Help with Mauser identification please.

"Oddly enough, nearly every single Luger that has ever been placed on the glass in front of me was taken off a dead German general."

Even the East German ones? :)

The only Luger to ever drop on the glass when I worked at the gunshop was (so the story went) being sold by the son of an American infantryman who said his father found it, and some other neat stuff, in an abandoned barracks house in France.
I've been offered a number of import marked P38's Lugers, etc.over the years that were "captured off a German officer". A few weeks ago a guy tried to seel me a Blue Sky import marked M1 carbine that his dad "brought back from the war" :D
Barrel Markings

Sorry, the barrel is a CAI Vermont, Georgia 8mm replacement. The one part about this rifle I dont care for. As for a Luger, I would love to own one but are pricey.
Sorry, the barrel is a CAI Vermont, Georgia 8mm replacement. The one part about this rifle I dont care for. As for a Luger, I would love to own one but are pricey.

No its not those are just the import markings stating the importer of the rifle and the caliber.The barrel is original as are the rest of the parts.
Yeah dreverlast,

Hope you did not think I was implying the barrel was not war2. I was just curious about the markings on it.
The markings are sometimes found under the wood like the photo of the 1936 S/243 I have added. Using photobucket adds a half hour to the post on my dial up so they are just attached.

The photo of the 1907 DWM rework shows the '02' marking for a rebarrel. That mark is not always put TDC and is also found under the wood on some rifles.



  • 1936 s243 1.jpg
    1936 s243 1.jpg
    56.1 KB · Views: 27
  • dwm 1907 98k 11.jpg
    dwm 1907 98k 11.jpg
    77.3 KB · Views: 25
Hi, Tamara,

I have run into guys who didn't bother with mere generals. One guy showed me the the Walther PP he "tooken off ol' Herman hisself". Sure enough, the gun had "Herman Gerring" electric pencilled on the slide. And there was the guy with a Luger he took off none other than Hitler himself when he captured Der Führer. When I mentioned that the "gentleman" in question was supposed to have committed suicide in Berlin, the ex-GI told me that Hitler got away while he was not looking.

I was still a youngster (12-13) when those guys came back. They were heroes and we owe them our freedom, etc., but they were the biggest bunch of liars you ever saw. I suspect the biggest liars were the ones furthest from combat, but can't prove it.

Cute story Jim. I get worked up over the "bring back" term as a few friends have been ripped off by unscrupulous dealers that use the term freely.

I go ballistic when I hear Viet Nam bring back!:eek:
madcratebuilder said:
I go ballistic when I hear Viet Nam bring back!

I've seen a Vietnam bring-back SKS. Of course, back in '80, that was about the only kind of SKS you'd ever see, and they were rare and exotic. It belonged to a friend of my parents and he'd had it chromed like a bumper. I took it, along with a bunch of other souvenirs and trinkets, to school in the 7th grade for a class project on the Vietnam War. If you see an SKS with no import marks that hasn't been refinished, it might well be a bring-back, since there wasn't a lot of commercial firearms trade going on between the US and the East Bloc before 1968. :)

Also, if you run into a safetyless Tok with no import marks and the right grips, it's pretty good odds it came home in some GI's dufflebag. Not that that adds any special value to what's already a pretty rare piece. Even if it is a "bring back", it just means some clerk in Saigon bought it as a souvenir, not that a Navy SEAL snatched it from the holster of the sentry he'd just eliminated. (My parents' friend was a USAF radio operator at Tan Son Nhut, and never saw combat, although he heard some. That's how I know his war stories are true: I know of him, a truck driver, a helicopter crew chief, and a cannon cocker, and other than those four guys, every other Vietnam vet I've met was a Force Recon Ranger SEAL Green Beret Sniper, and presumably full of it.)