I've thought about this quite a bit of late. Ever since my dad passed, I've sorta been working on making sure my affairs are in order.
In the end, I think my wife will have all of my firearms, even though she won't use them. We have no kids, and at this point, there's no doubt that we never will. I have several nieces/nephews, yet only one is an avid shooter. That one would most likely sell anything I left him, just for beer money. He can earn his own beer money, as far as I'm concerned.
Another nephew was once interested in shooting, and might be again one day. He's more interested in other things now, mostly for lack of support for his shooting interest by his parents. He has a .22 rifle that was given to him by my father, but he hasn't shot it, or shown an interest in shooting it for many years.
My brother would happily take them, but he'd eventually sell them, or ruin them from abuse, much like his son. I may offer him the option of buying some of them; who knows?
In the end, if they're to be sold rather than treasured, my wife deserves and will need the money more than the rest. If (heaven forbid) something happens to her first, then I'll probably leave them to friends who'd appreciate them the most.