Head butt techniques

Uncle Alvah

Since so many physical confrontations seem to ignite at the point where the parties are in the "in your face" mode, the head butt would seem an excellent first strike option, but how is this properly executed?
I personaly don't like the head butt. Hitting someone in the head hard enough to hurt them, is also hitting myself in the head just as hard. There is also a thing called eye jerk, which occurs with a blow or rapid violent movement of the head. When this happens, the eyes go out of and then back into focus. It is only for a second or so, but in a fight, seconds can be a long time. I just don't want to intentionaly do this to myself. And what if you cut your own brow? Now you have blood running into your eyes right off the bat.
Besides, if you are in "in your face mode" there are all kinds of other great targets available to hands, knees, and feet. All weapons he can't see coming if he is right in your face. :)
That's just my .02
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Step 1. Don't screw with the special needs kid that has the steel shunt in his forehead.

2. The drunker you are the better.

3. Seriously, your hard areas in their soft areas. Forehead to bridge of nose. Stomp on their foot arch for good measure then run.
I've had people tell me I'm "hard-headed", but not in the context you're referring to! :D

Personally, I wouldn't headbutt - I'd probably knock myself out cold.
Head butts can be very effective as a last resort.
To the rear when being held and pinned. To the front when also being held or pinned, or your hands/feet are rendered ineffective.

Same H2H rules apply.

Hard to Soft / Soft to Hard

Forehead to nose not forehead to forehead.

Last resort but very effective.

An alternative technique is grinding (as opposed to striking) your forehead into your opponents nose. Sometimes works in a grapping situation. YMMV.
One thing I remember from Panantukan/Silat training is this: if you are taller than your opponent, the head butt is not something you will easily pull off.
Good tactics to use against the headbutt?

If you have anticipated it, a headbutt is very short range.
Moving out of range is probably the best move.
Counter attacks with elbows are a good bet as that close to the body the elbow is very effective. Either an upper cut elbow or a
cross elbow would be effective if targetted correctly. If positioned correctly the elbow upper cut would seem to offer the best potential as the head is moving down and forward into the path of the uppercut.

Obviously if fast enough open hand strikes to the chin, neck or head would also work, open hand with the palm because the head is so damn hard.

The last resort if you are unable to avoid the headbutt completely would be to drop the head.
As the attacker try to headbutt with forehead to face, you drop your head being careful not to take it so low that you are struck on the top of the head buy the forehead. Worst case scenario the attacker rather than headbutting your face encounters your forehead instead. Best case you are fast enough (usually with someone who is intoxicated) and low enough that as their head comes down and forward your forehead iintercepts their face.

I hope thats all clear.

ok I'm done.

Uncle Alva,

I'll try and answer your original question of how to do a head-butt and let you decide for yourself whether or not to do a head-butt.

First off, you need to find the proper point on your skull to use for striking. Most people make the mistake of using the center of their forehead as the striking surface. The proper striking surface is just above your forehead. If you rub your forehead moving up towards your hairline (or where your hairline was before you started going bald ;) ) you will feel a slight bony protrusion. This is the vestigial brow ridge that was much more developed by our Neanderthal cousins (I think there is a theory about their extinction being linked to their proclivity to headbutt eachother in fights or while watching sporting events) and is one of the thickest bones in your skull and is the proper striking surface for a headbutt.

To properly employ a the headbutt, you should bring this portion down sharply and sligtly forward onto the bridge of the nose of the offending party. Head butts can also be applied with a slightly hooking motion to the temples, if you have your arms pinned in a bear-hug - just don't try it on your grandmother, though!

If I had a scanner, I'd post some pics of me breaking bricks with a heabutt at our last demo. I might not be too bright, but I make up for it in stupidity.

While I'll use it if necessary, I prefer elbows and knees. Sometimes headbutts to the facial area (one of the more effective target areas for headbutss) can result in cuts to the head from the dental area. Head and face bleed rather easily (sometimes so much as to flow into one's eyes and partially blind onself).

