Heart Stents

the blur

New member
I recently had a few stents installed.

What's the consensus on shooting ?

How long did you guys wait?

My biggest rifle is 7mm-08, and light load skeet. So there's not much I can downsize.
I had a stent popped in about 14 years ago.

I think they had me back to work in a week at full duty.

No big deal. Ask your doctor, but I think I was fine a week later.

Better than fine. No chest pains since. Just get into a good program of diet and exercise and live long.
Heart stents

Ask your cardiologist!!! He/She may not be a shooter but should be smart enough to say whether the recoil would damage the work you have had done. Also if it is a drug eluding stent whether the Plavix will cause any deep tissue bruising.
All the best,
Ask your doctor !!

No big deal. Ask your doctor, but I think I was fine a week later.
Good point but sadly, many of "us" have gotten a bit paranoid about having any conversations on firearms. Whenever I run into a situation like this I ask generic questions on a similar activity and then read between the lines. ... ;)

Fortunately my family physician is a gun enthusiast and knows I teach Hunter Safety. .... :)

Be Safe !!!
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Heart stents

Good point Pahoo. But if your doctor won't answer your honest question you need a different doctor.:)
Bill (M.D.)

But if your doctor won't answer your honest question you need a different doctor.
Sorry, I did not make my point. On a previous appointment to this facility, I had an interview with a Wellness Counselor and was asked about owning and using firearms. She was not well informed about firearms and just needed to fill in a space on her report to whomever. I do share things with my family physician that makes my wife blush and not only that, as a firearm enthusiast, he can relate. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
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Yes, some doctors are so anti-gun that you begin to wonder what they might do.

As in, "A lot of men get depressed when suddenly dealing with heart disease and we get concerned when guns are owned......."

What's that new organization? "Doctors Who Hate Guns and The Crazy People Who Like Guns?"
I think you would want to talk to a doctor. only problem is, it's not a common question that doctors are asked and few have a solid answer. I recently had lasik and asked how long I had to wait before being able to shoot, he couldn't give me a solid response... and he's one of the top 50 lasik doctors in the country practicing in the 3rd most armed county in the nation(per capita)
Tahuna, I recently had catarct surgery with lens implants. I ask the doctor how long should I wait before shooting? I did say that some of what I shoot are pretty hard kicking. He said wait about a week and there should be no problem. No I only have one cut on each eye and I understand Lasik uses multiple cuts. How much difference that would make I don't know.
Paul B.
the method they used on me was to cut a single flap but I also got the new procedure which doesn't use any blades and is all done with lasers. PRK, on the other hand would be a rough procedure and I probably wouldn't want to shoot for at least a month following. my doctor recommended at least few days before shooting but claimed he had never heard of a case where recoil had opened up the incisions in the eyes. it was kindof moot anyway though, it took about a week before my eyes were able to focus enough to allow me to see through sights.
I have two stents, three heart attacks..I didnt ask my cardiologist that question because I didnt want or need any negative answer, the fact was I was going to shoot regardless.
I got depressed until I went back to work and never felt better when I returned to the range. I shoot 7 mm rem mag, and 30-06 regularly with zero problems...

You should be fine for recoil after cardio rehab, which should give you a handle on your future health siituation...
I had three stents put in all at once. I was almost completely plugged in two arteries and 83% in the third. I was riding my ATV with my doctor's permission four days later. She said go ahead and shoot all you want. I had Lasik done on both eyes and was told to wait a couple of weeks to shoot my 45-70s. No problems. I just recently had cataract lens replacement and was told to wait a week. A month ago I had PRK in one of the eyes to "tweak" the vision and that was horrible (pain, redness, watering, sore, the who nine yards) and was told to wait until I could see good enough to shoot and then just go and shoot. It took about three weeks to see well enough to shoot. Unbelievable what they can do now days. I've got 20/20 in one eye and 20/15 in the other. I'm 66 and can walk all day hunting. About the Plavix and shooting........it's gonna look bad but it's not dangerous. You'll sometimes get some huge bruises. Oddly enough, sometimes you don't. Don't know why that is but sometimes you bruise worse than others. I was told not to worry about it so I don't.
I have two (2) stints in a genetically small artery & my Cardiologist said no problem with shooting after six (6) months to make sure they do not re-eclude again.

A Pacemaker can be damaged by recoil, IIRC.
John Amber, the original Editor of Gun Digest, had one & an article he authored
said it could installed on the side that does not take the recoil.
As in any surgery, your doctor is your ally and wants the best outcome. The incision in your upper leg is one issue, as is the wearing effect of the your medication and anesthesia. The range requires the optimum of clarity of mind. The doctor knows best!
I have two stents plus four bypasses, none of these have been a problem, normal recoup and full speed ahead. The problem if there is one is too many people shut down rather than reengage a normal life style. Obviously reduce your fat intake, exercise (I don't) but I work five days a week in my yard and stay active. Much of what has been done to me is 14 years old (bypasses) stents are about 8 years old put in about two weeks apart. I say get busy living and be smart.. William
Blur I'm going through this stent thing right now, my doctor says light recoil is fine but wait till I'm done with rehab till I go up in recoil. Right now I shoot 223 / 22-250 / and light skeet loads 12 ga. I just picked up a 260 Rem and figure by the time I have the rifle ready I will be ready also.
The doctor also said if it bothers you STOP.