Hello from the New Girl

Miss .357

New member
Hi! A few TFL members that I know told me about this site and I figured I might as well jump in and get my feet wet.

Let me introduce myself....I shot my first gun (12 guage w/ pistol grips) about 2 years ago. Since then I have purchased, about 5 guns of my own. I am definately a Magnum kind of Girl. .357 being my preferred carrying piece but I do throughly enjoy shooting my .44.

I am currently "cooling off" waiting for my Colt pocketlite. The part I don't get is that I already paid for the gun, have a concealed carry permit, and yet the gun is sitting in a box at the store. In three days, I should be "cool" enough to go pick it up. Great ordinance Fairfax county came up with there. Anyone else run into this?

It is really hard to tell by most people's user name but are there any other females on here besides DC?

"Time changes everything"
Well, let me take the opportunity to be the first to welcome you!

I'm from the relatively free state of Arizona, as is indicated by my name. We don't have to wait three days to "cool off" and can by-pass the NICS with a concealed carry permit.

I'm sorry you have to go through that... definately not right...

Ask all the questions you want here. You will find many experts (through book-learning, and through personal experience) that will respond and help you out.

It's a great think-tank, rant channel, and brotherhood (or the PC term: personhood :D) Check out the FAQ's to find out how to do the different faces, as well as inserting URL's and BOLD, ITALICS, <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>QUOTES[/quote] and other text enhancement features.




"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

Welcome Missy. Not too many females around here, but we are glad to have you and any friends you can bring along.

We can often gain a lot from the insight that the fairer sex brings to the conversation.. of course, with your taste in calibres, you might well scare away some of our male members.

Hiya Miss.357..

Good to have you here. There are 2 occasional female posters that I'm aware of.
Hope you enjoy yourself

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Howdy there Miss .357,
Welcome to TFL. I, for one, think we need a few more ladies around here.
I don't know why DC didn't speak up, but SHE is here everyday.

Hey DC, not gittin' shy on us are ya?
5 guns in 2 years, you say? Yup, life is tough! Just remember to ignore any "expert advice" I may give in a fit of optimism--it can still get you hurt.

Me??!! Shy?? Still thy tongue knave.
She already knew about me. ;)

Oh yeah, Miss .357...I'm a big bore gal myself....357 Blackhawk and a 1911. Rifles are my real love though

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited May 04, 1999).]
Let me add my welcome Miss .357.

I gotta' ask why you left the fine county of Prince William to buy a gun in Fairfax? I have lived in Fairfax County most of my life and have only bought 1 gun here. I usually go to your county! :) Head over to Woodbridge and Shooters Paradise (you've got to love that name), if they have it in stock you can have it that day. If not, they can order anything. Great folks too, always friendly and willing to deal. I won't try to explain Fairfax County's waiting period, because I can't figure it out either.
Miss .357;
Welcome.There is no better place for a gunner to be.As you can see there is a great group here.

Better days to be,

I'll add my welcome. Glad you could join our group. There are a lot of opinions floated here, some good and some almost as good. For the most part we are a semi-well behaved bunch. :D :) ;)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
Let me be the first (or 11th) to welcome you to The Firing Line.

We have more ladies that lurk than post...it's always been a curiosity to me, given how well ladies shoot. In any case maybe you can help DC and a couple of others pull them out of the closet.
Let me add my welcome to the group. Anybody that likes .44s is OK with me.
Paul B.
Welcome, Missy! Please bring all your friends, so we can introduce them to the true joys of this fine tradition...I never see enough female shooters or martial artists. It's a pity.
Greetings from OZ ...

No, not where Dorothy landed - the other mythical place where they take yer guns and tell you that they were "evil" & "it was necessary for the safety of the public"


.357's ROCK !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
I'll add my welcome to the new girl. There's another lady named Bubbles who drops in occasionally, I believe she's from Loudon Co. I, too, live in Fairfax, bastion of NoVA liberatlities and ridiculous traffic congestion. I don't understand the silly waiting period either, obviously its moot after you acquire your first gun anyway (unless you just absolutely have to shoot something with a caliber you don't already own), but it seems to make the namby-pamby-wishy-washy, spineless, gutless wimps feel better, and lord kows that's important, mandatory, even, can't be hurting enyone's self esteem, after all. Of course, it was also Ffx Co that tried to jack the CCW fee up to $200, causing the folks in Richmond to pass a state law that it shall not exceed $50. Pardon the rambling, but welcome, you'll find this a great place with great folks. I trust you found the ride out to Galyan's worth while, you can always use teh return trip to figure out what to buy next month (in VA, it's one gun a month, it's the law!)
Best regards & stay cool, M2
Miss .357

Welcome aboard! Always glad to have new members.

Spectre >I never see enough female shooters or martial artists.<

Hummmm, I know of some that consider firearms training (personel defense handgun, shotfun, rifle) to be training in the "Modern Martial Art" thereby makeing them Modern Martial Artists.

Think about it!

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited May 05, 1999).]