Help with a new shooter.

So this is were we are this afternoon. The daughter called twice this morning before I was awake to ask if we were going to the range. We finally got there around noon and we were the only ones there which was very nice. We could take our time and talk as we shot.

She was not intimidated by any means and looked excited. Before we started to shoot we talked with the guy that was there as the owner was out teaching an outdoor class. We talked about what training classes they offer as I trust Brian the owner of the shop who is also an instructor. He also mentioned that the shop was looking to start a women's only beginners class for those that feel intimidated my being with a bunch of men. This shop also does tactical training.

So we were there for a little more than an hour and she shot 5 different guns, the last being my Witness 45acp. Of everything she shot she said she liked my Taurus PT92C the best. Said she liked the balance, size, feel and just the way it fit her hand. And it showed as at 7yds she was all over the center of the target. At least we learned that she doesn't like the smaller guns or the 45acp..

She did leave her phone number for Brian to call her back about classes so we will see where it goes.

She has also commented that she will not bring a gun into the house w/o first having a lock box to but it in. So it shows she thinking correctly.
Hopefully the dog is gonna be OK? I think if I was truly concerned about protecting home & property that would be my #1 protection - a few 50+ lb sturdy/athletic dogs (and not 2 pugs and a pointer/beagle like I've got today :) )..
I have six English Bulldogs. The perp wouldn't have a large bite. He would still have a bulldog attached to him. Mine chase full grown moose out of the yard. The sign on the fence reads " know your blood type it helps EMS"