Hate the candidates, what now?

the ever famous McCain-Kennedy-Bush attempted immigration bill
I still don't follow you there. My ancestors for the most part came over to avoid starving to death as a result of the British invasions of Scotland and Ireland and the corrupt puppet governments the Brits set up there. So how can I fault people who come here looking for work instead of starving in Mexico? Especially when three generations of leaders in the US have absolutely failed to deal with the kleptocracy which keeps driving them over the border? IMHO Mr. McCain is probably one of the most honest leaders we've had in the past 60 years who is able to look at the problem with some perspective. Respectfully I'd like to see the facts of your assertions please.
Respectfully I'd like to see the facts of your assertions please.

First, this has nothing to do with people wanting to better themselves. I am not faulting anyone, but the fact is we cannot give free support to everyone in the world that just wants to cross our borders. Nothing wrong with the normal path to citizenship, but the failed immigration bill just provided amnesty and a quick path to SS benefits not earned. It did this while holding border security hostage. In other words, the way to border security was to give into the give-away to illegals. Anyway, just do a search on the McCain Kennedy bill and you can read for about a week or so. Or better, just read post #30.

McCain is probably one of the most honest leaders we've had in the past 60 years who is able to look at the problem with some perspective.

If McCain was honest he would not be making ads saying he is a true conservative. He did not mind disregarding conservatives for years, now he wants to be President and will say anything.
Respectfully I'd like to see the facts of your assertions please.

Interesting points on McCain here:

Post #231

The issue of amnesty goes to the premise that Illegals will be rewarded with citizenship for entering illegally. So while MeekAndMild's relatives were starving to death and came here thru legal channels, would he like it if they were denied for next several years because the IMMIGRATION QUOTA was filled with ILLEGALS?

Second thought on amnesty. Are we proposing ILLEGALS step forward and pay some tax $3000 or so to become LEGAL? Again it seems like once again we want to pass laws for criminals to follow.
As a known arch conservative gun bunnie, I'm not a McCain fan and have pledged not to vote for him. That said, I find this recent anti-McCain hysteria on talk radio hilarious.

Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Coulter all knocking McCain and pushing "who"?...Romney. Romney, the governor of Massassbackwards and the very model of a modern RINO used-car salesman. These radio guys lost more credibility with conservatives over that than anything else I have seen.

Tell me when Fred and Hunter dropped out you didn't say to yourselves...there go the conservatives. These talking heads immediately switched to the RINO Romney... This is exactly the reason that Air America failed - they were not honest with their audience.

Conservatives are not lemmings marching in lockstep. We don't need a memo to tell that when someone is pissing down our backs - it ain't raining. The social conservative Huckabee Christ'ers aren't listening to talk-radio on this, and if I am any example, a lot of policy and fiscal conservatives are not also - I wonder who is?
I am so amazed by Bush's "true conservative statement" that I just want to add one more comment.


Since when did Bush become a model for conservatives that he can bless another candidate with the mantle of "true conservative"? For many conservatives, Bush's blessing will lose votes for McCain rather than add votes. I think maybe Bush should have looked at his own approval ratings with conservatives before he jumped, but thinking first was never his strong suit anyway.
bjbarron, when it was clear that Thompson would not be in the running, it was then that I began to think I would not vote for any of the remaining candidates.

I'm going to vote for Hillary in Wisconsin's 2/19 primary. It's not a vote for McCain, it's a vote against Obama. Hillary should be easier to defeat than Obama.

I've held a theory for many months that the Republicans didn't field better candidates because the party didn't want to waste good candidates on an election they won't win. I just don't see a Republican--any Republican--winning this year.
I've held a theory for many months that the Republicans didn't field better candidates because the party didn't want to waste good candidates on an election they won't win. I just don't see a Republican--any Republican--winning this year.

Yes your theory makes some sense. Personally I don't see any Republican winning a national office in a long time. You can thank your Bush for that.