Have you shot one or more coyotes, past 100 yards?


New member
Have you shot one or more coyotes, past 100 yards?

I have a good patterning shotgun for coyotes, if they're inside 60 yards.
I also have a hard hitting rifle, that's good at or inside 100 yards. (Henry 44Mag w/Open sights)
I'm considering the purchase of a Savage in .243, for shots past 100 yards...if it can be justified.

How many of you have shot 1 or more coyotes, past 100 yards?

Can't help you on that one. If I call coyotes on purpose, I rarely see one. Stil learning that game.

On the other hand, I've killed near all the ones I've ever shot at, spring gobbler hunting, either coming to my call and/or dekes, or bumping into them as we both closed in on a gobbling bird (me to calling range, them to ambush).

So, at those distances, a 3" load of #5 or #6 has been plenty effective.

There was a time when bamaboy and I did a fair amount of calling, one of us with shotgun, the other with scoped rifle, swapping on the setups. But we never saw a dog.

Dang things are there....we're not good enough.....yet.
Try using a motion decoy and a Fox Pro electronic caller. The Fox Pro will get the calling sound(s) away from your location, so that you don't get spotted before you can locate them.

Plus, the motion decoy (MOJO Critter) will keep their attention off of you and give them something to associate with the calling sound. A coyote can locate a sound to within 10 feet, from 100 yards away.

If they hear a distress sound, respond to it and then that sound can be confirmed with a motion decoy, they usually will break from cover and come to the decoy/caller location...which should be 40 to 50 yards away from your location and upwind or to a crosswind from you, so if they get downwind of the decoy, they won't pick you off before coming to the decoy/caller. ;)

Even with this "trick" up my sleeve, sometimes they'll approach and leave from a distance. Especially, the older ones or ones that have been called before. :rolleyes:

Yes, I have.

The 243 will be a very good choice for longer range shooting of coyotes.

I have three different calibers I use, 223, 22-250 and the 243, the 243 is my caliber of choice for shots past 400 yards.
Longest coyote shot was 400 yards, with several in the 300 to 350 range. Most however seem to be in the 80 to 120 range. A couple of years ago I had a bunch of pigs out in the open early one morning, and I got two of them. It was still real early, so I just stayed put. And here come two coyotes. The big male went over to sniff a dead pig, and I dropped him ON top of the pig. Then got the second coyote. I wish I had more days like that.

Yes, get the 243.
Yes, bunches.

Most with a AR15 in .223, but many with a bolt in .223, a single shot in .22-250, and again bolt actions in .243 and .260. I have a few with my big game rifles, but those were targets of opportunity. Long to date is 780 yards with the .260. :D

I have a Mossberg MVP in .223 with a Burris 2-7 and a suppressor. I use it quite a bit out to 400 yards on small game and predators. The Savage in .243 would be a good choice if you want to go out past 300 or so, otherwise, .223 is plenty.

I use a decoy and a Bluetooth speaker controlled with my cell phone. Light and quick to set-up and beats the $400+ callers as well. Just remember to go to airplane mode. :eek:
I've taken a few coyotes with a .243 and a couple with a .270, all between 100 and 300 yards. Some were taken while hunting whitetails or mule deer (Missouri and Wyoming.) A .243 is excellent for coyotes.
I've shot lots of coyotes at ranges up to 550 yards(mostly 150-300) over the last 45 years. Two last week in fact- 1 @ 125 and 1@ 225. My first real coyote rifle was a 243. Worked fairly well under 350 yards. Modern design bullets would extend that now. 243 has a little more recoil than I like vs.the 22/250(my choice for general use coyote hunting).
I don't have much faith in shotguns beyond 25-30 yards.

No yotes but have reached out for woodchucks.

My go to is a Remmy #600 in .222 with a 52gr hp. Extremely accurate to 300yds.
Recently started using a TC Contender with a 21-inch barrel in .204 Ruger which sends a 32gr bullet out at 400 f/s. Explosive results so far at 200yds.
I've busted a lot of them at over a hundred yards, with a few being out at three hundred yards and more. These were generally coyotes spotted while driving, or walking while hunting other game.

By far and away though the greatest numbers I've killed were by calling, and at distances closer than a hundred yards, and often as close as ten yards. We've shot about as many with the shotguns as with rifles when calling.

The 243 is great, and what I started with, but if you're saving hides it's too much gun. Blows them up pretty bad. I've been using a 222 for years now, and it's been great; yeah it's got it's limitations in range, but I never feel undergunned within what I consider my own capable range. jd
I have never coyote hunted but I have killed around 10 or so cotoytes. Nearly all of them I killed while I was deer hunting in a blind, those were all shot within 30 yards with a .243 single shot shooting a 100 grain core lokt. The terminal damage and effects were very catastrophic to say the least.

However the last one that I killed was just about 2 months ago while I was hog hunting on a big hill in a very open area, this was in the evening and I had a small juvenile coyote come trotting out along a wooded creek bottom 280 yards away from me. I only had my AR in .300 Blackout and my Glock 20 10mm on me, so I popped him free handed standing with my .300 Blackout pushing a 130 grain Remington Hog Hammer bullet at 280 yards. I aimed a few inches above his neck, squeezed, and dropped him. I also had alot of help from my Bushnell 4-12 scope but I only have that gun sighted in dead on at 190 yards with a 110 grain bullet.

All of the other coyotes that I have killed have just been when I see them out in our cow pastures, all of them but 1 have been dropped with a .243 so it is an excellent round for them and getting a rifle for 100+ yard shots is very reasonable and for me would be down right necessary.
When it comes to shooting coyotes past 100 yards I've killed many, my longest shot was 647 yards.

That being said Dartman and the Neighbor hold the record as far as I know, I believe they killed one a little over 1800 yards.

If you get a chance look up some of their videos, they do some darn good long range coyote shooting.
I've seen videos of a hunter making pretty incredible coyote shots with a .243AI.

I can't remember the distances exactly, but you could watch the shock wave all the way to the yote