HELP! i am moving to Ca!!!!


New member
I am probably moving from the mountains of Virginia to Ventura county California just outside of l.a. in the next month or so. Any tips, advice on moving from a basically free state to a basically socialist one?? I have a c.c.p. here, any idea how hard it is to get one there(i'm assuming they are not a reciprocal state). Any firearms bans i need to know about? Any help?
Sorry to hear the bad news.

You have no chance for a concealed carry permit in California. It's a may issue state and it's virtually impossible. There is no reciprocity there with anybody. You have a better chance of getting medical marijuana. :D

There are many restrictions on firearms both long gun and hand gun. You might be better off selling all your firearms where you live and starting over with CA legal ones when you move. You can forget any assault rifles and pistols with magazines > 10 rounds.

Don't know how much time you've spent there previously but your in for a huge culture shock compared to Virginia. I've spent time in both states. There is no amount of $$$ that would ever get me to live in California.
CA doesn't have reciprocity with anyone. Your only chance is if the issuing LEO in your county is sympathetic, which isn't likely.

As far as the rest, no mags over 10 rounds, and no assault weapons. These include pistols with threaded barrels (you can still bring in the pistol and the threaded barrel, just don't have the barrel installed in the pistol), and rifles with "evil features" including but not limited to those with a pistol grip and a detachable mag.

There are several ways of getting around the law regarding AW's. Head over to for all the juicy details.

Edit: I should mention that there is a misconception regarding handguns in california. It is perfectly legal for you to bring in handguns (as long as they aren't assault weapons) that are NOT on the CA drop list. In fact I recommend you do so, and maybe consider buying a couple more before you move. Pistols that we californians cant get here command a premium, sometimes 200% over non-cali prices. If you want it, get it now. If you are thinking about it, get it and if you don't like it you can sell it and make a profit.
Edit: I should mention that there is a misconception regarding handguns in california. It is perfectly legal for you to bring in handguns (as long as they aren't assault weapons) that are NOT on the CA drop list. In fact I recommend you do so, and maybe consider buying a couple more before you move. Pistols that we californians cant get here command a premium, sometimes 200% over non-cali prices. If you want it, get it now. If you are thinking about it, get it and if you don't like it you can sell it and make a profit.

What about mag restrictions in regards to this?

Can the OP purchase a "free state" Glock 17 with normal 17rd magazines and take it with him to his new home in CA even though his new 2008-production Glock does not have pre-1994 high capacity magazines?
What about mag restrictions in regards to this?

Can the OP purchase a "free state" Glock 17 with normal 17rd magazines and take it with him to his new home in CA even though his new 2008-production Glock does not have pre-1994 high capacity magazines?

No... my advice...

Buy a hybrid car, start blogs supporting rediculously irrelavant causes and enjoy living in the state with the most things in common with Nazi Germany.
Can the OP purchase a "free state" Glock 17 with normal 17rd magazines and take it with him to his new home in CA even though his new 2008-production Glock does not have pre-1994 high capacity magazines?

No mags over 10 rounds period. No exceptions. Buy all the pistols you like. Leave the mags behind.

Congratualtions on your move.

California is a wonderful state espically for gun owners and hunters. Your happiness is pratically guranteed.
Congratualtions on your move.

California is a wonderful state espically for gun owners and hunters. Your happiness is pratically guranteed.

I'm just curious. Is there a california thread that you can respond to without bashing the state?

We all understand that you didn't like it and you left. Theres no need to repeat it.
On the plus side the weather is amazing, girls are cute and mexican food is outstanding. Also, you can drive a few hours east and see some truly beautiful country.

I guess you resign yourself to the fact that certain stuff is off limits and make do. SKS instead of AK, 1911s instead of wonder nines. Maybe buy stuff that is really accurate instead high capacity.

Good luck!
You won't get a CCW, you can't have a so called 'Assault Rifle,' and you will find that the weather blows (it only rains for a few months out of the year... the rest of the time it's a d@mn desert.) I'm a Marine, and I can tell you that active duty military doesn't even help you out.. not one bit.. with your rights as an American in this ridiculous state. I have tried to apply for an Assault Weapon's Permit and been turned down even though it could prove vital to my training. I have tried to apply for a CCW and been turned down, even though it would be quite handy to defend my rear from high-and-tight smart terrorists. So, my advice? DO NOT move to California!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
California is pretty bleak for gun owners. Socialist/Commie/Liberal lawmakers are very well represented in Sacramento and you can find some real idiots here without looking too hard. The cost of living is very high and the price of a house will make you pale. We often lead the country in stupid new fads and restrictive laws and we are home to Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein and a whole slew of Hollywood morons. The Central Valley is full of tweakers and you’ll need to learn Spanish AND Mandarin soon.

But I’ve been all across this country and to me (my opinion only) there are no mountains prettier than the Sierra and there are no streams more beautiful than those that flow through them. The food is awesome and the wine is the absolute best. The women rival in beauty, those anywhere in the world. Some of the smartest people on the planet call this home and the climate is real hard to beat. If you have any skill, you will find employment and if you have great skill, you will find some of the highest salaries attainable.

So if gun rights are the overriding issue in your life, best to stay away. If not or if you have some other compelling reason to move here, there’s plenty to enjoy.

a MUST read prior to moving to Cali...the State DOJ Firearms Page....all the hot tips on how to avoid hot water.....and arrest !

Basically you have to registered your firearms that pass their standards, carry them unloaded in a locked case in the trunk !
NO Hi-cap Mags...NO AR's-AK's

Join CRPA..California Rifle and pistol Association
They put out a nice newsletter of new and worse gun laws being introduced...that have been relative successful in the past.

CCW is possible but the exception rather than the rule..except Orange County in the South and most Central and Northern Counties. IF you can get one, they are valid statewide.

It is a beautiful State...full of Fruits & Nuts !

Say Hi to the Govenator !

READ the DOJ firearms info...they have NO sense of humor....and Jerry Brown
---former Govenor Moon The Attorney General.

Good Luck !
Now that Carona bit the dust is that going to change ccw status in Orange County?
and to think I worked on his first run at sheriff. What a mistake that was.

CCW is possible but the exception rather than the rule..except Orange County in the South and most Central and Northern Counties. IF you can get one, they are valid statewide.