Henry Survey

Henry 45 colt steel will be my next rifle to go along with my 44 mag. and 357.I like the tube much better than the gate.They are smooth and they stand behined there products.It's not a hard choice for me.
If Henry really wants to provide something unique, how about a loading gate WITH tube loading capability?

I was thinking the same thing. I would be all over that!

They didn’t say what would you like that wouldn’t add any cost. I am very confident that a gate with a tube could be done for less than $10 over the cost of a gate alone. The number and type of parts for a tube, feed spring and end piece are similar enough that the cost difference for them should be negligible; especially since they already are tooled to produce the tube feeding configuration.

It’d be worth the extra $10 to me, but that’s just my opinion.
I am very confident that a gate with a tube could be done for less than $10 over the cost of a gate alone.
Not making sense. What would the gate be for if thete isn't a tube? Which they already have.
To redesign, retool, and do tje extra machining to add a gate you need to add another zero to your estimated cost increase. If it can be done that cheaply.

Maybe I wasn't clear. Maybe my terminology is not accurate.

For a gate feed with a blind tube, Henry would need the same basic components for the magazine as for they would a tube feed: tube, plunger, spring, and end cap.

Supposedly, Henry is already working on a gate feeding model because some people prefer that.

What I am suggesting, is that if the offer a gate feeding model, they use the same components that they use today for the magazine, giving the option for tube feeding (or clearing) by the same method as they do it today.

This would allow the user to feed by gate if they prefer or tube if they prefer.

The tube would be the same size in either case: essentially a wash
The plunger would be slightly different probably in a tube feed vs a gate feed, but the cost difference would be minor: let's say $2 price difference in the part.
The spring would be the same: no cost difference.
The end piece for the magazine tube would be the same one they use today, but since it isn't just a plug, let's say that the cost difference would be $8, which I think would be a lot based on the number they produce.

EDIT: I forgot about the inner sleeve that is needed for tube feeding systems and not needed on a blind magazine. Maybe that would add another $5-$10.

Not everyone prefers a gate feed and not everyone prefers a tube feed, but the option to chose whenever I am shooting would be nice.
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It would be nice to have a choice but to have them both no the same rifle, not so much.I still think cost would be more than 10.00$.Just my thoughts.
I did bump my estimate up to $20 due to the inner sleeve. I can't say what additional mark-up a manufacturer would choose to charge, but I have been in manufacturing for nearly 30 years and am certain that the $20 would be above their incremental cost OVER the cost for a rifle wth a loading gate and blind tube magazine.
twist rate

What twist rate does Henry put in their .44 rifles? If it is like many of the other .44 levers, it's 1-38, way to slow for the heavy bullets offered today. So a Henry .44 mag lever with a 1-20 twist. ANd their centerfire levers need to go on a diet.

Next, some type of quality single shot, down the lines of the Ruger No1 and No3, or the old Win Win High and Lo walls.

Finally, I'd like to see some type of new, higher performance rimmed cartridge for levers and single shots. A necked down .44 or .40, based on the .480 or .500 case? Maybe a long .40, based on the .444 Marlin? A .44 based on the .45-70?
PatientWolf maybe it's me misunderstanding what you mean by a "gate". Are you referring to a spring loaded gate fitted in an opening in the frame like a Winchester 94 or Marlin 336?
That is what I mean by a redesign, and additional machining, and you're not going to get that for ten or twenty bucks.
I see no point to retaining tube feed loading if there is added a proper loading gate. Why and to what purpose? Kind of like a belt and suspenders, geezz, just pick one or the other and be on with it.
I agree with the removal of tube feed, if a gate is installed. It's just more weight, and a fatter tube.
Cheapshooter - I think we are saying the same thing from two different angles.

The rumor is that Henry will be adding the spring loaded gate (like a Winchester, Marlin, Rossi, etc...).

What I am saying is that once that is added and the cost of the rifle is adjusted for that, keeping the tube loading capability vs. switching to a blind tube magazine should only push the price another $20 beyond the price already adjusted for the frame gate.

3Crows and CLYA - I agree not everyone would like that capability / option, but I would be interested. I had not thought about the weight issue, though.

BTW, I like the "belt and suspenders" reference.
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I only have one issue with both my Henry's, better quality finish on the barrels. For the money they should be nice and smooth with a nice deep blueing

Yeah that includes the magazine tube as well. My 2008 Marlin is far nicer in regards to a nice smooth blued surfaces. The barrel finish on my Big Boy Silver is pretty good but the tube underneath looks like it belongs on some low budget rifle.

I can do without the gaudy barrel band on the Big Boy Brass/Silver as well , an end cap would look far better.

As to the lack of loading gate I would be pleased if the tube of my Henry would come out with needing every bit of strength I have to press down and turn it. It is at henry now for that and some copper fouling issues.
What twist rate does Henry put in their .44 rifles? If it is like many of the other .44 levers, it's 1-38, way to slow for the heavy bullets offered today. So a Henry .44 mag lever with a 1-20 twist. ANd their centerfire levers need to go on a diet.

All you have to do is check the website. They show the 44 mag with a 1/20 twist already.

My wish would be for Henry to make a single shot rifle in 357 magnum. I have already called them long ago when the single shots first appeared and asked about a SS 357. I was told no they weren't going to make one. Maybe if I hound them a little they will make one just for me.:D