HELP! Must choose any new Glock to get for free!


Retired Screen Name
I know, I was going to be gone for a month but this was too important and too much fun to resist. I just found out I won the BuyersClubAmerica Glock raffle. ( )
I get my choice of any brand new Glock except that it must have fixed sights and be between model numbers G17 and G30 (No G34 or 35. :( )

I've pretty much narrowed my choices down to the fullsize models in 9mm, .40, .45, or 10mm. I tried the intermediate size (G23) but with the finger grooves, it didn't fit my big paw very well. I had no problem with the .45 grip but I want my fiancee to be able to use this as well, so I'm leaning toward 9mm or .40 in the full size. This will be my first centerfire handgun, so I had never shot any of these calibers before. Yesterday I rented a 9mm and .40 Glock and found both fun and controllable. I plan to go rent the .45 tonight.
Frankly, I'm leaning toward .40 right now. It was fun to shoot, same grip and about the same felt recoil as the 9mm. Unless I decide I really like the .45 better (and my fiancee turns out to be able to use it too) I'll probably go with the .40. Plus, .40 is not that much more expensive than 9mm where I live, and still cheaper than .45. Carry is not an issue since we don't have CCW, I'll probably mount a light on the rail and it'll go in a bedside safe when we get married and have a house.

Am I missing anything important? Any opinions either way? What about KBs--is there any reason to avoid the .40 there? I think I was once told that the 17 was designed for 9mm, and the 21 was made for .45, but the .40 was just a bored-over 17.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Congrats! If you and your wife can handle the .40 S&W, then I think that both of you can handle the .45 Auto... The .40 S&W has a quick, sharp recoil pulse, while the .45 Auto is more of a slower, hard push.. Some people find shooting the .45 Auto to be more gentle than the .40 S&W... It is good that you are trying out all of the guns. Make sure to go with the gun that fits your hands the best. There is no substitute for a good grip feeling. And that will make shooting that much more easy and enjoyable for you... Personally, I would go with either a 9mm or a .45 Auto...

So glad someone here won that raffle. I bought 4 tickets. If it were me I'd get the 30. Tough choice! But don't look for sympathy from any of us. :)

[This message has been edited by R Varn (edited December 29, 1999).]
Congradulations Gwinny!
I'd go with the .45, of course you realize I'm bias as all get out.
Second choice would be a 9mm.
The .40 S&W seems to be the one with the problems, so I'd avoid it. Then again, my opinion of the .40 is well known.
Of course you could just pick the one that costs the most and then trade it for a real gun. ;) Just kidding.....just kidding!
Congrats Giwnny!!!!

(gritting teeth and bitching)

that's WAY cool.

I liked the G17, even though I prefer 45's.. the model 21 is SOOOO much larger that I didn't feel it would be a good CCW gun, plus there are a LOT of aftermarket mags (read hi-cap) available for the 17.

Good shooting bro...

(damn when is the next raffle I bought 2 tix last time)

I bot a 30 without knowing anything about it.
1st time I fired it, the group was about 1/2" larger than Gold Cup. I was amazed. It has some recoil, but nothing terrible. I can't say enough good about it. It fits in Levi's pocket. It is one of my CCW authorized guns. It is one scary lookin hole. And the accuracy is crazy good. This should be a duty pistol for anyone who wants to carry it. Light, accurate, effective. It is the one gun I wud pick if I ...KNEW...something was going down.
9mm vs .40- keep in mind ammunition cost, a 60$ difference per 1K. That means you get to practice 50% more if you buy the 9mm. Hicaps are plentiful for the 9 and if you hit em' in the right place with either it will do the job. I love my G19, so I vote for it or the 17.

decisions, decisions, decisions :)

Congratulations Don!!
Well I thought about which of these I would choose if I were lucky enough to win that raffle (I guess it would have helped if I bought a ticket) and I decided it would be either the 20 or 21. The main reason is the 21 is a great shooter, but the 20 would be nice too as I have never owned a 10mm. These 2 models are also a little more expensive than the other Glocks, so to be able to choose one would be ideal for me.
If you get the 22 or 23 you can buy a .357 SIG barrel and I also read a post in a forum from someone who bought a .22LR conversion for the 23 or 22. I don't remember which, but the conversion cost around $200. Now that would be a nice combo; one pistol to shoot 22LR, .40 and .357 SIG.
Get the Glock 25. You can sell it to a Glock collector for thousands of dollars as they are pretty much unobtainable in the U.S. and buy what ever Glocks you want with the money.
Glock 18 is in that number range! :D
Way to Go!
Me? I think I would opt for a Long Slide 40 - what is that? Glock 24?
Hmm or maybe a 27... Shoot - this is a tuffy. I envy you the choices!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Congats! I see there are not too many mentions of the G22. I carry mine on duty, compete with it, and practice year round. In 5 years not one failure. It is also very accurate. It was my understanding that this is the gun Glock designed for the FBI around the .40. But I would choose the long slide .40 without the compensated barrel as the blinding flash in your face at night sucks (I'm thinking home defense here). Whatever your Glock choice I doubt you'll be dissapointed.
Model 20 in 10mm. You'll never be sorry!! Great weapon and excellent caliber to boot. Can't go wrong. Happy New Year!!!
Hey, thanks for all the good advice! I haven't quite decided, but we're down to the G17 or G22. Melissa can't quite reach the trigger safety on the 20 or 21 with those fatboy frames, and she agreed with me that the 19 and 23 were too small for comfort. I had nearly settled on the G22 for awhile but now I think I'll get the 17. 9mm is cheap and probably fine for anything I'll ever have to do with it.

If I get that one, I'll have my 20 guage, my Ruger .22, a scoped Taurus .44 mag, and a reliable, accurate 9mm. Pretty good collection for all needs, I'd say. I'm a lucky bastich.

Anybody else out there think the .40 is worth a try? Is it true that it wasn't designed from the ground up, but rather adapted from the 9mm?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

Big Congrats to you.

I shoot only the .40. It is the best combination of power and packaging IMHO.

I have the G27 which is a real jewel. My other .40 is the USP40C.

Love the round and my wife shoots it with great ease and success.

I personally think that most all cartridges or at least the thought process that they started from began with another rd. in mind. The .40 is not simply a beefed up 9mm but rather began as an experimental project back in the mid eighties I believe with the premise for experimenting being an old commonly used rd. from the older days (last century now) called the .38-40. Ballistically the .40 S&W is very similar to this old rd.

Contact John Koppell at for an indepth story on the .40. He was one of the early pioneers in creating this rd. along with a gentleman from the S&W performance center and some other dude from CA.

The forty is powerful and accurate. I'd say forget what everyone else thinks you should get and get what you and your wife find to be the best deal. Stay involved in this decision together. It'll be a good additional bond for the both of you.

Congrats again.
