Henigan claims Heller created the second amendment

Henigan is spinning Heller while engaging in preemptive damage control over Mc Donald vs DC. The man has no shame.

McDonald v. City of Chicago ruling may prove a hollow victory for gun lobby
5:24 PM ET

Dennis A. Henigan [Vice President for Law and Policy, Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence]: "I was in the courtroom on Tuesday for the Supreme Court argument [PDF file] in McDonald v. City of Chicago, in which the Court is considering whether the new Second Amendment right, created two years ago in District of Columbia v. Heller, is incorporated under the Fourteenth Amendment as a constraint on state and local gun control laws.

Leftists deliberately misunderstand both rights and the necessity of speaking truthfully.

It took me a long, long time to understand the obvious.
Leftists deliberately misunderstand both rights and the necessity of speaking truthfully.

In actuality, Leftists/Rightist/Libertarians and such other and further screechers/sloganeers deliberately misunderstand both rights and the necessity of speaking truthfully.

No one has a lock on truth. Everyone has their own ox.

WildnuanceAlaska ™
I'll have to dig, but after Heller, he went off several times about the Court had "created" an individual right to keep and bear arms.

I believe Stevens' dissent also used that phrase.

Neither really surprises me.
Hennigan is just trying to frame the understanding of the people who donate money to him. He is telling them that gun owners will one day be disappointed because Heller allows regulation of firearms (though he left out the fact that it probably forbids a lot of the ideas he has been pushing over the years).

And he is basically right on that point, eventually the Supreme Court will uphold a regulation we think should have been struck down and we'll be disappointed; but the real value in Heller is that should we ever end up in a situation like the 1990s again, it will be much harder for Hennigan and his crew to push through their stupid ideas.
Apparently, Mr. Hennigan doesn't understand that neither SCOTUS nor the framers of the Constitution created any rights at all. The Constitution merely enumerates certain rights already possessed by the people, and SCOTUS merely affirmed one of them in Heller.

I also read Hennigan's assessment and I had to chuckle a bit to myself at his attempts to put a political spin on the obvious. Basically, he's trying to tell everyone that we on the other side of the debate are going to be disappointed when we find out that not all gun laws are unconstitutional. What Mr. Hennigan apparently doesn't understand is that the vast majority of us in the gun culture also support reasonable restrictions on firearms, we just happen to disagree with him over which restrictions are reasonable.
The Brady Center for Propaganda and Fraudulent Research has been losing ground steadily for several years now, and the strain must be difficult to bear. Desperate people make desperate statements.

It's actually unfortunate that Brady-ites have embraced twisting language, biasing outcomes of research, and doublespeak, because a vibrant democracy should be enhanced by intelligent debates over where limitations ought to be created. I agree with Webleymkv when he writes:
Webleymkv said:
"What Mr. Hennigan apparently doesn't understand is that the vast majority of us in the gun culture also support reasonable restrictions on firearms, we just happen to disagree with him over which restrictions are reasonable."
It's actually unfortunate that Brady-ites have embraced twisting language, biasing outcomes of research, and doublespeak, because a vibrant democracy should be enhanced by intelligent debates over where limitations ought to be created.

Vibrant discussions would be wonderful. What we have in their place tends to make me think of trench warfare.
the new Second Amendment right, created two years ago in District of Columbia v. Heller

I think he just let it leak that someone has invented a time machine. After all, the only way that that 'new right' could have been sitting on that inconvenient ratty old sheep skin all of these year is via the flux capacitor.
The anti-gun groups are becoming increasingly marginalized with recent court decisions lifting the fog of propaganda on our rights. They know it and they are no doubt planning their strategy and propaganda for the next phase of their hatred.

I think that the history of these organizations shows that they will lie, distort, twist, obsfucate and even cheat with bogus studies to win support. These organizations are driven by fear and hatred of guns and twisted logic.

I don't expect them to stop. Already they're attacking ammuntion sales. At least one of their ilk has called for a an unconstitutional 200% tax on ammo. Their new plan is to stop "bulk sales" and eventually limit you to one box of ammo at a time.

I expect they will support increased EPA monitoring of "lead contamination" at ranges (indoor & out) to make it prohibitively expensive to operate them. Expect them to lobby for a broader definition of "prohibited person" to include things any failure-to-appear charges or even juvenille crimes.

The sad part is that they bandy about the term "common sense" without using it. Rather than punish the few criminals who misuse guns, they prefer to prevent everyone from using a gun. They'd rather see an elderly couple living in fear every day because they're defenseless than actually see the crime rates drop.
Typical propaganda from the Brady Campaign. The scary thing isn't that he said that Heller created the Second Amendment, it's that a lot of the Brady Campaign types actually believe that it Heller created the Second Amendment.

What it means to us is that now that they are faced with increased gun ownership and less laws banning them, the Brady Campaign will certainly put more effort into restricting ammo sales.
a lot of the Brady Campaign types actually believe that it Heller created the Second Amendment.
No, they don't believe it. They know exactly what they're saying. And that's the worst part.

Anyone remember this?

The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons (...) anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun (...) can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons. In addition, few people can envision a practical use for these weapons.

Back in 1993, I had a conversation with a representative from the Brady Campaign who was speaking on a local television station. When I tried to engage her with facts, her response was, "I was told not to get caught up in discussions over statistics."

Now that they're on the defensive, they'll lie even more out of desperation.
Ton Servo:
a lot of the Brady Campaign types actually believe that it Heller created the Second Amendment.

No, they don't believe it. They know exactly what they're saying. And that's the worst part.

What they are doing is proclaiming "what they WISH was true". They know it isn't true. But, like a young child, they tell a story as if it were true, because they wish that it was true. These are people who have a mental disorder of some type. They cannot accept the real truth, so they go around living their lives trying to make truths out of things which are unrealistic. They are living subjective lives.

As Tom Servo points out, they want everyone else to join them in their subjective minds. Most normal people would be scared poopless to see what is really in those minds. It's like going into the "minds of Moria" (Lord of the Rings fans will get that). They want everyone to join them and if we won't voluntarily join them, they want to use the force of government to force us to join them. That is scary and it's a big problem for a nation founded upon freedom of the individual.
It's like going into the "minds of Moria" (Lord of the Rings fans will get that).
Actually, it's "Mines of Moria," in which the city of Dwarrowdelf is located.

Not that I'm a geek or anything...
Tom Servo:
Actually, it's "Mines of Moria," in which the city of Dwarrowdelf is located.

I was playing with words, substituting "minds" for "mines", to describe what it would be like going into the "minds" of some anti gunners.

Another example of a similar word play is to modulate the old saying "great minds think alike" to read "great mimes sound alike".

Well, I maybe I was trying to be too clever ;)