Have you ordered primers

Micro man

New member
I have read the many postings about the primer shortage and have experienced the same issues. I used to check 4 or 5 reloading sites daily to try and score some, but gave that practice up about 6 months ago due to having no luck.

On some recent postings here I got the impression folks were having a little luck finding primers. My question is in the last 3 months or so has anyone been able to order small pistol or rifle primers online?

If so I will have to go back to my daily routine.

Thanks for your input.
I live in rural Texas. My wife's BD was this week so we drove 2 hours to the big city of Dallas for a fancy meal and to let her shop. I had heard of a new sporting goods store called Scheels. So while we were there we drove to it. As soon as we walked in I saw a fella walking out with bullets and primers!!! I stopped him and ask where they were at in the store. I went straight to the area and before my eyes were stacks of every primer imaginable. They were behind lock and key and you had to ask for them. They would not sell bulk, but just the 100 primer packages. And each person were only allowed 300 a piece and two boxes of bullets. So me and my wife got 300 each and 4 boxes of ammo.
You need to be my friend and you get primers at close to what I paid several years ago . Last year I gave away a few thousand to a friend and yesterday I traded 2k primers to a friend for 500 - 44mag once fired cases . I will say this , if I keep doing this and primers stay hard to get . I’ll be in big trouble in a couple years :-/
The normal suppliers get shipments regularly.
I have seen primers available online a few times in the last month, or so.

I bought high priced primers.
As long as people keep paying stupid prices, the prices will remain stupid.
Overpaying is not the solution to the problem.
I used to check 4 or 5 reloading sites daily to try and score some, but gave that practice up

The problem is that these sites are plagued with unscrupulous vultures using bots to constantly monitor the offerings. They have multiple accounts set up using different credit cards and as soon as say, Midway for example, has large pistol primers for sale, the bots make the purchase.

And it's computer speaking to computer at 186,000 miles per second.

Even if I stumble upon the available primers at the same time as the vulture's computer, I can't type that fast. 186,000 miles per second.

Powder Valley sent out an email to its customers that they cancelled ~$30,000 in orders because they caught some vultures doing this. Now, PV has a "captcha" program to prevent computers from doing this.

AFAIK, no other web site does this.

We're not just fighting short supplies. We're fighting people who don't play fair.
Ive "loaned" out 5k of misc primers to close friends in need. Still got 90k in my stash. my fav lgs who stocks well with reloading supplies posted on FB they recieved 200 bricks of cci spps going on sale the following Saturday. My coworker waited for 2 hrs prior to opening, lined up in the parking lot , one brick limit, and paid $90 for the brick.
Very unfortunate there are some unscrupulous people attempting to make insane profits during this time.
The nearest big box store is a Cabela’s about an hour away, hate to drive there with no hope of finding primers. I have had luck with Scheels online getting some reloading components ( bullets and brass) but they won’t ship ammo or primers.

It’s good to know that there are some reloading supplies getting to loaders, so I guess I’ll start visiting the sites again on a daily basis.
Fortunately I am still ok on primers. The way I see it I can scrape by another year or so before I have to alter my shooting habits. It helps that I love my C&B revolvers and have plenty of lead, powder, and caps.
I found a 1000 small pistol primers at Cabelas for $65. I bought them and every time I look at them I kick myself in the rear in disgust for caving and paying that price.
Does that logic work for everything ? I can think of many that logic does not work , if you’re going to keep driving you can’t complain about gas prices ? Yes I can because CA has a “ summer” blend that cost more and a almost $.75 tax per gal but I guess because I still drive I have nothing to complain about :-/ Also doesn’t gas prices go up and down based on supply and demand just like primers have .
Metal god said:
Does that logic work for everything ? I can think of many that logic does not work , if you’re going to keep driving you can’t complain about gas prices ? Yes I can because CA has a “ summer” blend that cost more and a almost $.75 tax per gal but I guess because I still drive I have nothing to complain about :-/

Technically, the answer would be yes, but the context is when prices are exorbitantly high due to self-inflicted artificial demand.

The "scalpers" could not get these prices if people would not pay them, they would stop buying up the product the moment it hit the shelves, stock would return to normal and so would prices.

Regarding gas prices, yes, it would work there too... and it has before. When normal was $1.25-$1.50 and then skyrocketed to $4.00 (circa late 2007), demand dropped like a stone (People who could, stopped paying the price and/or world economic condition drove down demand) and prices eventually came back down. Gas is obviously a bit of a different animal (it's a commodity for one thing) but the basic principles of supply and demand almost always work to some degree.

The situation with firearms related supplies is completely self-inflicted. It's no different than toilet paper at the beginning of COVID, and just as stupid.
I recently purchased a case (5k) of Winchester SP for just under $200 shipped...site states 4-6 weeks ship date. Once they show up I'll post up here, as part of me says to good to be true and the other part, I'm good to go. Reviews on-line are are hit and miss with majority leaning toward hit...we'll see.
I recently purchased a case (5k) of Winchester SP for just under $200 shipped...site states 4-6 weeks ship date. Once they show up I'll post up here, as part of me says to good to be true and the other part, I'm good to go. Reviews on-line are are hit and miss with majority leaning toward hit...we'll see.

This just screams total scam. But like you said either you will get a case of primers or be out $200
Yep...I did a bunch of looking and as mentioned the reviews were mixed but leaned towards the positive with most complaining about the shipping, but also as mentioned the web site states 4-6 weeks...again we'll see