Headshot or Heart/Lung area

On small game, I always go for the head. Especially if you intend to eat the animal, they give you such little meat anyways, no need to destroy any of it.
My buddy

My buddy started killing off the big rattlesnakes on his place, worried about his dogs. Damn amazing how big they can get. 6 foot and as big around as your forearm. I still have one of the rattles, 14 buttons.

He had a population explosion, rats and ground squirrels galore. We had fun knocking down that population with .22 rimfire.

He really did not want to kill em all off....till they decided to chew on the wiring of his wife's Range Rover.

It was then open season on the little critters. Cost him close to 2 K to fix the Rover.
Years ago my best friend and I had the good fortune of hunting Washington's San Juan Island for rabbits when hunting there was in its prime. We shot hundreds of rabbits with our 22s. At first we went for head shots so as not to ruin any meat. Too often it resulted in a rabbit running around in circles. We soon figured out that nearly all the meat was in the back half. We began shooting them through the front shoulders with little meat loss and it anchored them every time.