HD rifles

Willie Lowman

New member
I know I know I know people will be tripping over themselves to nay say the use of a rife as a HD weapon. To them I say, duly noted.

When I was young my father kept a 03-A3 loaded with JHP hadloads for his house gun. He explained to me once that the rifle could be used as a very effective blunt instrument to beat an intruder and could accurately fire long distances. At no point was that 03-A3 used against a person invading our home but it did dispatch a good number of groundhogs, coyotes, wild dogs, and one wild pig. After his passing I foolishly sold that 03-A3. But for the last few years I lived on the family farm I kept a rifle of my choosing for the same purpose. A Colt AR-15.

The thing that most of the HD rifle nay sayers don't realize is the fact that many people don't live in some suburban cul de sac. The HD rifle serves a purpose against not just the two legged wrong doer but the many four legged pests that threaten live stock.

I live in a part of the country known for its massive marijuana production. Commonly these "farmers" plant their crops on other people's property. Stumbling onto their operation while walking on your own land can be a dangerous thing. I feel much better about my chances to convince them to relocate if I have a AR-15 in my hand rather than a handgun in a holster.
I'd still take the rifle even in a city... your 5.56 is still going through less wall than your buckshot. I also personally never liked the idea of a bunch of projectiles going out in a cone where there are more and more people densely packed into a living space.
I can't see something like a Ballistic Tip or hollow point 5.56 bullet being too terrible about over penetrating. Just don't load it with M855 and you should be fine.
223 loads, even fmj loads, penetrate LESS in common building material than most handgun loads, slugs or buckshot. A small carbine length AR makes more sense than a shotgun for HD purposes. With softpoint ammo they not only offer better performance, but recoil is far less. Around 5 ft lbs vs 25-30 ft lbs for a shotgun. That is 300 WM recoil levels.

I still prefer a handgun indoors however. There are too many situations where having a free hand is needed, and even a short barreled long gun is easier for an intruder to grab and attempt to take away. An AR is close by in case more firepower is needed though.
I've always been a fan of using a rifle like my AR-15 for HD. My reasonings...

More accuracy means more shots placed on target means less shots who knows where.

More accuracy also is a double edged sword. Shots placed can be more lethal or purposely less lethal depending on your encounter.

A rifle gives you just that bit more between you and your target due to barrel length.

More rounds available if need be.

Noise, muzzle flash, and smoke is greater from a rifle which in my opinion gives the tactical advantage if you're the type that fires warning shots.

I just have way more control over my AR-15 than any other of my guns and I know how it works inside and out day or night because I built it. I feel very comfortable with it in that type of situation and if something went wrong diagnosing it and fixing it would take a split second. My comfort with the rifle doesn't have much bearing in this thread but it's another reason why I use it for HD.
I have always gravitated to rifles for HD. I was raised with rifles, rifles were serious, shotguns were fun and pistols well they were just sort of there. (Dad was an old WWII Vet). I live in the country and sometimes a rifle is just the ticket for non 2 legged problems. I am fair at best with a handgun and my wife doesn't like the recoil of a shotgun and 14 years of familiarity with an M16 puts her at ease with my AR, plenty of extra shots if needed, easy to reload, plenty of power for most things, etc. etc. Not the best for every occasion but good enough at my house. Also known to hang over a door at my house, are a Ruger 10/22, a Marlin .22 WMR, a .30-30 Marlin, and during deer season my wifes .243 have all been in the "Place of Honor".
As this post has proven you will find plenty of support for using a rifle for hd, and as you stated not everyone lives in the crowded city. I do have neighbors but feel safer with 77gr otm loaded in my 14.5 ar15 than buckshot or handgun bullets. I do have a handgun on my side of the bed and an ar15 on my wifes so she can concentrate on the kids and dialing 911 while I assess the situation. Check out the "box of truth" website, many will be surprised the over penetration of commonly accepted hd calibers. Also like you said being able to dispatch 4 legged critters safely and quickly is a definite benefit of a high energy round.
Here's the results of a really good wall-penetration test (if you want to read the entire test, just use the tabs at the top left of the page):


This test proves what most people have learned by now: A self-defense .223 load will penetrate through standard wall material MUCH less than almost any self-defense handgun or shotgun load.
I think an AR-15 style rifle in 5.56/223 is a great HD weapon, whether you live in the city or out on the farm. It's what I've used for years (along with various and sundry shotguns and handguns), and I've so far (thankfully) only had to use it to dispatch 4 legged vermin. The AR platform is light, handy and handles naturally for me. It is a favorite.

Ive got a 9" barreled 300 blk out as my HD "rifle" configured as a pistol until the tax stamp comes in. Then its a suppressed SBR.

30 rounds of 220gn @ 1000 fps and ultra quite indoors. Easy to shoot fast and accurate.

What more could i need?
Willie's comment is why I regularly harp about "specify your scenario".

From the standpoint of harm by projectile, I could safely use a Ma Deuce for home defense. But I'm quite aware that few live in such a remote location. And since the occasional burro-train of Mexican Laughing Tobacco goes past my property, I tend to have serious defensive equipment on me or nearby.
Pot growing used to be very popular around here, at one time the state was second only to California in per capita busts. Last several years it has switched to Meth, and that crap is just plain scary. Whether you are a rifle guy, shotgun guy, or handgun guy, as long as you can use it well and even better know when to use it I say you would make a good neighbor. And having more than one option is a good idea.
I have several pistols available as well as a 12ga shotgun, but I also have a M1 Carbine by the bed too. IMHO the .30 Carbine is a pretty good blend of rifle and pistol.
In my current living situation ~
My HD rifle is a suppressed 7.62x39 that cycles 220-gr. subsonic ammunition.
I don't need hearing protection, and there is no flash to blind me.

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