell them how many guns you own, where you live, and your brand of favorite underwear.

Just saying it could be done and if the votes are not in favor of legislation, he has other avenues to travel. He learned from Bill Clinton's mistake, you see.
If this bozo gets re-elected, he can accomplish much of what he wants for further gun-control (and if you doubt his record as a rabid anti-gunner, do some research) through executive order, gov't agency fiat, and regulations/policies.
There seems to be some confusion on exactly what can be done via executive order. It is not a legislative tool. Though the exact parameters have never been strictly defined, the Supreme Court has ruled a few unconstitutional for over-reaching.

I have no clue what "agency fiat" might mean.

In terms of regulations, it also seems unlikely. OSHA tried to get ammunition, primers, and powder defined as "explosives" back in 2007. The public was alerted to the measure almost immediately, and the backlash was enough to make them reconsider. Love it or hate it, the internet ensures that the government can't just sneak stuff in through the back door like they used to.

I can't help wonder what good all this energy and vitriol would do if it were focused on something more constructive.
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