Have any of you hunted deer with a handgun?


New member
How many of you have taken deer with short barreled handguns? I'm talking something like an open sight 4'' revolver.

I have taken 3 whitetails 2 being 4x4's in the last 2 years. Here in Montana we usually have fairly open country so it is pretty much spot and stalk. Both bucks were killed with spine shots at around 80 yards. This year I took a doe at 130 as well.

The guns I used are a 4'' GP100 and a 4 3/4'' New Vaquero in .45 Colt

Has anyone else tried hunting deer this way?
I’ve killed five with the “Mrs. Archer”. It’s a GP-100 tapped for a Leopold pistol scope. Four were at 50-75 yards no problem easy. The fifth jumped up from a bed while I was walking to the stand, and I put one up his keister at about 25yds. The bullet rode all the way up the spine to just short of the shoulders and ruined one of the tenderloins (won’t take that shot again). 158gr lead flat points running about 1450 are enough to make them DRT.
Once with a 45 Colt 4 5/8" hand loaded 200 grain hollow point. After tracking it for a half mile I killed it with a 255 grain SWC by moon light. Both shots were in the ribs. This was a mule deer in Montana and I will never do it again, I respect the game to much to risk them for the "sport" of hunting with a hand gun.
As a matter of fact I only once wounded a deer I didn't retrieve. That was with a .270.
I have missed deer with handguns. Actually I do most of the time, but when I do hit I hit the spine. Don't know why, always have.
I used a 5-1/2" Ruger Redhawk 44 Mag on a little buck at about 10'. I also used a Colt Combat Commander 45ACP on a smallish pig at about 25'. Both worked as predicted.
I agree with knowing your limits, and seeking the ethical, quick kill. I find taking deer with a scoped .357 quite a bit easier than bow hunting. I’d take a shot with my deer pistol that I would not with my bow, which is newer 300+fps PSE. I run a walking course at a County Park that has targets out to 80 yards and stick them in a kill-zone sized area more than not, but still consider about 40 yds to be the effective range of my bow. I just took a big doe two weekends ago (already back from processor) at well under 30yds, and she didn’t move from where she fell. That .357 will knock them dead @ 100. You have to be able to hit the kill zone though. A .300 Win Mag will only wound a deer if you hit it wrong.
I am not much of a hunter but yes, I shot a whitetail deer a couple years ago with a 4" barreled S&W Model 29 using a heavy cast bullet.

Just like any other deer I have shot in Ohio, the shot was inside of 25 yards. The deer ran about 50 yards after a heart shot.
I have killed 3 deer with my Ruger Security-Six. Two white tail and a mule deer. All were shot in the neck at 35 to 50 yards with iron sites and a 140 grain JHP. Each of them dropped where they were shot.
Yes, several. DW Razorback 1911 in 10mm, S&W 610 10mm, S&W 657 .41 Mag, Encore .414 SuperMag and a Custom 1911 in .40 Super. Ranges from 7 yards to just over 100.
I have many many times, starting when I was 16 years old. I have killed White Tails, Mule deer, antelope, elk black bear and buffalo with handguns. I have used 44 magnum (the most) 45 ACP, 45 Colt, 44 special, 357 magnum and 454 Casull, and when I was a teen I also killed 2 mule deer with a Ruger old Army cap and ball revolver.

I have never used anything but iron sights on any of my handguns I hunt with. Other than doing "smooth and tune" jobs on the actions they have all been stock guns right down to the grips.
I came from rifle country, then moved to where only shotguns are allowed. This made no sense to me, so my "Deer Rifle" is a ruger SRH 44 mag with a 2-6x scope. I shoot silhouettes with it, so shots out to 100 yards would be OK with me. I only shot one deer with it, about 35 yards. She did a forward cartwheel and laid there. Bullet was a home cast 240 SWC.

Damage was plenty. No bigger gun needed.

I've only shot 2 deer with an iron sighted revolver, though mine has a longer barrel. The first was about 12 yards, and the other about 8. I'm sure the gun could stretch out quite a bit further, but that's just the way it happened.
No, thank God they don't let rear walk around carrying guns In y state!

Just kidding, but it would make things a little more interesting.

I have taken them with 45LC, .357 mag and .44 mag. All were clean kills from close range. Pretty quick kills.
I have many many times, starting when I was 16 years old. I have killed White Tails, Mule deer, antelope, elk black bear and buffalo with handguns. I have used 44 magnum (the most) 45 ACP, 45 Colt, 44 special, 357 magnum and 454 Casull, and when I was a teen I also killed 2 mule deer with a Ruger old Army cap and ball revolver.

I have never used anything but iron sights on any of my handguns I hunt with. Other than doing "smooth and tune" jobs on the actions they have all been stock guns right down to the grips.
Sounds about right. I'm just 17 now so I should have a few more years to rack up that many kills.
I don't get the idea of scopes on handguns either;)
I have only used Iron sights, but often the point of a scope is not to hit what you're shooting at, so much as it is to know what you are trying to hit.

Yes, BTW. With .44 mag, .44spl, and 9mm (once, very close) What part of "Montucky" are you hunting in?
Scope on the 44 Super Redhawk. I figured it could shoot far better than I and has enough horse power to do it.

Shoot hunter silhouettes with Irons and a Scope, tell me which score is better with a handgun. I always do better with scope. Shot a 37 out of 40 with that Ruger. That includes 10 rams @ 100 yards offhand.

It also helps tremendously as the sun sets compared to irons. Legal shooting time is 1/2 hour after sunset here. Its still light, but not a lot.

Then you probably haven’t tried one. Same as a rifle, you just need to get used to bringing it up to acquire the sight picture. Once your comfortable and you get that sight picture every time it will most definitely increase your effective range. I doubt I know anyone who could confidently hit a 5” target @ 100 yds using iron sights with a 5” sight radius.
Not successfully nor often. But I did try it a few times years ago, it just didn't appeal to me. I often carry a handgun when hunting, and I could see me taking a shot if one presented its self at close range.
Hunt? Yes..........

Yeah, I've hunted deer with a handgun.......but I've yet to kill one that way. When I take a pistol, deer fail to show. When I don't, which is most of the time these days, they go by at 30 ft. I better pull it off soon, as my eyes and handgun iron sights are not a good mix anymore. I see a red dot in my future.

When in my 20's-30 yrs, I groundhog hunted with .357 revolver quite a bit. Once the clover came up so that you could stalk and shoot pop up pigs, it was a lot of fun. I did pretty well with a 6" Dan Wesson, and then a 6" M27 Smith.

Nowadays, in my deer forays, if a heavy handgun is along (not often) it's either a Glock 20/10mm, or a S&W Mtn gun in .44.
1 doe.

44 "Colt" percussion. Maryland allows them, or at least did when i was younger, for black powder season. Thick woods. 20 yards. Was not a spine shot.
Oh and soft round ball.