Help me.......

Creature said:
What is it about Nagants? I have always walked by them without a second glance. What have I been missing out on?

Nothing at all, Creature. They're not American made, so they aren't for you.:p

(OK Wild, it's all set. Creature won't want the last Nagant. That means I now can have the last one.:cool:)
I'm sorry, but that picture shows that you're quite beyond help. That's obviously a terminal case... ;)
How many are left, Wild?

All of them, cuz the guy hasnt gotten back to me re shipping. Thats the key.

Creature you would like a Nagant...machine marks everywhere, funky looks, DA spring so powerful you need two hands to pull, anemic cartridge thats a pain to reload, cheap...but accurate and bulletproof

Owning one takes you out of the gun snob category:D

WilditsacultAlaska ™
I thought owning a Polish Radom P-64 took me out of that category.

I'm sorry, but that picture shows that you're quite beyond help. That's obviously a terminal case...

O just wait..I have a Cossack Papakha already....:D

WildtherewerejewishcossacksyouknowAlaska ™