Henry went home for a (short) visit

The crown from the factor would be clean, polished and blued.

Re crowned would probably show spiral tool marks from the lathe, and a different shade of blue.

Seems like a really wild deviation for a bad crown, but bore or crown was all I could think of.
Unless they refinished the entire barrel, the recrown would probably be visibly different.
Not that big of a deal, but I wondered. I would just check to make sure it has some sort of finish before and after the first range session.

Blued finish isn't great, but no finish is worse.
There is definitely some grinding/tool marks on the crown. The rifle is shooting much better now, still a little high but nothing like before. I should get my order of .357 this week and I'm anxious to try some of that just to compare.

At 100 yards with the peep sight, if I set the front post at the bottom of the ring and the target centered or just a bit higher I hit pretty much dead on. Plenty close enough for what I need.
Ok, I will admit I was highly skeptical at first, but I think Targa totally nailed it.

Shooting 158gr .357 HP and XTP from Freedom at 100 yards yields the same result of near dead on POI, while 158gr .38 Spl hits around 6 inches high.

I'm not any kind of marksman by any means (although I did qualify "expert" with my M16 back in 1975), but being able to hit clay fragments at 100 yards with iron sights, shooting standing offhand, just makes me ridiculously happy.

Ok, I love this rifle.
being able to hit clay fragments at 100 yards with iron sights, shooting standing offhand,
Were these fired from a rest or offhand?
I have seen people perform poor habits and flinches consistently enough to hit clays at 100 yards. One guy I have hunted with in particular does all sorts of "wrong" things and easily hits inside inches at 100 yards with a lazy man's muzzleloader(inline).

Like a golfer using a baseball swing and shooting par. If you have the raw athleticism or can afford the time at the range...
shooting standing offhand, using a rest?

Yes, I was taking baseball swings with the rifle and just got lucky.

No, seriously.
Sorry, my misunderstanding. Yes, all were standing with no rest.

I shoot at an outdoor range, and it's very dry here. Shooting at clays sitting on the berm or on pigeon perches, or just clay fragments if some are available on the berm, gives great feed back on where your shot hit. So it's easier to adjust than shooting at paper, for me at least.

I tried shooting from a bench but honestly with the lever and 16" barrel it's just easier to shoot standing up. And if I can hit a 5" target at 100 yards I'll be able to kill lots of zombies. Or jack rabbits.