Have any of you ever killed on suspicion of rabies?

Killing Possibly Rabid Animals

Our hunting club met with the area Game and Fish Biologist just today. He clearly and emphatically stated that on our lease, and anywhere else in the state, we should kill every fox, coon, bobcat, possum, coyote, skunk and other varmit we see. Because the fur market is dead they are overpopulating and rabies is only a small part of the problem. Turkey, quail and Canadian goose eggs and hatchlings as well as whitetail fawns are suffering huge losses because trapping is essentially a losing proposition.
He said to ignore all seasons, limits, etc as these are political and slow to change. He said no officer will challenge you unless you put your picture in the paper or try to illegally sell the pelts.
I know several enforcement officers who are not so practical minded, so I will be more than discreet.
Most of the enforcement officers I know have a serious attitude problem. They are very frustrated because the serious offenders and poachers are almost impossible to nab in these vast rural areas. One actually came to my house and informed me that he had investigated an illegal dumping situation on some public hunting land and had traced a credit card ticket he found in the trash to my credit card. He had determined that it was not me nor my wife who dumped the trash, but the real offender was in the military and had moved out of state and was therefore unavailable for arrest. He said he had enough evidence to charge ME (even though my wife signed the ticket). My other credit card charges even proved that both my wife and I were out of the country on a mission trip with a church group when the actual dumping occurred.
Here is the kicker. Because he had spent so much time and trouble on this case, he was going to issue ME a warning ticket. It would look bad at the office if he spent this much time and didn't get any results. And I should be grateful because he could write a real ticket and then I would have to get a lawyer and go to court or pay the fine and get points assesed against me toward losing my hunting rights!
He doesn't know how it happened, but I did even the score with him.
I think I got off the subject here. Sorry.
B. E.
4:16am Pennyslvania time:

As I am sitting here logged onto TFL, I hear the sound of a plastic trash can lid hitting the ground. I look just looked out the 2nd floor window of My home, with a flash light, and couldn't see what was out there. I went back and grabbed My Night Owl optics and low and behold I picked up a racoon in My neighbors trash can. If I walked out the back door of My home right now I would be within 3ft of that racoon. I'm starting to think Its time to move the trash cans away from the house.:eek:

First a fox then a racoon.
Bwana Earl,

It's jackasses like that wildlife officer on the trash dumping case that give all of them a bad name.

We had one like that here (he was possibly worse). His pride and joy stack of cleaned and planed cypress lumber got burned to the ground, he was hung upside down naked from a tree overnight and had to spend 3 or 4 days in the hospital recovering from that and the insect bites he suffered, and now from some of the talk I hear around here there are several people that have promised(not threatened but promised) that if they ever catch him in a position that will allow it he is dead meat.

Why? The same reasons .................... trumped up, groundless charges on innocent people that they eventually were fined for.

The pity of it is if I saw something happening as the whispers suggest I would not do a damn thing to stop it.

Now for the good part. There are many fine officers out there, and I know of some personally that have stopped the above mentioned jaclkass from pulling other stunts that were as bad or worse than the ones mentioned. We need more officers like those and less than the bad type.
YEs, once shot a raccoon that was walking around the woods at 9 AM in a sort-of-weird way and had flies buzzing around his head.
Never did know if he actually had anything.
One of the bad outcomes of PETA and others throwing paint on people who wear fur has been a depression in the price of fur with the result that not many people trap them now and their population has sky-rocketed. Increased Outbreaks of rabies should be a trend that follows.
Just once, a raccoon, kept sticking his head through fence and you can imagine how the dogs liked that at 2 in the morning... anyway, the stupid thing wouldn't even run from me & acted drunk. Needless to say, "wife bring the gun" & she did & I did!

We live in way out in the woods of AR., and while I hunt for deer and small "dinner" game I don't just shoot critters for the fun of it (Wife'y rule <Laugh>). BUT, (and this is a big "but") when they don't act right (natural), then I'm not taking any chances.
Havent had any problems (so far) this year. However, Arkansas is having a record number of Rabies cases around the state, so I'm loaded & ready. k
When I was in Europe, they had terrible problems with rabies. As a note, the game keepers were required to bury the critters at least 6 feet down. Idea was to prevent transmission to scavengers. Food for thought.
Interesting. If a carrion eater had some open sore or wound which could contact the saliva of a rabid carcass, I guess there could be transmission.

I was reading the other day that a buzzard's digestive juices are so powerful that no bug can survive.


swampgator, that is if you are Immmunized BEFORE! you are bitten!

I went thru it in 1998!

Day 1: about 20 shots in the butt! and arms!



Day 2 is the worst! Serum Sickness! Imagine the worst FLU EVER!


I exagerate NOTHING! here!

Fair Warning! Rabies treatment is STILL VERY! Painful!

when they don't act right

I had a girlfriend I should have "put down" on suspicion of rabies.;) She kept foaming at the mouth and walked around snorting and growling. Anyone else ever seen one of them?
Hmmm, SodaPop, sounds like my ex-wife.

All in all, sounds like a lotta guys' ex-wives. Which, of course, is why they're ex-.

:D, Art