Hawaii Five-O; what guns did they carry?

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Breaks the heart of all Marines to know that one of our own, Jack Lord, was an anti-gunner who made his money with a gun in hand on TV.
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what guns did they have

Remember Clint Eastwood even made a silencer work on a model 29 in Dirty Harry, the mans a legend.
Jack Lord was very antigun even the show was antigun. They did one show where they showed a 25 caliber auto killing people and following it around to where it goes how it was killing people and being used. Jack Lord was no friend of gun owners. Jerry Lewis, Sammy Davis Jr were and are very pro gun. I stopped watching Hawaii 5-O after that show. In the show he used a S&W model 36 blue.
I agree. See he had a state permit but was absolutely against anyone else owning a gun. In that case I don't care if he was on TV with a rubber generic prop revolver. Probably could have just used what the prop man had in the top of the gun bucket that week. Hollywood hypocrites don't get far with me.
Hollywood type a hypocrite ????? I am shocked, shocked I tell you!!!!! Most of these " entertainment stars " are lost souls trying to find purpose and meaning for their empty BLING BLING lives. Why anyone would be swayed one way or the other on an issue because of what Brad Pitt, or Oprah say about that issue is curious indeed. Let's hope that more of these Hollywood " icons " are exposed for the idiots they are, and that more and more people are paying attention............
So Jack Lord, gungrabber, owned a gun. Figures. He was a hypocrite. It's my understanding that Sammy Davis Jr. was a bigtime gunowner. Evidently he was very fond of Colt revolvers from all eras.

Very easy to call a man names when you know nothing about him. A lot of ignoramuses on here. Sure, Jack Lord went on about being anti-guns, yet owned guns, and brandished them in everyone's faces despite claiming to be anti-gun. That makes a lot of sense.

You call him a hypocrite as though as that was something you knew about all along, and as though everyone else is an angel.

From what I read, all those guns were given to him - by Sammy, Elvis - and others. Jack didn't go out and buy them to use as protection. These were friends of his, and he didn't want to hurt their feelings by saying no, so he accepted them. I don't see anything hypocritical about that. He had to register them anyway, even if they weren't for use. Even if someone gives you a gun as a gift and all it's going to do is collect dust in your drawer, it still has to be registered, hence that state permit that Tom mentioned before.

Even if Jack owned some other guns as someone claimed when a magazine found old permits of his, maybe Jack bought them years before Five-O, when he may have had a different view on guns. People are entitled to change their minds about issues. Just because Jack took an anti-gun view or a gun control view, that doesn't mean he could never have owned a gun in his life before.

Being anti-gun and pro gun-control are similar, but not the same. I've seen both labels used to describe Jack, but which he really was I don't know or care. He wasn't using those guns, and they were sitting around in a display case in his apartment. Big deal. I've seen a lot of people label Jack and pass judgment on him like they're so much better, and it's one big joke that isn't even funny and never was.
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Lord was just like Stallone/Wallberg and other anti gun zealots who make their living using guns yet feel they should be the only people who should be able to own one. I forgot Feinstein, who has a carry permit. Can you say hypocrite? Book 'Em Danno!
I would guess you aren't a gun owner, sapphire. But I hope you come back and join in on the discussions.

There are a lot of good people on this board. :)
What’s the deal with resurrecting all these obscure seven year old Hawaii Five-O threads? This seems less about firearms and more just some Jack Lord apologist.
Beats me, but I'd still like to know how Jack Lord kept that shoulder rig on without a side strap...
What’s the deal with resurrecting all these obscure seven year old Hawaii Five-O threads? This seems less about firearms and more just some Jack Lord apologist.

Yep. Sapphire stumbles across a thread that is long dead, and feels compelled to defend the honor of an actor who was no friend of the 2A, also long dead. Sapphire a person who owns and carries guns while condemning others who do and advocating for legal prohibition, is by definition an hypocrite. That doesn't necessarily define his character though. Humans are complex creatures.
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