I prefer to strike with (usually clothing-covered and almost as hard) elbows and knees if things are that close (or finger jab to the eyes).
Headbutts can be devastating when used correctly and under the right circumstances. While it would be silly for a person to try and close distance with some sort of running headbutt, a headbutt in a clinch is a valuable technique.

While striking with the top of the head is preferable, it is also possible to use the upper sides of your skull in a side motion to cause pain and/or injury to the softer parts of an opponents face.

Whether a headbutt (in a clinch situation) is successful in causing severe injury or a knockout is secondary to providing an opening for either escape or more effective techniques.

Of course, head butts were also used by early boxer/brawlers to deflect a heavy punch with the added incentive of causing injury to the opponents fist.
If I headbutt someone, I'll probably lose my glasses.

At which point they can leisurely take their time at dismantling me, as I'll be flailing around and running into walls and such.
TEA has it down.

Headbutt is with the area approximately where your hairline is.

Smacking someone with your forehead is only trading damage.

Better to use upward thrust with entire body as a piston. Do not originate technique with just neck muscles. If straddling someone, also possible to do a double strike by sweeping head from one side to another into nose or temple(s). Using full force of body can end all aggression.

Shorter people have the advantage.
I have used the head butt before when it was neccessery, I must say, it is very effective when properly executed. As was stated before, use the hard part of your head on the soft parts of the attackers face. It is also an attack that's sometimes least expected ;)
A headbutt is one of my favorite ways to lead off a fight. Done right, it can inflict some serious damage (imagine holding a bowling ball eighteen inches above your face, and dropping it.)

Repeat above. Hit them with your hairline or above, and hit them in the face. If you go forehead-to-forehead you may knock yourself for a loop. Use your entire body, neck, back, legs, etc. Do bridges to keep your neck and upper back strong. Practice head-butting a heavy bag, if you have one. Don't hurt yourself, ignore the weird looks from the guys at the gym. :D

- Chris
To add to what ChrisII said:

Be VERY careful the first few times you headbutt a heavy bag. If your neck isn't strong you might seriously injure something. Work on strengthening your neck all the time. It is VITAL for fighting.
Ahhh yes!!!!

The Liverpool Kiss!!!!

When I was a wilder youth, it was one of my favorite techniques. TEA is perfect in the description of the technique. I'm a short guy, so I'm usually shorter than most (and it makes it a right useful weapon for me). A shot to the nose will drop most fellas almost instantly. Just in case, I would follow it with a hard two-handed push to create distance in case it was not disabling enough. Usually they'd fall down, but some managed to throw counter-punch. The duck and push creates space for you to shoot in (if you are a ground fighter), take a defensive position, run or throw a low kick to the leg or sciatic nerve bundle.

"The other two were watching this scene in amazement, but charge at me one by one. I delivered a head butt into the face of the third man. He was knocked out. I disposed of the last man by squeezing his balls with full force. Eve since I was in junior high, I have been called Master Groin Squeezer, and had absolute confidence in this technique."

Masahiko Kimura describing a fight with 4 GI's near Kumamoto City.
Additional technique

I've only just joined but have been lurking for a little while. I must say I'm very much enjoying the forum.

All the previous info regarding headbutting has been great, but one additional technique to consider when employing it. I am a Tae Kwon Do practitioner and before I was taught this technique, I too only considered the head hitting head part. As the name implies that is all there is to it, however that is not so. If possible you sould try to employ your hands to augment and enhance this.

1) Grab the buttee's head with both hands
2) bring the buttee's head in as you strike out with your head
3) as mentioned before hard (you) to soft (them) target
4) after the contact, snap/push the buttee's head firmly away.

By augmenting your technique with your hands, you:
1) ensure good contact with full energy transfer and accuracy
2) follow up the blow by ensuring that the hopefully staggered oppponent will stay off balance, and possibly fall onto the ground, where you can either increase the chance of a successful withdrawal, or finish the opponent.

hope this helps.