Personally, I like the Pachmyr grips, and dislike the Hogue.
I ran into the "triggerguard bashing my middle finger" with a Blackhawk in .45 Colt, and heavy loads. Tried the pinky under grip, don't like it with anything that really recoils. While the triggerguard don't bash your finger, the bottom of the grip twists your pinky finger. For me, it was simply trading one problem for another.
The solution to your problem is to get a grip that fills in behind the triggerguard, rubber, plastic, wood, your preference.
I'm running 325gr bullets over 24gr of H110 on my SBH Hunter and am not having issues with the trigger guard. May just be the differences in holding it?
Your picture shows a round trigger guard Hunter model...
The 'issue' arises with some people with the Dragoon square back trigger guard...
The problem can happen with the round triggerguard too. I'd say the main reason QuarterHorse isn't having any issues with that load, other than it being "a bit stiff" might have something to do with the pound, pound & a half, (more?) of scope he has mounted on his SBH. More weight really makes a difference.
I don't shoot the uber heavy bullets. Nothing I do, or have ever done with a handgun required bullets that heavy. SO to me they are just extra lead, extra recoil, and extra cost for no benefit.