Have you shot one or more coyotes, past 100 yards?

shot a bunch passed those yardage.most with 223.22-250 but most i really like to turn them inside out with 25-06 love that vapor cloud.
Mine have been between 100 and 250 yards, but we don't have a lot of places where we encounter them at tremendous distances around here. Either brush, trees, or hills get in the way. I haven't shot many, probably 15 or so, but don't hunt them much, just shoot them on my walkabouts or when deer hunting.

The best shot I've made was on a running 'yote from a sitting position on a rock wall. He was 188 yards running dead away. Got him through the neck, killing him instantly, using a .243 Win, Rem 700, with a Leupold Vari-X 2, 3-9X.
I have killed a ton of coyote and fox and close range with a winchester 1300 xfull choke and federal premium 3inch #4 buck. Thats an honest 50 yard set up. Those copper plated pellets group very well. I have also shot a bunch mainly off a tractor with my .223 while working. I thinks its more fun up close and personal. My brother uses a bow.
I have never shot a coyote at less than about 70 yards.

I have had them jump, literally, from under my feet; but by the time I was able to get my sights on them, they were 75-100 yards out. ...Perfect situation for a shotgun, but I didn't have one (and, honestly, wasn't expecting coyotes).

100+ is the norm where I hunt.
The reason most of mine were close shots is because a good majority I never called in. I just waited in a good place near their regular path and shot them when they showed up. Nuisance coyotes can be quite predictable.
Out west that maybe true, in the thick woods in the east not quite the case. I can hunt for a week and not even hear a dog. They are very "wiley" thats for sure.