Help me pick a new .32

How well does .32 ACP fire in .327 revolvers?How well does .32 ACP fire in .327 revolvers?

Depends on the revolver. Everyone I've seen says the LCR will fire 32 Auto reliably. The SP101 will NOT fire 32 Auto reliably. Some individual guns may, but others won't fire it at all on various cylinders or only will after multiple re-strikes (and often the rounds don't fire with full force). I know this about the SP101 because I've had 2 that are this way. (-:

If you want 32 Auto performance in a revolver, shoot 32 S&W or 32 S&W Long.
.32 auto is more powerful than .32 S&W long, and much more powerful than the short.
when you say powerful you mean pressure or energy? the .32 Long (98gr. @ 750 fps) gives about 125 foot pounds from the muzzle. the .32 acp (71gr. @ 900 fps) gives about the same.
The SAAMI-spec loads (American), are much weaker than CIP-spec loads (European).

Standard Fiocchi FMJ is putting out something like 160 ft-lbs, S&B something like 175 ft-lbs. But it's interesting that the cartridge can go higher still, in a lot of pistols, since many were designed to handle .380acp. See e.g. the Buffalo Bore and Underwood +p loads.

Energy isn't the end of the story, of course, but it can be a useful place to start.
The SAAMI-spec loads (American), are much weaker than CIP-spec loads (European).

Standard Fiocchi FMJ is putting out something like 160 ft-lbs, S&B something like 175 ft-lbs. But it's interesting that the cartridge can go higher still, in a lot of pistols, since many were designed to handle .380acp. See e.g. the Buffalo Bore and Underwood +p loads.

Energy isn't the end of the story, of course, but it can be a useful place to start.
Buffalo Bore is right up there with its properly loaded .32 Long rounds.

With brand spankin' new Wolff magazine springs, I took it to the range on Friday. First shot fired; second shot did not because first shell did not completely eject. It was halfway still in the barrel. Am I having an extractor problem? In retrospect, I should have continued firing the P32 to try to replicate the malfunction, but I stopped.

I initiated a work order through KelTec's website and I am awaiting a reply.
"...first shell did not completely eject. It was halfway still in the barrel."

Not to nit-pick, but that was a failure to extract, not failure to eject. Extract is when the case is removed from the chamber; eject is when the case is kicked out through the hole (ejection port) in the slide.

I'd be looking at the extractor as the cause of that.

So, you didn't pursue it to see if the new mag springs cured the feeding problems?
if the magazines lips aren't buggered up, the recoil and magazine springs are new, let somebody else shoot a few magazines through it just to be sure it isn't you.