Head butt techniques

ok maybe a bit off subject and just my opinion but im having a bit of a problem with the "First strike" thing,now say what you will about me but i have walked away from many fights could i have won,yes no doubt im my mind.That being said YES there are times you can't talk your way out or run away and you must DEFEND yourself,will a head butt end the confentation?
if it is a one shot end all by all means use it.I myself would not
Is the thread starter any relation to one "Gecko 45"? Just kiddin; it's actually a good question. I'd vote with "hard to soft" - forehead to nose, but I ainno expert.
headbutts are good.

The mistake with headbutts is to pull your head back, to get distance, then pull forward in an arc to gain momentum. Very bad idea. In real life situ's, when someone gets in your face, take a stance (footback for balance), tilt your head slightly down, and put your hand to your chin, like your interested in a discussion (your hand is there so there is very little distance to bring it out as a block for a variety of attacks). If the BG goes to headbutt you (they will inevitably pull their head back and ark down on you,),you will see their head tilt back at the start of their execution, tilt your face towards ground. They will connect their face on the top of your head...
In the face to face, if you know its gonna get ugly, from stance, bend legs, tilt face down, and push up in direction of BG's face. This may or may not connect with his face, but, it does get you inside very quick, and gives you oppertunity to get some thumbs up into their eyes, or push them off balance.
When your in so close, apart from knee to the groin, the best thing is to drop them to floor. Use a trip or side throw if you know the moves. If not, just keep pushing the forward momentum, after you've pushed up with the head; they will go over backwards. Sit on them, pull your head close to their head, so you wont take any big punches, go for they eye gauge, hold their head, and THEN you give them the headbutts. Once you have CONTROL of their head position, use your forehead on their face. At this close distance, punches too or from have very little power, and keeping low to opponent makes it almost impossible for them to throw you off. It will hurt you a little when you deliver, but believe me, just keep dropping them down, and you'll end up with a very cut, bloody and dissoriented BG. Once they're concussed, get up and deliver kicks, or kneel on them (safest, to make sure they cant get up) and give elbows or punches to aforementiond head/groin/throat/etc. :) :)
I might not be too bright, but I make up for it in stupidity.

You're real name wouldn't be John Kerry, would it?


I personaly don't like the head butt. Hitting someone in the head hard enough to hurt them, is also hitting myself in the head just as hard

That's why you want to target the soft points of the person's face a la the nose. Use ridge above your forehead and make sure your back is straight as to not hurt back. Proper technique--as pretentious as this sounds--is a little more complicated than just wacking someone in the noggin. This is hard to describe online, so my advice is talk to a competent martial arts instructor and have him/her show you how.
Having studied some neuroanatomy and cognitive neuroscience, and having held brain tissue in my hands -- it is rather soft and squishy -- I am not in favor of intentionally using one's head as a striking weapon. It really is not a good thing at all to whack one's brain against the skull, particularly in front where the skull has some inward-facing protrusions, nor in the back for that matter, where damage to the occipital cortex can lead to any number of visual deficiencies (cortical blindness being the extreme).

While striking with as little back-to-front motion as possible seems safest anatomically, I would not be too eager with this technique, at least if one is fond of one's frontal lobes.

Having said that, I seem to be doing allright having sustained a number of concussions and knockouts (due to sport and falls, never in a fight) in my youth, so perhaps it's not all that bad. :D
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All in all this is good info, but a head butt is a technique that you must set up for and you can't just use your body you need the momentum of the other persons body as well, one would be as mentioned before grab the other persons head and ram your hairline into their nose. The other technique on gaining their momentum in your favor is a wrist to top of the forearm technique, which basically goes like this; first stretch your arms out in front of you where your palms are facing each other, turn your palms in to face you, now create a hook with your hands kinda like just turning your hand and not your arm downward, bring you arms down and bend your elbows to a 110 degree angle. That is your form, now what you want to do is place the hook you created and place it right at the top of the forearm of your opponent, this is right where the arm bends, this is also a little bit lower than the part of a persons center of gravity line. Now while you have the opponents arms hooked drive your arms into 90 degree from 110 degrees and move your head low and straight into the persons nose. The hand to head is used if you have the surprise on the person and they have their arms down the second technique should be used when a person has there hands up this will clear up the targeted area and will make the person lose their center of gravity gaining you full advantage. :D
I guess playing soccer, made the headbutt not seem very hard. I did just use my trunk muscles, Crunches, laying down and in machines, and side bends with up to 100 lbs in 1 hand will strengthen your core. Machines that let you twist against resistance are good for trunk strengtening also,I kept my neck straight, and erect. It is best to aim for the nose, but a hit anywhere will surprise most people. Those ab rollers work, you may have to go only half way, until you gain enough upperbody strength to pull yourself back.
Heads are not for butting they're for protecting. The heal of both hands to the chest will likely knock someone off their feet and give you distance. Oh, BTW they usually land on their tailbone and that really hurts.

