Help me develop a home defense plan?

This is a worse idea than bringing a knife to a gunfight.

I'm new to this forum stuff, but, I believe the options other than firearms that were mentioned were intended for use against a threat without a firearm. Suggested as another layer to a plan.

Much like the fire extinguisher idea, it is an inexpensive option for a less lethal response that thinks outside the box. I don't agree that it was a bad idea.

I do believe bringing a knife to a gunfight is a bad idea, for me. I can't close that 21' gap as quickly as I used to. I would still be very scared for my life if I was attacked with a knife, even if armed with a firearm.

I don't like pain. It hurts me. - Bugs Bunny
Try making your place the least criminal friendly in the neighborhood. Maybe replace the no trespassing signs with signs that describe video surveillance. You can buy fake surveillance cameras at Radio Shack.

Are you connected with a local Veterans Center? They can provide many types of support.
Video surveillance signs is a great idea! I can't believe I haven't thought of something so obvious! Thank you!

For giggles: cardboard silhouette cutouts on a train set in front of the windows seemed to work for the kid in the home alone movie. Lol

PM sent about vet center.
Look around outside your house. Do what you can to make things less friendly for thieves. I don't think most home invaders are banging down trailer doors with people inside. Leave a front light turned on on the porch, eleminate dark areas that a thief can hide in, low bushes in front of windows, use rubber wedge style stopper inside front door as this should stop/ slow them down while making a racket. I keep a set of electronic hearing protector on my bedside table with a light and pistol. I wear hearing aids but if I hear a noise outside at night I put on the protectors and turn up the volume, only take a second or two. I use Howard Leight protectors that cost about $35 on sale, NRR rating of 23db but increase conversation volume by 4x. I also keep aerosol powered boat horns in several rooms. They are louder than bejesus and will wake the dead (and neighbors) at 2 AM for sure. Kids could signal if they can't scream or call out. At the front door I drilled a hole into the floor and have a peice of wood block with a bolt in it that drops into the hole at night. This allows the door to open a couple of inches if desired but nobody will slam it open into my/wife's face. Also handy if the girls happen to open the door if someone knocks.
As for the guard dog, there's no need for an actual dog.
They're more hassle than kids.
Just get a recording of a big dog, complete with growling and barking that activates when the place is disturbed.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
It's a bad idea to bring a fake dog to a gunfight.
I don't know if anyone has suggested plant barriers and funneling traffic to the areas you can secure, but that might be an affordable solution. I have planted century plants in front of windows in the past. The down side is cleaning the windows is more challenging.
I love those electronic ear pro things. Before I got the VA to get me hearing aides I wore them around the house so my better half didn't have to keep scrwing at me. They can get tunes plugged into them too. I like the idea of keeping them handy for intruders. Blocking loud shots, they'd help keep me coherent too, in a situation where I'd have to discharge the firearm inside my Pepsi can house. Great idea, thank you!

A fake dog would be neat. In addition to the video surveillance signs, I may go with beware of dog. Don't know if I'm talented enough with electronics to hook up a noise maker though.

I have always like holly bushes. I am on the fence about making permanent improvements to the place. I rent, and already feel taken advantage of by the landlord. (They haven't called back in 4 months, our front yard is flooded from our septic tank.)
They haven't called back in 4 months, our front yard is flooded from our septic tank
I'm not a doctor or a statistician, but I have played both in third world countries when no real ones were available.
I'd have to guess the septic tank flood poses a great many more health risks than the remote possibility of an armed intruder.
There are usually legal resources available to help those unable to afford a lawyer through the process of formally filing a complaint with a land lord, diverting payments to escrow until repairs are made, and reducing rent for the period of time it is in disrepair.
I've not dealt with the process as a renter or as a landlord, but I am acquainted with landlords who have. Funny how a rent reduction can motivate a lazy landlord to put repairs to the top of the "to do" list.
I'd invest first in doorstops that I could take with me when you move. And maybe in a couple of heavier door chains. Make the back door impenetrable at night. Or at least very difficult to enter. Maybe even table blocking. Do as much to the front door also. I too would depend on the handgun bf the shotgun. Keep it on your person or locked up. Make it a habit. I would consider the ex to be the likely intruder to a 90% probability. Shows up drunk and trying to take the kids and beat the cr@p out of the ex. Your best bet is to keep him out of the home until the cops can get there. Just make sure that she won't open the door to him without you being there for any reason.... Just my take on things. Domestic is way more likely than random intruder
You make $1200 a month and have two firearms now. You certainly don't need to purchase another one, and a large dog will eat you out of house and home.

Deadbolts and a couple of bright porch lights will be adequate. You can bankrupt yourself trying to retort to scenario after scenario.

That septic tank is a health concern. Do tell the landlord to pump it and inspect it, and get the results of the inspection, he may need to replace the field.