Help me win back my internet access.

BrokenPaw: Is that any different from using the standard Windows proxy feature? If so, I was doing that for a while, but the only good proxy I know of seems to be gone. They've taken away people's computers for using them, too, which makes me more cautious. If it's a different process, though, then I'm intrigued. As you say, though, I don't have such a server set up. I'd ask you, but I'm quite sure that I would not get parental permission. My parents are, shall we say, very rule-bound.

DNS: I don't actually think that it's some massive conspiracy, nor do I expect the school to think so. However, they are beholden to the North Carolina legislature and are fighting very hard to defend the funds for full college scholarships for every student that the legislature gave them last year. Some people are beginning to criticize it as elitist, you see. If I can make them believe that certain senators and representatives might view this filtering in a negative light and consequently withdraw support, it might be enough.

BreacherUp!: I've tried that angle before, and got no response. I'm afraid that the school has demonstrated an extreme aversion to change of any sort simply to make the students happy. After the time I've spent here, I firmly believe that the only way to get them to do anything is to threaten to deprive them of money, deprive them of political support, or bring them to court. It's unfortunate, but it's what experience tells me.

Kirk: Thank you very much. What class was your nephew in?
BreacherUp!: I've tried that angle before, and got no response. I'm afraid that the school has demonstrated an extreme aversion to change of any sort simply to make the students happy. After the time I've spent here, I firmly believe that the only way to get them to do anything is to threaten to deprive them of money, deprive them of political support, or bring them to court. It's unfortunate, but it's what experience tells me.

Well by all means, fire away, Cap'n. For someone in high school, I gotta admit. You're learning the ropes of dealing with poiliticians very well. Scary thought, I might add. Kidding, good luck
I ran into a problem like this at a company I worked with. They used a 'babysitter' software, SurfWatch, as well. The way I got around it was to find their written internet usage policy. There were clauses in there that prohibited promoting one political viewpoint. Since guns are legal (sale, ownership, and shooting for sport) to promote a view that they are 'bad' is against my own political belief and actually promotes the Democrat party platform. Using the internet for offensive purposes was also prohibited and I was offended. That made the software in violation of our corporate usage policy. I went to the legal department and said that they either needed to rewrite the internet usage policy or bring the software into compliance. I was given the task of getting the software in compliance and within 4 months changes were made to the software that allowed access to gun sites while still restricting sites related to violence, porn, and gambling.