Used that technique twice once the first day in Viet Nam when a bunch of drunken short timers came in the hooch started f**kin' with the newbie. I was trying to sleep, long day. The biggest one came over and said, "give the newbie a beer and poured it on my head. I got up, took a half step towards him, hit him with both hands in the chest. His feet went about 5' in the air, he flew over a cooler, landed on his a** and slid backwards out the hooch door and down three steps into the mud. He said he'd kick my a** if I ever did that again. He left the next day. Funny thing I got stationed with him 14 months later and we laughed about it. We became good friends.

The other time was when loading groceries in the trunk of my car this guy comes up and says, You want to fight? He then pulls the glasses off my face and steps on them. Same maneuver, he goes off his feet and lands hard on his a** in the trunk. Doesn't say anything and limps away. Another funny thing is I was 6'1" and 220 #'s at the time. I guess the glasses made me the victim.
I was crossing the streets of a pub district with my friend in the cross walk at a stop sign, a car comes around the corner through the crosswalk and would have hit my friends, if I had not pulled them back. I pounded on his trunk and yelled pedestrians have the right of way. He made the mistake of getting out of his car. He yells, and I told him I dislike my friends having broken femurs from idiots, get in your car and leave. I told him at least 4 times to just let it go and leave, his mouth kept moving, I walked forward, and did what you did 2 hands to the chest while moving forward. I was 6' 1" 290 benching only 300lbs., but I was leg pressing 810lbs for 10 nice slow reps, so as not to hurt my back, he almost made it to his passenger seat through the air, and I think his head hit the top of the doorframe, it is a great surprise move. He did not say anything else. The head butt is good if bear hugged, or like me I would get between 2 people about to fight, and someone would realise let's just look for girls, while 1 guy usually seeing perceived weakness tried to instigate more crap, a quick headbutt, or elbow usually stops more extensive non-sense quick. It is a psychological tool also, a missed headbutt, and smiling at somebody with your nose bleeding does unerve some people. Like I said going up for a header in soccer during a corner kick, and you are likely to hit someone's head, or get kicked in the head, after awhile you realize it is anticipating it that hurts.
a few of my friends and i headbutt eachother when we get drunk =) its loads of fun, most of them have said "damn man youve got like the hardest head in the world" so it is a tool that i use if necessary.
It's great that you have a tough skull, but consider the following analogy... if you drive a tank off a freeway overpass, the tank will retain a fair bit of structural integrity after the fall. The driver inside, though, will be a broken pulp.

Your skull is the tank -- just don't forget about the driver. ;)
Glockoma: yes very true, and being a rider of motorcycles for many years... many of which exceed speeds of 190mph... and yes ive ridden at these speeds... but this has made me look into the quality of the gear i wear when riding... reasearch shows that a fatal blow to the head can occur at the speed of walking... so another words walking into a brick wall head first can kill you...

coming off and hitting a tree at 190mph im not likely to survive... but i wear the best gear i can to help prevent this. dont dress for the weather dress for the crash !

yes this varies from firearm talk a bit, but using it only go get something across... tho im not really sure what that is :D :p
In my opinion proper headbutts are very effective. As someone previously said, the agressor will usually be in your face. They will be taken by surprise as there is very little reaction time for them as opposed to alot of reaction time if you bring your fist up from your side.