HCI wants me to contribute!

Why don't you sign Sarah Brady up and make here a member of the NRA and then send her her membership packet using HCI's mail form. I'll bet that would realy burn HCI up :)
If they were kind enough to solicit your support with a postage paid return envelope, why not wrap it around a brick (or cinderblok for that matter). Suggest that it is a donation to their building fund (sic), or perhaps explain where they might shove said building supplies. They get to pay the postage, and golly, if it saves just one child from their flavor of stupidity (by depleting their funds), isn't it worth it?
As long as its really hairy ;)
Oh golly I'd love to get one as well, I'd mail'em about 80 used tire weights I have!

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
Send them a small stack of Monopoly money and inform them you sent the real thing to the NRA or GOA or whatever.

Without the 2nd Amendment,the Declaration of Independence is an old post card and the entire Constitution is just notes from a bridge club meeting.
Such great minds we have here.. Yep, the envelope is post paid and I've been looking around the house for something heavy that'll fit in it. Of course I'll have to add something
really intelligent in writing, like BITE ME!! or something similar ;)
Funny, got a NRA application the same day, strange huh? :D


[This message has been edited by longhair (edited October 13, 1999).]
I'd use whatever form they sent you for a target, then send it back to them. (At my range, you can walk over to the dirt pile and pick up a bunch of fired bullets to send as well)

Tell them you are a proud supporter of Handgun control (the "...firm grip with both hands, and squeeeeeeze" variety) and that you'd be glad to help them out, but you've already given X dollars (the money you spent on ammo, range fee, etc.) on the Handgun Control cause ;).
I'm with LoneStar! All kinda stuff was going through my mind, but using the request for target practice takes the cake here.

Just one of the Good Guys
Please tell me you're taping that SASE to a box of bricks. :)

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Gary, I'm working on something right now. I'm sorry to say it ain't a brick, but it'll be weighty. I like the idea of using the form for target practice and then sending it back, I'probably use that one. I'll update when the package is done. Thanks for the idea's. :D

Hi Everyone-

That idea of using the application form for target practice and mailing it back is priceless! LOL!

As an FYI, the United States Postal Service will not return items like bricks, cinder blocks, anvils, barbells, etc. attached to postage-paid envelopes. From what I have been told, this was enacted several years ago to prevent situations like the ones mentioned.

Just shove a "little extra weight" in there (pictures of butts, Monopoly money, targets, and so forth), they'll get the message loud and clear, plus the USPS won't think the RKBA proponents have gone bonkers!

The whole idea is that we want Sarah Brady & Company to continue to send us this junk so that we can continue with our psychological campaign against their outrageous, totalitarian notions. It must really fry them when they get a form with a nice, tight 2.00" grouping in the center!


~ Blue Jays ~