

I am a new member age 16, but long time reader of TFL. I decided to finally make the transition from reader to member when I realized that I needed help.

My house was broken into yesterday or december 13th, as were two other house on my block. Also, the cars were searched. The scary thing is that these break ins are now the 5th, 6th, and 7th in a string of break ins.

Now is where it gets freaky NOTHING was stolen from any of the houses!

I woke up in the middle of the night and heard a noise, I am normally not the type to go nuts over a noise but this noise just bothered me for some reason, i then decided that my louisville and I would investigate. I sweep the house top to bottom and 10 minutes and a gallon of adrenaline later I go back to bed feeling stupid for acting like a scared 3 year old. I then wake up in the morning to my dad screaming expletives and saying "we've been robbed." We then find out 2 of our neighbors have been "robbed" as well and we called the cops. They had no idea what to tell us.

So now what do I do? I am only 16 and thus cannot purchase a firearm, and my parents hate guns and would never allow me to buy one. However, I feel that i need something to protect myself, especially after the burglar evaded me when i looked for him. So i need some easy traps to make with common household items.

Right now all i have to work with in the way of weapons is a can of pepperspray, a baseball bat, several knives pocket/hunting, brass knuckles, and a paintball gun(which I don't think will help much.) My parents have turned down one of my dad's friends and two of my friends dads on their offer to lone us a gun. My father, mother, and brother have zero shooting experience and I only know how to use a shotgun at a basic or good enough for hunting level and have never even considered self defense tactics before.

I am fairly large 5' 10", 200 lbs., and I bench 225 not small but, i doubt i'd fare well against a full grown guy in hand to hand as i have zero training unless you count football and wrestling. I have set a few "alarms" such as an altoids tin with 10 nickels in it and ballons with change in them taped to a wall behind a door with a tack taped to it. But these are solely to scare a burglar away. I do not own a dog as my old dog was too viscious towards strangers and had to be put down.

So in short I am a little larger than an average 16 yr. old( i actually just turned 16 so think more 15), have no guns, no martial arts experience, limited gun skills, and more adrenaline than tactics. Also My parents have opted to not get a home security system.

Please help me!!!
Talk to your parents about making your house a hard target, if they are not for guns and do not want to put in a security system how about making your house a hardend target. If they are not willing to put out a few hundred $ out on some better lighting, deadbolt locks, maybe some wrought iron window cages then they are just asking for something really bad to happend
If $ is tight for your family, just cutting back brush and putting a nail in a window, etc, can make life tougher for the bad guys.

Stay safe.

PS Bigger light bulbs, too!
Your best bet is another dog. He doesnt need to be mean...just loud. A lab or any mid sized mix, not a yapper. If you ask most police, they will tell you a dog is the #1 deterent to burglary. And thats probably not a bad idea, visit your local cops and ask them for guidence.
Learn how to fight and fight dirty. I'm not very big either, 5'7'' 160lbs. I've been heck of alot fights in my lifetime. I started fighting in baby fights(adults betting on which small child could beat the other up) when I was 4 years old. At 21 years old I don't fight anymore unless I have to. My advice to you is simple, learn how to use what you have on hand effectively. Go buy a D-cell Maglite, with pepperspray and a baseball bat its great combo!

Please note that I'm not proud of the fact that I've beat up alot of people, 95% of those fights where in self-defense because I was bullied, I was an outcast.
Money is not especially tight however my parents would never approve putting cages on the windows or nails through windows. A dog is almost definately a no but learning how to fight is a good idea. Any suggestions on what/where to learn. My friend actually offered to loan me a Mossberg 500 12Ga however I turned him down because if I actually had to use it he, his father, and I would be in a world of trouble as I live in NJ and people aren't too forgiving when it comes to guns around here be they used in a positive or negative way. Also, I am not exactly a child, which I know sounds stupid to the all of you legitimate 30+ adults out there however I am mature. So I don't need to ask my parents anything really I have a job and friends that can drive, so what mamma don't know won't hurt her.
Joe, something doesn't jive here. Why would burglar(s) break into 7 houses AND search their cars AND not take anything? Nothing? Either the homeowners do poor home inventories and don't know what's missing or these burglars are neighborhood kids out breaking and entering for kicks.

I don't know why nothing was stolen, but these were not kids the police officer was emphatic about that. There were no finger prints/hair left. One partial footprint in carpet is all that was found. Also the criminal deactivated one security system and bypassed another through a non protected window. So in short these were not kids and some officers said that it may be people looking for prescription meds.
Look in your phonebook under martial arts. Taekwondo is very effective but expensive, about $60.00 a month. Some martial arts schools are pure self-defense and run around $30.00 a month. So call around!
Still doesn't jive. Burglars could steal and pawn one T.V. and get enough cash to buy all the prescription meds they need on the street. There's a very active black market for pharmaceuticals. IMO, pro's don't risk discovery that many times without taking something. That's why it sounds like amateur work. Regardless, as a minor living at home I'd think your number one job here would be to work on your parents to plug up their security leaks. If your dad was as pi$$ed as you say, my guess is it wouldn't take much to get him to do something to increase his family's safety. Stay after him.

Yeah. Go with bugging dad to up his security. After all, he's the man of the house, and it's HIS responsibility to protect his family. Tell him how concerned and/or worried you are. I dunno about you and your dad, but when I was your age, if I had come to my dad REALLY SERIOUS about something, I'd like to think he would have listened. But I really wouldn't reccommend taking matters into your own hands, unless someone's life is in danger. Then do what you have to do.
If you have no training at all, I wouldn't attempt to clear my house with a baseball bat. (even with training I wouldn't) Next time you hear something. Call the cops and hole up in your room with your bat and peppers spray. As for added security, everyone has pretty much covered it above.
joe07735, . . .

My 2 comments are reiterations of previous statements, but I really think they are worth repeating:

1) It is your father's responsibility to protect, defend, insure, etc. your house, your domicile, et all. Please don't go against your parents wishes and arm yourself without their knowing it. That is only a prescription for disaster at worst, . . . and wrecked relationships at best.

2) Sit down and talk to your dad. My 25 year old and I have several different scenarios worked out as to what we each do during this or during that. His not having a military background as I have, . . . has given us opportunity to work together toward common goals, . . . and it is really comforting to me to see his progress AND our common approach worked out together.

You and he should come to some common ground on what you can do, . . .

May God bless,
Something is not right.

A burgler with the kind of skills to enter three houses on one city block, in one night, without detection are usually busy doing work for the CIA. You also stated they have entered three other houses recently. I don't know what you mean by the cars being "searched" but if you meant the offenders got in to the cars then this is the things of legends.

Six houses have been entered without detection or anything being taken. By-passing security systems. Cars being "searched". All of this without anyone having a clue.

You sure this posting is not a teenage prank?

If this is really happening I would contact Special Agent Moulder with the FBI. He has expierence with these types of cases and is far more prepared than the local PD (as you are quickly finding out) to handle these situations.
My thoughts also AUG, as I alluded last night to something "not jiving". Me thinks our young friend Joe might have been out on a little evening troll.

yea something certainly doesnt add up... either their extremely stupid or very smart... to take all that risk and not take anything... is either smart or stupid... perhaps their scouting to see where the good stuff is... or like previously mentioned it could be a gov operation of some kind for some reason... altho i personally have never heard of something like this... maybe DEA looking into things... havent a clue...