Heller Decision AFFIRMED, INDIVIDUAL right (Scalia)

If this has already been posted then I apologize. Here is a link to a speech Alan Gura gave to the City Club of Cleveland on YouTube. The Q&A that follows was very helpful to me understanding some of the issues about Heller and the applications of that decision. Alsn also talks about where the cases will likely go next. This is the first link just follow the other parts.


This speech was gven this week I think.
Down the road from Heller

I'm not a lawyer. I suspect if Scalia get his way in some years down the road. bans will be gone including the hateful ban on the introduction of new full auto types into the civilian market. You will still need to go the way it is now but be more of a shall issue arrangement. I suspect carry permits will also become shall issue. As to whether open carry will not require some form of permit, my crystal ball is still cloudy on that issue. I do think this is going to take several more trips to SCOTUS
Every gun owner in the nation needs to get our and cast their vote.

Notice how close the Heller vote went?

Now imagine that Obama is made KING. He appoints a couple of Obama friends to the SCOTUS.

The 2A is challenged again in whatever way they can get it to the SCOTUS.

What's the result this time around? God help us. The King just got his way. No guns. Period.

Get out and vote. I am not entirely happy with the choices before me, but at least I know what I have with the competition.
"Now imagine that Obama is made KING. He appoints a couple of Obama friends to the SCOTUS."

TGG, I agree with you 100 percent about voting, and also making careful note of how close the vote was this time. I didn't know I could hold my breath for weeks at a time.

That said, though, I think we should not panic about the possibility that Obama will get elected and appoint some new Supreme Court justices. Most Supreme Court watchers agree that the justices most likely to leave the court soon are hyperliberal ones anyway (like Stevens), so Obama's appointments would not affect the balance of the court so much.

By the same token, let's NOT relax, though. There's much more work to do.

David Kopel was making the rounds of many of the pro-firearms radio talk shows after Heller. Here are the links:

Mike Rosen 850 KOA AM (Denver) First hour Quicktime format. Takes a while to load. Downloadable at http://www.850koa.com

Mike Rosen 850 KOA AM (Denver) Second hour Quicktime format. Takes a while to load. Downloadable at http://www.850koa.com

Down Range Radio Quicktime format. Takes a while to load. Not a very well organized site ( http://www.downrange.tv ) so finding the file to download is not easy.

Metro News Outdoors Click the audio link. Does not appear to be downloadable.

Jon Caldera 850 KOA AM (Denver) Quicktime format. Takes a while to load. Downloadable at http://www.850koa.com

Jon Caldera podcast link http://audio.ivoices.org/mp3/iipodcast206.mp3

Caplis and Silverman 630 KHOW AM (Denver) Quicktime format. Takes a while to load. Downloadable at http://www.khow.com
Socrates, two other members posted two threads at the same time, before your post.

Soo... I'm gonna merge their threads and folks, Let's direct all comments to the "Heller 2.0" thread.

This one is about what the initial Heller decision says or does.
jimpeel wrote:

Another article from Reason Magazine


The Second Amendment Goes to Court
Civil libertarians respond to D.C. v. Heller

Jacob Sullum, Joyce Lee Malcolm, Randy Barnett, Alan Gura, Brian Doherty, David B. Kopel, Glenn Reynolds and Sanford Levinson | June 27, 2008

Contains statements from all of the above.


If one goes to Reason.com, interested parties will there find a lengthy archive of gun rights, mostly if not all pro gun rights articles, going back a number of years.


Additionally, for whatever it might be worth, my wife, who is currently reading The Nine, Inside The Secret World of the Supreme Court by Jeffrey Toobin found the following regarding Justice Scalia, which might or might not have a bearing on his thinking re D.C. v. Heller. See page 200, where one finds reference to Scalia having been on his High Schol Rifle Team, "commuting on the New York subway system with a .22 carbine". Seems that Justice Scalia, later in life, was also an active hunter.

As I mentioned above, the foregoing might or might not have anything to do with the justices thinking on gun related legal matters, however who knows.